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Character Name: Elanor (the shining light)
Concept: Young priestess who became a magician and one of the Chosens of the Goddess of Love.
Race: Human.
Patron: Epithymia.

Backstory: Winifred was the youngest daughter of a noble human family. She was destined like two of her sisters to become a priestess of Destru. But despite her genuine respect of the Divine, her nature rebelled against this fate. She wanted to travel the world, learn about new cultures and help people. But she didn't want to make her family sad, so for the longest time, she swallowed back her dreams and did what was expected of her. Until an Elf named Edric entered her life. He was not noble but his family was extremely wealthy. He came to Winfred's family estate to sell them rare books. It was love at first sight. Everybody could tell. Especially Winifred's parents who refused to even consider this option. Winifred was supposed to remain a pure virgin maiden and Edric was neither human nor of noble blood. They didn't obtain anymore support from Edric's family side. Winifred was no elf and even if she was the daughter of a noble man, Winifred's family was not as wealthy as Edric's. They were confronted to one of the toughest choices: their families or their love. They chose the latter, left their former lieves behind even changed their names and eloped together. Winifred, who Edric renamed Elanor (the shining light) and Edric, who Winifred renamed Anwel (the loved one) became Epithymia's two Chosen ones. The Lovers. Elanor is now know for being a beautiful woman, very wise, a great archer and a talented Divine Magician.
Personality: While Winifred was rather introverted and soft spoken, Elanor never hesitates to speak her mind. Love made Elanor eloquent, confident and convincing. She's very knowledgeable and kind-hearted, and she usually prefers to think a problem through before jumping into action. She places her love for Anwel above anything else, including her worship for the Goddess Epithymia, but the Goddess wouldn't have it any other way.
Decription: She's thin and on the tall side for a human woman with long dark hair that hide the top part of her ears and emeral grin eyes, and a light complexion. She usually manages to pass convincingly for an elf woman when standing alongside Anwel.

Willpower: 3
Willpoints: 6


Racial Modifiers: +1 to a statistic of your choice = Intelligence. One free T1 refinement OR Two untethered spell components at character creation.

Physical Statistics:

Strength: 1
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 2
Toughness: 2

Mental Statistics:

Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 4
Charisma: 4
Wits: 1

Combined Statistics Rolls(CSR):

Athletics(Str+Dex): 5
Constitution(Sta+Tuf): 4
Initiative(Int-OR-Wis+Dex): 7 or 5
Alertness(Int+Wis): 4
Spellcraft(Complexity+Casting Stat): Complexity is 3

Physical Skillsets


Melee Skillset Ranks: 0



Ranged Skillset Ranks: 2



Defender Skillset Ranks: 1



Stealth Skillset Ranks: 1


Recommendations, delete after use:

Ranged: You want to get 2 things for refinements in ranged.

A static bonus for bows, to help your rolls.
And the following action option refinement from your last character

Tail Rip
Tier 1 Specialized Knowledge Refinement
This refinement allows the user to rip the fletching from an arrow, generally with their teeth as they draw arrows from a quiver, and fire two arrows at adjacent targets. Making a single roll that is opposed by both adjacent targets. Otherwise the attacks are resolved as normal.


You need to pick an armor type, which is most likely light armor cause you're an archer and caster.

As for refinements, a static bonus refinement that improves your defender rolls while wearing light armor is good too.


For this, I'd go with a static bonus refinement for light armor just like defender. Just to help bump your rolls up a little bit on average.

Magical Skillsets

Arcane Magic

Arcane Magic Skill Ranks: 0


Divine Magic

Divine Magic Skill Ranks: 2


Buffing Magic

Buffing Magic Skill Ranks: 0


Debuffing Magic

Debuffing Magic Skill Ranks: 1


Recommendations, delete after use:

Same as with J, you need to get your component list sorted out. You get self, bolt, and touch for free, as well as Heal and neutralize poison from divine, and then daze and sap from debuffing.

After that you get to pick 6 components from the lists of your choice to add to the ones above.

For Refinements, on Debuffing I would go with the following.

Hex Arrows
Tier 1 Specialized Knowledge Refinement
This specialized form of magic allows the user to imbue disruptive magics into their arrows, delivering spells through archery. To use this refinement the character must specially prepare arrows by working a drop of their own blood into the arrow's bindings or wooden shaft. Once prepared, the arrow becomes capable of holding a spell with a complexity no greater than 3 that is based on the touch component. The user may have a number of arrows prepared equal to their complexity at any one time. Preparing an arrow takes 3 ap in combat, or about ten seconds outside of combat.

This will let you blend your archery and magic like the last character.

From there, your refinements should be selected carefully. You have 2 divine refinements, and I suggest getting flame as a component. So that you can reduce it's complexity value with an efficiency refinement from your divine magic ranks. This would reduce the complexity of flame from 2, to 1, allowing you to both cast the spell, and deliver the flaming arrow in a single turn. As shooting the bow costs 3 ap, and the spell, when modified by the efficiency refinement, would cost 2. Which would use all 5 of your AP.

As for the last one. That is a tough one. Reducing the cost of the heal component would be good. But a half dozen other components would be good with reduced cost too. So it's up to you.

Internal Skillsets


Expert Skillset Ranks: 0



Bureaucrat Skillset Ranks: 0



Scholar Skillset Ranks: 1



Craft Skillset Ranks: 2


Recommendations, delete after use:

Ok for these skills it's a bit different. Expert, Bureaucrat, and Scholar come with something called 'fields of study'. Kind of like specs from WoD. Save that they gate things. Having a spec lets you make the roll, not having it prevents a roll.

You get 2 fields of study for your first point in scholar. I would recommend Ecclesiarch and Cult Knowledge. Lets you make rolls pertaining to the gods, and the dark cults.

As for your refinement. A static bonus refinement pertaining to one of your fields of study would be a good idea.

Craft is a bit different. You get something called Domains instead of fields of study.

2 for the first dot, 1 for each dot after. So you'll have 3.

I would recommend fletching, woodworking, and leatherworking. Lets you cover all the bases with bows and arrows.

As for refinements. You really have to read the craft section to get how it works. Cause craft is a bit more complex than the other skillsets.


Divine conduit 1
Funding 1 (goddess Epithymia)
Lineage 1 (noble human)
Pet 2 (Owl)
Wealth 1
Souce 1
Touched by the Divine 1

Weapons: 2

Base Damage:

Base Damage:


Current Wounds:
Defensive Roll Bonus:


Current Wounds:
Defensive Roll Bonus:

Casting Implements:









Flaw of Fate

Romeo & Juliet. They changed names and eloped to escape their Fates and be together.

exarch/miara-sheet.1645803142.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/Feb/25 15:32 by glyff