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Asturias / Enrico Asturias (goes by “Asturias” professionally)

Player: Generalissimo


Date Of Birth: 1998 Anno Domini (24 years old)

Height: 5’3 Hair: Black Skin: (lighter) Brown Eyes: Brown A thin famed male on slightly on shorter side; might otherwise can be described as “Plain.” Straight haired; with preference of keeping hair short.

Casualwear in Florida consists of khaki shorts and button down shirt with a steel toed hiking shoe. Arcanum Formalwear consisting of “academic” Tweed suit; but also with fancier steel toed hiking shoe.


Asturias is a recovering egoist. 2020’s gaming overreach was EXTREMELY humbling. In his internal dialogues and inner voice it will occasionally slip. Unconsciously struggling with overcoming it; with constant risk of backsliding Remains a bit of a Gamer (and Gambler). . . . . . and still willing to play whenever (safe) opportunity presents itself. REAL passion, however, comes in exploring what Arcanum calls The Shadows. Asturias, however, might call it spectacular and exceptional.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

pc/asturias.1660505585.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/Aug/14 19:33 by shalassa