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Emalia Serves


Nature: Fanatic - - Demeanor: Penitent
Character Type: Demon - - Concept: Guardian Of The Flock
Player Name: Owlbear - - Faction: Reconciler
House: Slayers - - Visage: Of The Spirit


Physical Social Mental
Strength 1 Charisma 2 Perception 3
Dexterity 2 Manipulation (Convincing) 4 Intelligence 3
Stamina 3 Appearance (Serene) 4 Wits 2


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 2 Animal Ken 0 Academics (Sociology) 1
Athletics 0 Crafts 0 Computers 0
Awareness 3 Drive 0 Cosmology 0
Brawl 0 Etiquette 1 Finance 0
Empathy 1 Firearms 0 Investigation 0
Expression 1 Melee 2 Law 0
Intimidation 1 Performance 0 Medicine 3
Leadership 3 Stealth 2 Occult 1
Streetwise 0 Survival 0 Politics 0
0 0 Religion 1
0 0 Research 2
Subterfuge 1 Technology 0 Science (Biology) 2
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 1 Divination 0 Thanatology 0
Meditation 0 Enigmas 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifter 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Resources: 2

Followers: 4

Pacts: 2

Legacy: 4

Certification (Medical Doctor): 4

Paragon: 1

Cult: 1


Angelic Aura - Function: -1 difficulty to any roll involving Charisma and/or Appearance. Flavor: Character exudes power, authority, and grace even in their mortal form. 1

Angelic Gaze (Bright White): Function: -1 difficulty on all Leadership, Intimidation, and Empathy rolls. Flavor: This character's infernal nature bleeds over into their mortal form, changing the character's eye color to an unnatural hue, such as a particularly bright blue or deep emerald green, even to an 'unnatural' color, such as red, gold, etc. 1

Atavistic Form (Hecata): Function: –1 difficulty to Social rolls in Apocalyptic Form; +1 difficulty for others to resist the effects of Revelation. Flavor: Your Apocalyptic Form invokes something significant to the human mythos, such as an identifiable Biblical figure, or a recognizable mythological creature. While this merit isn't required if you take a custom Apocalyptic Form, it is highly encouraged in certain cases. 2

Natural Leader: You are gifted with a certain magnetism to which others naturally defer. You receive two extra dice when making Leadership rolls. You must have a Charisma rating of 3 or greater to purchase this Merit. 2

Church Ties: You have influence and contacts in some local churches, and have the means to create protest rallies, help the needy or raise money. The more you use your ties, of course, the greater your risk of being discovered. 3


True Reflection: Function: Your reflection (in a mirror, in a photograph, on camera, etc.) reveals your Apocalyptic Form instead of your host's normal appearance, regardless of whether or not you are actually in your Apocalyptic Form. 3

Soft-Hearted: You cannot stand to watch others suffer. You avoid any situation that involves causing someone physical or emotional pain, unless you make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). 1

Nonconfrontational: You have a hard time bringing up difficult subjects with others. You're willing to make a lot of sacrifices to avoid interpersonal confrontations. You let people have their way simply to avoid fights, and often you step into arguments and attempt to end them without any thought about the outcome of the discussion, as long as it ends. You have a hard time coping with pushy people and find yourself making a lot of compromises that you later wish you hadn't. Add two to the difficulty of any roll that involves debating or arguing with someone who is normally friendly with you. 1

Eerie Presence: Mortals have an unconscious awareness of your supernatural nature, which makes then anxious and ill at ease in your presence. Because of this, difficulties of all rolls relating to social interaction with mortals are increased by two. 2


Willpower: 4 / 4
Faith: 3 / 3
Torment: 4 / 4


Lore of Fundament 0
Lore of Humanity 0
Lore of Celestials 0
Lore of Flame 0
Lore of Radiance 0
Lore of Awakening 0
Lore of Firmament 0
Lore of Winds 0
Lore of Earth 0
Lore of Paths 0
Lore of Forge 0
Lore of Portals 0
Lore of Light 0
Lore of Longing 0
Lore of Storms 0
Lore of Transfiguration 0
Lore of Beast 0
Lore of Wild 0
Lore of Flesh 0
Lore of Death 0
Lore of Spirit 3
Lore of Realms 0

Apocalypse Form

Normal Abilities:
Ghost Sight, Enhanced Social Traits, Pass Without Trace, Wings

Torment Abilities:
Cloak of Shadows, Howl of the Damned, Aura of Dread, Damage Resistance


Physical Description:
Age: 27

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Bright White usually wears shades and brown contacts unless sure they are alone.

Height: 6'1“

Weight: 143 lbs

Sex: Female

Distinguishing characteristics: She generally wears a lot of jewelry and has a lot of piercings.

Appearance: 4 (Serene)

Dux is someone who is deeply saddened by the plight of modern humanity and her role in their ability to die, she seeks above all else to do right by humanity in order to try and redeem herself in their eyes for the mistakes of her past. Even during the war, her role was protecting her flock of followers throughout it and she holds this duty still committed to the idea that she will start by learning about the world and protecting her flock and then using them to assist her in helping the wider community, she will pursue this goal of assisting humanity at all costs.

In the war, Dux sided with the rebels because she felt for the human’s plight and wished to assist in any way she could. When the news of humanities loss of immortality came she was struck with grief for the souls who were not intended to die, but after the initial shock she steadied herself and began to put together a flock of mortals to spread the word of what was to come after their deaths and as she guarded these mortals she collected souls and acted as a Guardian of the Flock and those who were taught by it, earning her title when she brought many many souls to Kasdeja singlehandedly against a number of the Heavenly Host. Soon after she had gotten her Flock to the safety of Kasdeja she was recruited to move souls to Haven en masse, obviously prioritizing their Flock. Then Haven was sieged and Dux was locked in Hell.

Emalia grew up as a caring young lady who wanted above all else to help people and so she decided from even an early age that she would become some form of Doctor. She had just graduated from medical school when tragedy struck her! She was celebrating her graduation with some friends and the night was winding down she was drunkenly wandering towards her house in the middle of the night, that’s when someone jumped out from the shadows and began to attack the poor woman! Those crucial moments passed and Emalia’s life began to end when Dux entered their form. A new consciousness was made but Dux remembered most of The Age of Wrath and so the mortal that was disappeared that night and was replaced by something new and greater.

Emalia in her new form left their home and began the process of gathering a new flock among the mortals that she may protect, but in these modern times she required protection against the less considerate members of society, and as such, she worked to tie her flock to local churches under the guise as a group of locals who are interested in learning about the different religions and keeping the community safe. A discovery Emalia made while investigating the gods of death that were known to the mortals of the modern era was that Hecate a goddess of Death within Greek mythology and protector of the vulnerable took a striking resemblance to herself in apocalyptic form, she realized that they had forgotten what she exactly stood for but for some reason her form did not leave their minds!

When Emalia saw fit to enlighten them to the truest nature of what she was or when they proved themselves useful beyond the normal they were brought into the inner circle of the group, only four members of the eleven have achieved this and only two of them have a pact attached to them.

Spent 13 on Backgrounds and 9 on Merits.

Gained 7 from flaws.

Celestial Name: Dux


Evan Campbell - Evan is Emailia’s right-hand man in the Flock. He is a focused individual who has been pacted so he may better understand what he helps to organize, when the Flock gathers and Emailia needs the Flock to gather Evan is the person who assists her in organizing security and gathering of the people. The Flock is still small, with just 11 people including the inner circle, but Evan has plans to assist in expanding the Flock. Intelligent and Enthusiastic Evan is extremely focused on assisting with the Flock however he can. Gifts - Immunity to mind-control

Nellie Galloway - Nellie is Emailia’s security agent, she works with Evan to help organize the security at any events where the Flock will gather, for now just her and a second person to watch the door is enough for now because of the small size of the Flock but she hopes that it will expand in the future. Fiery and Tough Nellie makes sure Emailia is safe wherever she goes and has what she needs to walk among unenlightened people. Gifts - Resistance to lethal damage

Winifred Rodgers - Winifred is the Flock’s personal caterer as well as a dear friend and advisor to Emailia in her duties, he is also the main source of income for the Flock and Emailia herself. Winifred has not been pacted yet but he is on the path towards it if he continues to connect himself to the Flock and fund it. He is charismatic and creative in his work which gains him respect and business throughout the city which is why he makes as much as he does, though most of the income is spent on others.

Mathew Hobbs - Unlike the rest of Emailia’s followers Mathew is not connected to the running of the Flock but is instead her Driver and Assistant. He ensures she gets where she needs to go and knows what she needs to know so she can stay well informed about the goings about of her Flock and people trying to reach her. Mathew is a dignified and caring person who works with Nellie to help ensure Emailia is safe wherever she goes and gets her there when she needs a ride.

Front Page Markup

Emalia Serves

Player: Owlbear


Age: 27

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Bright White usually wears shades and brown contacts unless sure they are alone.

Height: 6'1”

Weight: 143 lbs

Sex: Female

Distinguishing characteristics: She generally wears a lot of jewelry and has a lot of piercings.

Appearance: 4 (Serine)


Dux is someone who is deeply saddened by the plight of modern humanity and her role in their ability to die, she seeks above all else to do right by humanity in order to try and redeem herself in their eyes for the mistakes of her past. Even during the war, her role was protecting her flock of followers throughout it and she holds this duty still committed to the idea that she will start by learning about the world and protecting her flock and then using them to assist her in helping the wider community, she will pursue this goal of assisting humanity at all costs.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

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app/output/emalia_serves_sheet.1708700509.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/Feb/23 15:01 by