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Player: TheWelshToast


Nobody quite knows what “2X” looks like beneath the computerized mask and long leather trenchcoat. Some say they are a Nosferatu, some say they are a burn victim, but they let people indulge in their fantasies. After all, it would be quite the boring Dance of Death if people were not allowed to have some rumours and creativity.\


2X often speaks through a monotone computer voice but her general demeanour conveys more a fun-loving hacker than a ruthless online scammer. They enjoy the fear people have of them as they are quite silly to be afraid of someone like them. After all, she just knows most things about them before they know anything about them.

They are loyal to the Camarilla and the Pyramid. For it was Camarilla who recognised their computer abilities.

They pay those of the order of Hermes no mind, unlike most Tremere, viewing them as a shell of their past selves more concerned with reclaiming their history them being truly threatening to the Pyramid or Camerilla but speaks openly of their fears of the Technocracy and a potential war with the Technomacers who dominate the world.

Obvious Details:

2X is adorned in a leather trenchcoat garb with a strange mask.

Less Than Obvious Details:

Nothing is truly obvious or stands out about 2X. Other than the mask that's adorned with multiple screens that display their emotions for them.

Banality Score:

pc/2x.1641990709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/Jan/12 12:31 by grandt0ast33