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Philomenus Huck

Front Page
XP Log

Character Type: Demon
Nature: Watcher Demeanor: Trickster
Player Name: Karsten/ Apocolototh Concept: Little shop of wonders
Celestial Name: Menos Faction: Faustian
House: Neberu Visage: Nedu(portals)


Physical Social Mental
Strength 1 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 4 Manipulation 4 Intelligence 1
Stamina 3 Appearance 3 Wits 2

Attribute Specialties:
manipuation: convincing

dexterity: coordinated


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 0 Animal Ken 0 Academics 1
Art 0 Crafts 0 Belief Systems 0
Athletics 2 Drive 0 Computers 0
Awareness 2 Etiquette 1 Enigmas 0
Brawl 0 Firearms 0 Finance 1
Empathy 1 Larceny 2 Investigation 2
Expression 2 Martial Arts 0 Law 0
Intimidation 1 Melee 2 Medicine 0
Intuition 2 Performance 1 Occult 2
Leadership 0 Stealth 2 Politics 0
Streetwise 0 Survival 0 Research 0
Subterfuge 0 Technology 1 Science 0
Secondary Abilities
Carousing 1 0 0
Homiletics 4 0 0
0 0 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Reborn 0
Shapeshifter 0
Spirits 0
The Hunt 0
Undead 0

Ability Specialties:
homieletics: uplifting talks

performance: storytelling


Allies: 2
Ressources: 3
Pacts: 2
Legacy: 2
Contacts: 2
Paragon: 1

Merits and Flaws


angelic gaze: 1
trivia champ:2
good listener 1


addiction(caffeine) 1
compulsion(salesman) 1
attention deficit disorder 2
overconfident 1
eccentric appearance(colored suits) 1
low alcohol tolerance 1


Temporary Permanent
Willpower 5 5
Faith 3 3
Torment 0 3


Conscience 2
Conviction 3
Courage 1


Common Lores Lore of the Fundament 0
Lore of Humanity 0
Namaru Lores Lore of the Celestials 0
Lore of Flame 0
Lore of Radiance 0
Asharu Lores Lore of Awakening 0
Lore of the Firmament 0
Lore of the Winds 0
Annunaki Lores Lore of the Earth 0
Lore of Paths 0
Lore of the Forge 0
Neberu Lores Lore of Patterns 1
Lore of Portals 3
Lore of Light 0
Lammasu Lores Lore of Longing 0
Lore of Storms 0
Lore of Transfiguration 0
Rabisu Lores Lore of the Beast 0
Lore of the Wild 0
Lore of the Flesh 0
Halaku Lores Lore of Death 0
Lore of the Spirit 0
Lore of the Realms 0



Apocalyptic Form

Low-Torment Abilities:
pass without trace, enhanced perception,increased awareness,increased awareness, wings(swan)

High-Torment Abilities:
cloak of shadows, improved initiative,enhanced dodge, cast no reflection


Physical Description:
contagious smile, grandeur in his gestures(maybe a bit too much actually), always seems eerily focused on you when talking, Wavy hair reminicent of a sheep, dark-ish skin color, not clear if weathered or natural. piercing green eyes, always seeming a bit brighter than they should be.

Pretty happy go lucky. Philomenus is a demon whos main fancy is watching humanity in its successes and fumbles. He adores selling people useful or useless old little thing and give them little speeches that help them go on. Maybe with more confidence than is helathy. After all, it doesnt matter if they succeed or fail, theyll have acted. Hes sadly als not very aware of his shortcomings, beeing too enthusiastic and not good at planning

Menos was an angel of the fourth house, a Diviner meant for all things laying dormant to be found again. While that meant his gaze rested on things out of sight most of the time, the knowledge that they would spring back into use and how, was a delight to follow. When the edict of silence came into effect and humanity under scrutiny, it saddened Menos, for these small beeings were oh so often what stumbled upon the things he was keeping watch over, to roll them back into motion. Eventually, the rebellion loomed, and subtly influenced by Ahrimals suggestion of manipulating Mankind directly, Menos strayed from the position of the Vigil and joined the rebellion. He ended up with the silver legion in the war at first. Beeing an apt watcher of hidden details and effecting nigh forgotten things helped in finding useful information. As the War progressed and the possibility of the first murder started echoing through the neberu, his interest into humans grew. At first Menos was utterly baffled by the fact that humans would just…..end a variable. Everything was supposed to continue….eventually. That feeling slowly grew into a form of admiration. How could they be so brave and break a gear of the great clockwerk. A gear like them.

That was the point where Menos started trying to change assosziation to the Legion of the Morningstar. After all, the humans had such potential. Project babel was the clear Way to a free world in motion. Our world. Their world .Breaking and reforming. The last doubts at turning his back to silver vanished at the entrance of the nephilim. An atrocity on the humanity of all standing with the fallen. The time in the pitt changed this to an obsession. An osession that greaw fast once he had escaped its claws. What have the humans been doing, what ARE they doing. And what is wrong with this one

This one even has a name. Phillip Huck. A young owner of a small bookstore and a trusty coffee machiene. Estranged from his family in Georgia , he ran away further to the south after an awful time in the countryside. Citylife turned out to be marginally better. Marginally. He never was able to follow the lessons in school too well and work is scarce without diploma. Eventually, Phillip foun employment in the earlier mentioned bookstore. The aging owner however succumed to his age in the following 4 years, leaving the store to phillip. Storeownership turned out to be a challenge however. A challenge that might be helped with what is written inside these books in the depths of the store. An thus, fueled by coffee and the knowledge in the pages at hand, phillip started working. That is what drew Menos to this soul, searching for ways to interest people into the books and speeding towards a heart attack by way of too much caffeine and not enough food.

But anyway, things did not seem to start looking up. But menos did find an answer in his memories. Didnt the old man just hire a parttimer to help with….weak points. As it turns out, there were a lot of interested people and the most interesting one was a clooegestudent named Lucy. Once again Menos got to appreciate the cosmic irony running so deep in this world. And as usual, the irony turned out to be the right direction. Lucys happened to be quite apt in the cold demeanor and thought needed to run a business proper. The problem of Menos beeing, well, not entirely human was something Lucy decided to overlook. The shop was what also paid her bills now and he was very good at selling….actually everything after all. The secrecy would need some work tho. At least for people he interacted more with. The store was finally looking up. And after a few years, the birds brought Philomenus interesting news. Some Demons had gotten an interesting idea running in a city not even half a state from here. Somewhere called Jacksonville. And the banks been lookin good enough for a second location for a while now. …… Time to see what thats about

lore of pattern 1: 7 homieletics 3 and 4: 4 backgrounds :7

shortstory 1: It was a dim day, as usually this early in the year. Dusty as well, but that was the fault of the shop. Some kids were browsing the shelves, finally some customers again. He had a hard time staying awake , the nightmares were bad again. “O M G. That is so cute. I didn’t know this shop also sells cottagecore“ what One girl had picked up a straw basket. Phil had gotten that one ages ago at some farmers market event. Food is cheaper there. Not enough anymore tho. „Hey, hey , how much for this basket?“ This was a bookshop, why would he sell a basket. A basket he had all but forgotten. That just ….turned up and might disgruntle the first customers in ages. Just like Something started moving again Phillip looked at the girl. „Oh, that one? That’s 40 bucks“ What? It was 5 Menos smiled at the girl looking unconvinced. „But it’s awfully dusty, I’ll slash it to 25. These baskets are great. Always allow you to pack a bit more than with a bag.“

As the happy kids are leaving Menos waves at them „Have fun. And I hope you’ll find a good use for the extra space“ It seems he got a bit too caught up in his memories. The basket reminded menos of something important. There’s so many more trinkets that need to come back into use. It was nice to forget for a while. But it’s time to set gears into motion again

shortstory 2 Thomas….The time has come “What. W-w-whos talking” The time has come to fulfill your part of the deal “ mean….” You have reaped the benefits, have you not “Yes….yes. Ill do what you ask. What will I have to do” I need help moving the store to Jacksonville, can you drive a Truck “…” Actually, it wouldnt be ok to just close up on people, can you take care of the store while Im not there? Or find someone to do that. what? Ok, if you find someone else, Lucy wants to do an interview. You got skype on your laptop, right? “I obey” greeeat, see you next wednesday

Thrall Lucy: Hired when the shop was still named “Old and new Books” and in dire straits. Was a businessmajor, taking the job to help with college. And her skills turned out to be invaluable for the survival of “Philomenus Wonders and Tomes”. A name shes very proud of. It did help a lot actually. Probably. She said so at least. And she got the businessdegree. Anyway,working most days in the same shop as a demon you start to notice things. Especially someone that bad at hiding it. This woke a thirst for knowledge in her about what lurks outside the natural. The bible always seemed so cheesy and now theres an actual beeing from it standing infront of her. …..selling puzzleboxes and winduptoys. That led to her eventually entering into a pact of knowledge. In addition to the normal contract. Cant let that shop go downhill after all that work. And she had a stern talk with Philomenus about beeing less conspicuus

Thrall thomas: Was on a baseball scholarschip but got a chronic spine injury from overwork. Tried to “get into that book stuff” due to dropping out because of that. A particularily sad day brought him into Philomenus shop. At first Philomenus just normally sold curious items and ominous but uplifting advices, but after a while, deided that Thomas seemed desperate enough to sell his immortal souuuuul. Which he was. The scholarschip was still gone, sadly, but beeing able to properly run again was upside enough. The freed up motivation had to go somewhere now tho…… Thomas decided to combine his new dark contracts and reading comprehention to read up on cultistry. Sadly, he takes this whole pact thing far more serious than the actual demon. The actual demon just needed someone to carry furniture sized things.

Front Page Markup

Welcome, welcome.

Im glad you found your way here and Im sure you´ll find what you are looking for. Or whats looking for you. And if you´re not sure, Im glad to offer advice. Im sure well get you walking out of here in a better day than you entered.

Philomenus Huck


contagious smile, grandeur in his gestures(maybe a bit too much actually), always seems eerily focused on you when talking, Wavy hair reminicent of a sheep, dark-ish skin color, not clear if weathered or natural. piercing green eyes, always seeming a bit brighter than they should be.


Pretty happy go lucky. Philomenus is a demon whos main fancy is watching humanity in its successes and fumbles. He adores selling people useful or useless old little thing and give them little speeches that help them go on. Maybe with more confidence than is helathy. After all, it doesnt matter if they succeed or fail, theyll have acted. Hes sadly als not very aware of his shortcomings, beeing too enthusiastic and not good at planning

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


XP Entry Form


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XP Purchase Form


Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:
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Experience Tracking

(NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try using Firefox or refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in Discord Channel: #wiki-help.)

Total Current Monthly Cap 1)

XP Gain Log

Date XP XP Type Scene Notes
2023-07-08 2 XP Scene XP N/A entry event
2023-07-09 10 XP Floor XP N/A

XP Purchase Log

Monthly Discount Cap: 2)0/15
Approval Date Completion Date XP Purchased Discount? Notes

Current XP Requests

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1) , 2)
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app/output/philomenus_huck_sheet.1705006448.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/Jan/11 20:54 by