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Beatrix Langdon

Player: Zechstein


Beatrix is a young, Caucasian woman in her late teens. Her natural hair colour is blonde, but it's usually hard to tell under all the grime and faded hair dyes. Her eyes are green and her skin is tanned from constant exposure to the sun.

She usually wears cargo pants and a washed out t-shirt. A jacket that is about two sizes too large, a ratty backpack, and worn boots complete the ensemble. It is obvious to even the most casual observer that she lives on the streets.


Beatrix is very opinionated, and tends to speak her mind unless there is a compelling reason for her to keep silent. She will always try to see both sides of an argument, but like all werewolves she has a temper and only a limited tolerance for bullshit.

Obvious Details:

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Banality Score:

pc/beatrix_splits-the-difference.1666538191.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/Oct/23 15:16 by grandt0ast33