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Player: GrandToast

Alkaline Meadows - The Dragon Troll - Sword of the Council - Captain of the Guard of Duchess Hervor Vivian Garcia


Human Form:
To those unable to see past the mists Alkaline looks like a well-dressed Viking on most days. With golden-haired flowing hair and a great golden beard, but also carried around a pair of sunglasses to hide his dragon eyes that pierce the mists.

Appearance: 3

Changeling Eyes

Fae Mein:
In his Fae Mein Alkaline appears as a scaley blue-skinned dragonic humanoid with great golden horns that glitter in the light. While often calm and stoic on the rare chance, he has been angered these scales ignite into pure flame though no harm is done on people.

Chimerical Disability (Scarred left eye)

Granite Skin

Murderous Mein

Status 1 [Sword of the council]

Crossroads Membership: Veteran


Beneath the scaly skin of an otherwise stoic and hard to anger troll Alkaline's old arrogant and cocky self still exists. Despite this, his loyalty to his family and the council remains true to his heart. As well as his wandering eyes when it comes to all things gold.

However, when his family is in danger or his friends are on the line… then you will witness the quiet rage of the gentle dragon when those he treasures dearly are put in danger.


Mary Meadows
Alkaline's wife and matriach of the Meadows clan. She bound by the Oath of True Loves to her lucky husand. She is a pretty troll just like her husband and a former lodge mother from Miami who knows when to take up a blade but also provide a warming smile and wise words of care when needed.

Allison Meadows
Allison's and Mary's troublesome but adorable daughter. Always looking for an adventure or someone to protect with her rapier and she seems to love dragons despite her father's past and she is never far from either Alkaline or Mary unless something takes her off the path.

Alijah and Alexis Meadows
The two newest additions to the family. They're larger than average babies born on the 3rd of April.


This Chimeral great axe was bought by Alkaline during a strange incident when he first arrived at Starke where he ended up stealing gold from a rich Boggan and buying this strange axe from a goblin merchant. With no memory of how he got it. Now it's become his signature weapon, bringing down the “Thunder” on those who dare strike at his family or his horde.

“Duel worlded slayer”
A more recent addition to the Troll's arsenal. This axe exists in both the Chimerial and Autumn world. Contained within the handle is a hidden knife he can draw out in case of an emergency where he can't use said axe.

pc/alkaline_meadows.1630622282.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Sep/02 22:38 by grandt0ast33