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Matthew 'Gentle Paws' Ellis


Nature: Caregiver - - Demeanor: Guru
Character Type: Gurahl - - Concept: Young River Keeper Shamn
Player Name: Owlbear - - Breed: Homid
Auspice: Arcas - - Tribe: River Keepers


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 3 Manipulation 1 Intelligence (Well Researched) 4
Stamina 3 Appearance 2 Wits 3


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 2 Animal Ken 1 Academics (History) 1
Athletics 1 Crafts 0 Computers 1
Primal Urge 2 Drive 0 Cosmology 0
Brawl 2 Etiquette 0 Finance 0
Empathy 3 Firearms 0 Investigation 1
Expression 0 Melee 0 Law 0
Intimidation 0 Performance 0 Medicine 0
Leadership 0 Stealth 0 Occult 0
Streetwise 0 Survival 1 Politics 0
Subterfuge 1 Technology 0 Science 0
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 0 Divination 0 Thanatology 1
Meditation 0 Enigmas 2
Rituals 3
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifters 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Ancestors: 3

You put names to faces among your ancestors.

Mentor: 2

Matthew's Buri-Jaan is a Sorna(3) named Amanda. Amanda is a caring shaman who taught him of Rites and the Gurahl culture, they are currently in different locations as Matthew had just finished his Gallivant and now had only one thing to do before he entered the Uzmati stage of his life. Amanda and he still stay in contact via texts.

Resources: 2

Moderate. You’re thoroughly middle-class in income, and can afford the odd indulgence. You can hire specific help as necessary. You have enough available cash, portable property, and valuables that you can maintain a one-dot standard of living wherever you are for up to six months. Provided by Matthew working as a cook.

Rites: 3

Umbral Glade: 2

Size: 50 x 50.

A dug-up abandoned cave in swampland near Starke. The entrance is fairly small but because it is a Glade it is much bigger on the inside. A stream runs along the edge of his glade, this acts as his way into the umbra; The rest of the glade is made to be a living space suitable for both a human and a bear depending on what form Matthew is in at the time.

Pure Breed: 4

You could be dressed as a beggar and still command respect.


Spirit Magnet (1pt.): You naturally attract the attention of the spirits whenever you cross the Gauntlet into the Umbra. Most of the time, the Umbral inhabitants are simply curious, gathering around you to see who you are and what you’re doing in their “neck of the woods.” Occasionally you attract more than you bargained for — Banes are also likely to come calling. None of the spirits who collect in your vicinity are under your command unless you use a Gift that allows you to command them or influence them in some way. (WW Core book pg. 482)




Willpower: 6 / 6
Rage: 3 / 3
Gnosis: 5 / 5


Healing Tongue


Open Seal



Physical Description:
Age: 18

Hair: Brown in Homid/Black in Ursus

Eyes: Blue

Gender: Male

Height / Weight -

Homid: 6’2” / 212lbs

Arthren: 7’1” / 482lbs

Crinos: 15’5” / 1650lbs

Bjornen: 4’8” / 729lbs

Ursus: 3’2” / 556lbs

Matthew is a deeply caring person at his core but above this, he works to embody the idea of a River Keeper Shaman with all of his being; to that extent, he works to gather wisdom and knowledge so he may share it with those who may need it in the future as that allows him to live as a person that his soul desires him to be while still embodying a persona befitting a shaman in his mind.


Matthew Ellis was born to a restaurateur who deeply cared for him and fostered his caretaking nature from a young age. They ran a small diner that ran for cheap and did their best to provide for the local community, and in this work Matthew found a passion for two things cooking for others and helping others to get by when things got hard. Then one day when Matthew was seventeen and was out tending to a garden he had started he saw his mother being held up at knifepoint, at that moment he felt his form shifting.
Soon after his First Change, he began to feel a calling away from his home, and when he told his mother of what he was feeling she revealed herself to be a Kinfolk and told him that everything would be explained but he should go to meet the person calling for him. The person awaiting him was his new mentor Amanda, she introduced him to the lore of the Gurahl and all the things a Gurahl must know to do the will of Gaia. Over a year, Amanda taught Matthew about the role they played and the rituals he needed to know so he may act as a Shaman of the River Keepers. He was taught the lore of the Pattern Breaker, of enigmas that a shaman must be able to help solve, about the War of Rage and those who participated in it.

Rite of Passage and After -

Nearing the end of his Gallivant when he and his Mentor were still journeying together they found the location of an umbral glade that appeared to be losing the plentiful gnosis that it could produce in the past, upon this discovery Matthew’s mentor decided his Rite of Passage to join the River Keepers and end his Gallivant would be to perform Rites of Replenishment upon this Glade until it was as beautiful and prosperous as it should be! And so he began to over the course of many days perform this Rite again and again so he may return the Gnosis to this sacred place, as his task came to a close he was given the rank of Kovi and initiated into the Tribe!
Matthew now out of his Gallivant decided to take up residence in the Glade he had worked to cleanse. This Glade happened to be in a swamp near a town called Starke, and he has heard that other Changing Breeds take up residence in that area so he now plans a trip to speak to others in the area to see how they feel about a Gurahl taking up residence nearby and to see what they are like in person rather than just hearing stories about them and their slightly less aggressive ways compared to the distant past.

10 points spent on Backgrounds

1 points spent on Merits

2 points spent on —

2 points spent on Gnosis

Cooking 3

Strengths / Weaknesses -

Adamant Will

Keen Smell

Poor Eyesight

Seasonal Lethargy

Rites -

Rite of Cleansing

Rite of the River-Portent

Rite of Replenishment

Front Page Markup

Matthew 'Gentle Paws' Ellis

Player: Owlbear


Age: 18

Hair: Brown in Homid/Black in Ursus

Eyes: Blue

Gender: Male

Height / Weight -

Homid: 6’2” / 212lbs

Arthren: 7’1” / 482lbs

Crinos: 15’5” / 1650lbs

Bjornen: 4’8” / 729lbs

Ursus: 3’2” / 556lbs


Matthew is a deeply caring person at his core but above this, he works to embody the idea of a River Keeper Shaman with all of his being; to that extent, he works to gather wisdom and knowledge so he may share it with those who may need it in the future as that allows him to live as a person that his soul desires him to be while still embodying a persona befitting a shaman in his mind.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup

Experience Tracking

Total XP: 00

Current XP: 00

This month XP Gained: 00/00

XP Gain Log:

Current XP requests:

XP Purchase Log:

app/output/matthew_gentle_paws_ellis_sheet.1716048140.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/May/18 16:02 by