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XP Log

Player: Fibil

!!Description: 5'11, 170 lbs. Brown hair with hazel eyes, Benjamin is just another moderately attractive face in the crowd. Very little about him sticks out except for the fact that he always carries a backpack with him wherever he goes and no matter what he wears it will have pockets.

'Obvious Details':
Always carries a backpack and wears sunglasses in public to hide the fact he has one emerald green eye and the other is topaz yellow.

'Less Than Obvious Details':
Veil +2
Status 3
A set of blue and black claw marks down his back from a spirit attack
Very low alcohol tolerance.
Often has various runes drawn on his body in places that aren't easily seen.

1) Eiditic Memory - nothing too special here, just able to remember anything he wants
2) Languages - Gaelic, Old Norse

1) Devil's Mark - He has a blue and black set of clawmarks across his back where one of his first forays into the supernatural world, with the help of a Hollower, went terribly wrong and he was attacked by a spirit.
2) Otherworldy Taint - He has one Emerald Green eye and one Topaz Yellow eye which are the phsycial signs of his Awakening, though he normally hides this with sunglasses or contacts.
3) Bad Liar - Due to his Avatar's Essence he finds the truth much easier to speak than lying
4) Criminal Record - Multiple counts of loitering and criminal trespassing due to him being where he shouldn't in his quest for the True Language.
5) Low Alcohol Tolerance - As stated. He can't have just one beer without getting a buzz.

Banality Score: 5

pc/benjamin_stolkum.1602955586.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/Oct/17 17:26 by