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Character Name: Adara Moonblade
Concept: Mystic Archer
Race: Elf
Patron: Sek

Backstory: Born the youngest daughter of the Arborlight clan, Adara was destined to be married off to another noble to sate the endless political maneuvering of the elven high houses. That all changed when Sek came to their house, looking for a champion. The house presented all of its male heirs to her, but she dismissed them, making a straight line for Adara, who became the champion of the goddess of secrets. From that point forward her fate was her own, and soon after she married of her own accord, to Tavilon of the house of Moonblade.
Personality: Calm, kind, and quiet. Adara is someone you can confide in. This is why Sek chose her, she keeps secrets, and is empathetic and understanding. Secret knowledge is her power, and she has amassed much of it in her short time as an Exarch.
Decription: Thin, lithe, and easy to miss, like most of Sek's champions.

Wounds: 11 (6 base + 5 leather armor)
Willpoints: 6


Racial Modifiers:
Elf +1 Dex +1 Int, Max 5 Strength and Stamina

Physical Statistics:

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 2
Toughness: 3

Mental Statistics:

Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 1
Charisma: 1
Will: 3

Combined Statistics Rolls(CSR):

Athletics(Str+Dex): 6
Constitution(Sta+Tuf): 5
Initiative(Int-OR-Wis+Dex): 7
Alertness(Int+Wis): 4
Spellcraft(Complexity+Casting Stat): 6

Physical Skillsets


Melee Skillset Ranks:



Ranged Skillset Ranks: 3


Elven Archery
Tier 1 Static Bonus Refinement
This refinement provides a +5 bonus to any roll made with an Elven Longbow

Tail Rip
Tier 1 Specialized Knowledge Refinement
This refinement allows the user to rip the fletching from an arrow, generally with their teeth as they draw arrows from a quiver, and fire two arrows at adjacent targets. Making a single roll that is opposed by both adjacent targets. Otherwise the attacks are resolved as normal.

Tier 1 Action Option Refinement
This refinement allows the user to make ranged attacks that hamper foes, pinning them to nearby objects or otherwise preventing them from acting. Make a ranged attack with Dex + Ranged, opposed by an athletics check or a dex + defender check to avoid. If you succeed, the target loses 1AP + 1AP for every 10 you won the roll by on it's next action as it must first spend AP to free itself.


Defender Skillset Ranks: 1


Armor Types: Light

Leather Armor Training
Tier 1 Static Bonus Refinement
This refinement provides a +5 bonus in defender rolls when wearing light armor.


Stealth Skillset Ranks: 2


Tier 1 Static Bonus Refinement
This refinement provides a +5 bonus to stealth checks when following a target

Tier 1 Action Option Refinement
5AP This refinement allows the user to make a single attack from a position of stealth, immediately making a stealth test afterwards with a -10 penalty. If the stealth test is successful, the target and nearby targets are left uncertain where the shot came from.

Magical Skillsets

Arcane Magic

Arcane Magic Skill Ranks: 2


Arcane Shot
Tier 1 Specialized Knowledge Refinement
A hidden Technique of the Arborlight clan, this refinement allows the user to carve small, highly specialized runes into the heads of their arrows, empowering them with magic which is then delivered to those struck by the arrow. Such arrows must be prepared ahead of time and each arrow takes roughly ten minutes to prepare. Once prepared the arrow must be empowered by casting a spell into it. This spell must be based on the touch component. When the arrow strikes its target the spell triggers from the rune. This is an exception to the normal incompatibility of the rune component with other basic components.

Improved Cryomancy
Tier 1 Efficiency Refinement
This refinement reduces the complexity rating of the frost component by 1, to a minimum of 1

Divine Magic

Divine Magic Skill Ranks:


Buffing Magic

Buffing Magic Skill Ranks:


Debuffing Magic

Debuffing Magic Skill Ranks: 2


Improved Entropomancy
Tier 1 Efficiency Refinement
This refinement reduces the complexity rating of the sap component by 1, to a minimum of 1.

Improved Occlusion
Tier 1 Efficiency Refinement
This refinement reduces the complexity rating of the Blind component by 1, to a minimum of 1.

Complexity rating: 3
Spellcraft rating: 6

Known Components:

Basic Components:
Bolt - 1
Self - 0
Touch - 1
Area - 2
Rune - 2

Untethered Components:

Smoke - 1
Sound - 2

Tethered Components:

Sap - 1
Daze - 1
Blind - 1
Analyze - 2
Trick - 1
Frost - 1
Shield - 2

Internal Skillsets


Expert Skillset Ranks:



Bureaucrat Skillset Ranks:



Scholar Skillset Ranks:



Craft Skillset Ranks:





Elven Longbow
Base Damage: 3

Base Damage: 2


Leather Armor
Current Wounds: 5
Defensive Roll Bonus: +5


Current Wounds:
Defensive Roll Bonus:

Casting Implements:









Flaw of Fate


Aspects of Will

Aspect of Inheritance
The Archer

When this aspect is manifest the character gains +1 die on all rolls pertaining to the Ranged skillset. Additionally the character may reroll ANY die that ands on a 1.

Aspect of Ascendance
The Acrobat

When this aspect is manifest the character gains +1 die on any rolls pertaining to the Dexterity Statistic. Additionally the character may reroll ANY die that lands on a 1 or a 2.

Aspect of Divinity
The Chosen of Sek, goddess of Secrets. (Stamina and Intelligence, Arcane Magic and Scholarship)

When this aspect is manifest the character gains +1 die on any rolls pertaining to the Stamina and Intelligence Statistics or to the Arcane Magic and Scholarship skillsets. This includes spellcasting rolls. Additionally the character may reroll ANY die that lands on a 1 a 2 or a 3.

exarch/adara.1631973755.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/Sep/18 14:02 by glyff