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Kayleigh Anderson


Nature: Perfectionist Demeanor: Competitor
Character Type: Werewolf Concept: Tattoo Artist
Player Name: Adrasteia Breed: Homid
Auspice: Galliard Tribe: Get of Fenris


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma 4 Perception 3
Dexterity 3 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 2
Stamina 3 Appearance 3 Wits 2


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 1 Animal Ken 1 Academics 1
Athletics 1 Crafts 3 Computers 0
Primal Urge 1 Drive 0 Cosmology 0
Brawl 2 Etiquette 1 Finance 0
Empathy 2 Firearms 0 Investigation 0
Expression 1 Melee 1 Law 0
Intimidation 2 Performance 1 Medicine 1
Leadership 1 Stealth 1 Occult 1
Streetwise 1 Survival 1 Politics 0
Subterfuge 1 Technology 0 Science 0
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 0 Divination 0 Thanatology 0
Meditation 0 Enigmas 1
Rituals 1
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifters 2
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Backgrounds: Ancestors (1) Kinfolk (1) Pure-breed (1 - Get of Fenris) Resources (2) Rites (1)


Ability Aptitude (1 - Crafts) Common Sense (1) Concentration (1)




Willpower: 5 / 5
Rage: 4 / 4
Gnosis: 2 / 2
Harano: 0 / 3


Glory: 2
Honor: 0
Wisdom: 1


Galliard Gifts - Call of the Wyld (Level 1)

Get of Fenris Gifts - Visage of Fenris (Level 1)

Homid Gifts - Persuasion (Level 1)


Rite of Wounding (Level 1)


Physical Description:
Kayla is a young woman in her 20's, her hair is frequently dyed grey or other colours and she's got several tattoos and piercings on her body. She is fairly tall at 5'8, and although being slim, has a layer of thin muscle from regular training. She prefers to dress alternatively but changes her look when appropriate for a mission. As a wolf, she appears as a gray timber-wolf with the icy countenance her tribe is known for.

Kayla is a determined young woman who loves to take on a challenge. As a Skald, she likes to party and live life to the fullest, but she is also deeply competitive and because of her lack of money or status in the sept growing up, feels a lot of pressure to be perfect and worthy of her tribe. She's strong-minded and doesn't like to sugar-coat but nonetheless has a very caring and creative side to her.

Kayla was born in the Sept of the Winter Wolf in Duluth to Erik “Winter's Bane” Anderson, an Ahroun and his wife, Freya. Her dad died when she was very young and she was brought up by Freya in an RV park. It was a hard childhood, mom worked several jobs to make ends meet, so Kayla spent much of her time helping out in the sept, socialising with the kinfolk and Garou, or obsessively drawing, fascinated by stories of great warriors, tales of war, passion and love. It became an area of fascination for her, and she started a tattoo apprenticeship shortly after her GED. Her first change happened as there was an attack on the sept, she frenzied, tearing up banes and anything in her path, calming down once the battle was over.

She was taught by the Sept Galliards, learning tales about the Garou and the Get of Fenris, as well as completing her tattoo apprenticeship at a local shop and the battle training common for the tribe. When it came to her Rite of Passage, Kayla had two challenges. Firstly, her mentor used Call of the Wyrm to summon banes round her, which she fought and tore apart in Crinos. Then, Kayla proved her potential as a Galliard - creating a chest-piece to represent the story of Skoll and Hati, the wolves which chase the sun and moon till Ragnarok over several days with little sleep. This proved her skill at storytelling, and her stamina. She was then accepted into the tribe. Wanting to make a name for herself, she accepted a position at a shop in Florida to hone her skill and support the efforts in fighting off the Wyrm

1 point on Backgrounds (Resources) 3 points on Merits 2 points for Gnosis 2 2 points on Lore: Garou 2 points on Willpower 5 points on Perception 3

Specialties -' Charisma (Inspiring), Academics (Art History), Crafts (Tattoo Art), Performance (Singing)

Front Page Markup

Kayla Anderson

Player: Adrasteia


Kayla is a young woman in her 20's, her hair is frequently dyed grey or other colours and she's got several tattoos and piercings on her body. She is fairly tall at 5'8, and although being slim, has a layer of thin muscle from regular training. She prefers to dress alternatively but changes her look when appropriate for a mission. As a wolf, she appears as a gray timber-wolf with the icy countenance her tribe is known for.


Kayla is a determined young woman who loves to take on a challenge. As a Skald, she likes to party and live life to the fullest, but she is also deeply competitive and because of her lack of money or status in the sept growing up, feels a lot of pressure to be perfect and worthy of her tribe. She's strong-minded and doesn't like to sugar-coat but nonetheless has a very caring and creative side to her.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


XP Entry Form


Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:
This is a sentence.\\ This is another sentence.

XP Purchase Form


Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:
This is a sentence.\\ This is another sentence.

Experience Tracking

(NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try using Firefox or refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in Discord Channel: #wiki-help.)

Total Current Monthly Cap 1)

XP Gain Log

Date XP XP Type Scene Notes

XP Purchase Log

Monthly Discount Cap: 2)0/15
Approval Date Completion Date XP Purchased Discount? Notes

Current XP Requests

(NOTE: End each line with \\ as just hitting Enter will not work.)

1) , 2)
You will need to manually keep track of this.
app/output/kayla_anderson_sheet.1708470438.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/Feb/20 23:07 by