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Seanna Rose


Nature: Survivor - - Demeanor: Eye of the storm
Character Type: Vampire - - Concept: Child of War
Player Name: Seanna - - Sect: Camarilla
Sire: Ulysses Archimedes Iverson - - Clan: Brujah


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma 1 Perception 3
Dexterity 4 Manipulation 1 Intelligence 1
Stamina 4 Appearance 4 Wits 4


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 3 Animal Ken 0 Academics 0
Athletics 1 Crafts 0 Computers 0
Awareness 2 Drive 1 Cosmology 0
Brawl 2 Etiquette 0 Finance 0
Empathy 0 Firearms 3 Investigation 3
Expression 0 Melee 3 Law 0
Intimidation 3 Performance 0 Medicine 0
Leadership 0 Stealth 1 Occult 2
Streetwise 2 Survival 1 Politics 0
Subterfuge 1 Technology 0 Science 0
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 0 Divination 0 Thanatology 0
Meditation 0 Enigmas 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifters 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


5 - Ghouls Killian Locke and Jasrick Udmire Killian - Celerity Large size Jasrick - Potence

2 Resources


Enchanting voice (2) Daredevil (3) Iron Will (3)


Permanent Fangs (-3) Old Flame (-2) - Can be Ulysses or another vampire of choice Repelled by crosses (-3)


Willpower: 5 / 5
Blood Pool: 10 / 10

Conscience: 3
Self-Control: 2
Courage: 5


Presence (Primary) Potence (Secondary)


Physical Description:
Naturally a redhead, she dyes the lower section of her hair Black and the upper half bright red. She tends to wear semi revealing clothing that show off her hourglass figure. Snake bites on her lower lip. Grey eyes and half of her body is covered in intricate tattoos. Sea does actively shave her eyebrows and stencils them in black so it's more difficult to obtain her origin.

Primal, she acts before thinking and does whatever she desires. Dominating presence. She appreciates a good wit and strength in arms. Finicky by nature she may be interested one moment and forget you the next. Paranoid about the intentions of others, but will approach with confidence. Lack of care for her personal safety if it means completing a mission or keeping her freedom. Holds herself to a higher standard of honesty, believing only the weak need to lie from shame of their decisions and unable to deal with the consequences. Seanna will rock your world or destroy it at her whim, be prepared for backlash if you believe her to be meek.

Born in 1919, Sea grew up in Crete with her parents and 2 siblings. An uneventful life, her tomboy and anarchistic behavior was beyond her time and often landed her into trouble for not being Ladylike. Despite her family, she often dressed as a male to play poker and rough house until she started developing physically during WW2. Her younger brothers joined the war, her parents tried to tame the redhead to marry and continue the family line should the worst come to pass. Little did they know how quickly that’d occur.

Before her betrothed was able to take her down the alter to her chagrin, they were invaded by Italy on the side of Nazis. Through the ensuing chaos, Sea didn’t take cover nor followed the other women and children that were attempted to be rushed to safety. Donning instead suspenders, a loose coat, and Mylonas M1872 rifle from a fallen soldier in the thick of the night. Firing into anyone wearing the uniform of her enemy with a glee that’d rival any monster of the night, which obviously pulled the attention of one that happened to be Crete that evening.

It was well after midnight when she ran out of ammo and was taken by surprise from behind. She wasn’t a sniper nor had formal training, the glee in their eyes when they realized they’d stabbed a woman would have sealed her mortal fate if not for Ulysses Archimedes Iverson. Seeming to protect the woman as she bled out to nearly unconsciousness below him until the lad was able to take her from her would be tomb.

Sea couldn’t recall what happened next outside of waking and feasting on Ulysses arm. Her wounds miraculously healed, she traded a groom for a Sire. He kept her by his side, teaching her enough to survive her change into Kindred while binding her to himself. They fought through the invasion while he nursed the beast within her into action, but with an end goal in mind. Trying to keep her already chaotic nature in check with more to mind than just giving into the beast she seemed all too eager to accept. Remaining in Greece even through the civil war, Ulysses suddenly vanished one day afterwards without a word. Uly wasn’t a flake, so she feared the worst. Knowing how they met moving through the world at first from war to war in hopes to locate him until around the 1960s when the mafia became the more refined war on everyday streets.

She knew her tactics needed to change, not exactly book smart, she was lucky enough to come into the United States through New York. Running into the Camarilla and more of her clan who helped her understand in more detail the world in which she found herself. Giving the loose cannon a bit more purpose to her aimlessness and keep Uly from her mind for now. She found Killian Locke in 1975 working for the Luchesse family. His James Bond like attitude 2 decades before the series was even in production is what lead to her first ghoul. Both of which fought from New York to any other country the Prince loaned them to for boons to call in later.

Jasrick Udmire was the Second in 2019 when both Killian and Sea realized they needed more up to date weapons and knowledge to assist in fighting the Sabbat or any other supernatural on behalf of the Camilla or just because it sounded like fun to shake things up. One occurrence displeasing the New York Prince enough the trio had to flee in 2021, (purposefully riling up the Werewolves in Newfane park). Instead of moving to another country, the lass set up shop in Florida where she plans to meet up with the Prince here and offer her services should she need them.

If not, just announce she was here and pave her own way. Sea never was one to be held for long.

7 freebies went in backgrounds. I'm not certain if the 15 that are normally given as XP suffice

There is a likelihood I'm doing this wrong

Front Page Markup

Seanna Rose

Player: Seanna


Naturally a redhead, she dyes the lower section of her hair Black and the upper half bright red. She tends to wear semi revealing clothing that show off her hourglass figure. Snake bites on her lower lip. Grey eyes and half of her body is covered in intricate tattoos. Sea does actively shave her eyebrows and stencils them in black so it's more difficult to obtain her origin.


Primal, she acts before thinking and does whatever she desires. Dominating presence. She appreciates a good wit and strength in arms. Finicky by nature she may be interested one moment and forget you the next. Paranoid about the intentions of others, but will approach with confidence. Lack of care for her personal safety if it means completing a mission or keeping her freedom. Holds herself to a higher standard of honesty, believing only the weak need to lie from shame of their decisions and unable to deal with the consequences. Seanna will rock your world or destroy it at her whim, be prepared for backlash if you believe her to be meek.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


XP Entry Form


Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:
This is a sentence.\\ This is another sentence.

XP Purchase Form


Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:
This is a sentence.\\ This is another sentence.

Experience Tracking

(NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in Discord Channel: XP Log Support.)

Total Current Monthly Cap 1)

XP Gain Log

Date XP XP Type Scene Notes

XP Purchase Log

Monthly Discount Cap: 2)0/15
Approval Date Completion Date XP Purchased Discount? Notes

Current XP Requests

(NOTE: End each line with \\ as just hitting Enter will not work.)

1) , 2)
You will need to manually keep track of this.
app/output/seanna_rose_sheet.1703066168.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/Dec/20 09:56 by