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Cody Reed

Front Page
XP Log

Character Type: Demon
Nature: Director Demeanor: Survivor
Player Name: AutumnFurry Concept: Diving Instructor
Celestial Name: Zamaru Faction: Luciferian
House: Namaru Visage: Qingu, Visage of Radiance


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma 3 Perception 2
Dexterity 3 Manipulation 4 Intelligence 2
Stamina 3 Appearance 3 Wits 2


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 2 Animal Ken 0 Academics 2
Athletics 3 Crafts 0 Computers 1
Awareness 0 Drive 1 Cosmology 0
Brawl 0 Etiquette 0 Finance 0
Empathy 1 Firearms 2 Investigation 0
Expression 3 Melee 0 Law 1
Intimidation 2 Performance 0 Medicine 2
Leadership 3 Stealth 1 Occult 2
Streetwise 0 Survival 1 Politics 2
Subterfuge 1 Technology 1 Science 0
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 1 Divination 0 Thanatology 0
Meditation 0 Enigmas 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifter 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0


Allies: 1 (Robert Rodriguez)

Legacy: 1

Resources: 1

Pacts: 1 (Robert Rodriguez)

Certification: 3 (2- PADI Certified Diving Instructor 1- CPR Certified)

Merits and Flaws


Angelic Gaze: 1pt

Natural Leader: 2pt

Light Sleeper: 1pt


Ghoulish Sense of Humor: -1pt

Short Temper: -1pt

Distinguishing Characteristic: -1pt

Poor Night Vision: -2pt


Temporary Permanent
Willpower 5 5
Faith 3 3
Torment 0 4


Conscience 2
Conviction 3
Courage 3


Common Lores Lore of the Fundament 0
Lore of Humanity 1
Namaru Lores Lore of the Celestials 0
Lore of Flame 0
Lore of Radiance 1
Asharu Lores Lore of Awakening 0
Lore of the Firmament 0
Lore of the Winds 0
Annunaki Lores Lore of the Earth 0
Lore of Paths 0
Lore of the Forge 0
Neberu Lores Lore of Patterns 0
Lore of Portals 0
Lore of Light 0
Lammasu Lores Lore of Longing 0
Lore of Storms 0
Lore of Transfiguration 0
Rabisu Lores Lore of the Beast 0
Lore of the Wild 0
Lore of the Flesh 0
Halaku Lores Lore of Death 0
Lore of the Spirit 0
Lore of the Realms 0



Apocalyptic Form

Low-Torment Abilities:

Inhuman Allure

Radiant Aura

Sense the Hidden

High-Torment Abilities:
Voice of the Danmed

Casts No Reflection

Corrosive Spit



Physical Description:
Cody stands at 6'0, with an athletic, broad-shouldered build, with some obvious muscle. With deep blue eyes, and slightly grey short hair with a 5 o'clock shadow. He's often seen in casual formal clothing. He has several tattoos with a tattoo on his back, right forearm, and right side.

Cody is quick to anger and can be a bit of a blunt asshole most of the time. But beyond his hard exterior, he is a nice-ish guy.

—Cody Reed—

Cody Reed was born on January 3rd, 1984, to Luis and Mary Reed with an older brother of 2 years, Jeremy Reed, in Chicago Illinois. Cody lived a decent childhood, from a young age he was athletic and a little bit of a nerd for history. Compared to his introverted brother he was pretty social and seemed to have a knack for being the leader of the pack so to speak. In school, Cody wasn't the smartest kid, though he was athletic. He was playing basketball and ran track in Middle and High School. SHaving set his High Schools record for the 200m run in his sophomore year. He was also a skilled swimmer, spending many summers at lakes. In the summer of 2001, he graduated high school with plans to look into college in 2002. However September 11th, 2001 would change his plans.

Not long after the events in September come January 2002 on his 18th birthday Cody enlisted in the Marine Corps, and got talked into a Recon contract by his recruiter. It didn't take long for Cody to get sworn in and get sent off to begin his training. Went through the 13 weeks of recruit training, and then the 12 weeks of Infantry School East through February until September of 2002. On the last Thursday of September, he took the qualification course for Recon barely passing but still passing. Finally, in November 2002, he attended the Basic Recon Course where he showed distinction from his fellow trainees. A natural leader at heart he naturally fell into a role motivating not only himself to push through the suck, but helping his fellow trainees push through the suck as well. After 12 weeks he graduated from Basic Recon Course with his 0321 MOS, placed with the 1st Force Recon Company, 2nd Platoon, to continue his training and service in the Marine Corps. Where he would go through the Navy's SERE School and the Navy's Combatant Diver Qualification Course where he earned his secondary MOS of 0324, Reconnaissance Marine, Diver Qualified. He would continue training with 2nd Platoon and doing his first sea deployment throughout 2003, choosing to remain in the Recon Unit after his first 12 months of training, 6-month sea deployment, and 30-day leave was over.

In November 2004 Cody would see his first real deployment with 2nd Platoon. Deploying to Iraq again this time for the battle of Fallujah where he would go through a trial by fire. It was in Fallujah Cody saw his real take on fighting, unlike his previous year's sea deployment. It was here he put himself on the map leadership-wise by helping teammates through the chaotic and grueling street fighting of Fallujah once they breached the city. After his deployment, he remained in recon, getting moved to 1st platoon after a few of their members dropped out, and that is where he remained for his time in the Corps. Following 2004 he saw various deployments across Iraq and on sea later in 2005 got promoted to E-3, Lance Corporal, and went through Airborne School, earning the secondary MOs 0326, Reconnaissance Marine Parachute, and Combat Diver Qualified. After his deployment in 2006, he extended his time in active duty for the remainder of his contract. It wouldn't be until 2008 he was promoted to E-4, Corporal, and was placed in his team’s Assistant Team Leader role for his natural talent for leadership, and his time spent in the unit.

It was in 2010 when he was promoted to E-5, Sergeant, and placed as a Team Leader in 1st Platoon, he also saw his last deployment in Afghanistan. Following this deployment he decided to not sign a 2nd contract, telling his platoon sergeant it was getting to him mentally and physically and he wanted to try new things. He was offered a regular infantry contract but refused it and left service in the fall of 2010. Following this, he returned home to Chicago, where he spent some time with family before going to North Carolina to attend North Carolina State University in the fall of 2012. It was here he faced the start of his struggles in civilian life, still used to life overseas he struggled in school, even taking online classes to little avail. But he wasn't a quitter and pushed through the hardships and struggle, taking help from a counselor to try and graduate in 2016 with an Associate's Degree. Although a civilian he still did the things he enjoyed. Finding a group to do diving with he started recreationally diving, even meeting a marine like himself in the group who quickly became his friend, Robert Rodriguez. During his time at University, he also tried working though found himself bouncing between jobs a lot, from retail and food service to construction laborer, you could say he truly tried it all to find someplace he could fit and stick with but it remained a struggle for him to do so.

Later in 2015, after a few years of struggling with work and school, he took up an offer from a small company that heard of him being a rather experienced diver from Robert, to do Diving Instruction for clients during the summer. Though he wasn't a big fan of the job he stuck it out for a while, not too fond of his employers who weren't the nicest to him, though he learned after a while to just deal with it from his previous jobs. In 2016 he graduated with his Associate's Degree, though not planning to do anything with it, it was the one thing that he stuck with the longest no matter how hard it was to do so. Obviously not without help from his counselor and friends he made through the years. He would quit his summer job to once again move this time to Jacksonville Flordia after the summer of 2016, fed up with being treated like a mere tool, though this time he managed not to knock his boss out. Once again following the move he went through the cycle of bouncing around jobs unable to find one in the area. It was with a new counselor’s help he managed to stick with a new one, though not a very likable 9-5 office job in public relations for once using his degree. Though it was in mid-2017 he quit that one unable to really fit in with an office community or a 9-5 job.

Though struggles with civilian life would be the least of his concerns soon enough. In late 2017 his dad would become ill with heart disease though he was distant from his family he made it even more of a priority to at least travel back to Chicago to see his dad in early 2018. Upon returning to Flordia a month later he found a new job offer with his counselors and Robert’s help who was visiting at the time. This time once again in the diving field as an underwater photographer for a small journalism company in Flordia. Though he enjoyed the work it wasn't the most sustainable or high paying and he was forced to quit in late 2019 when he was hit by financial hardships. Though he did meet a special lady working at this journalism company and would start dating her. Though it wasn't a serious relationship at the time having someone else he could be closer to did seem to make life just a little more bearable for Cody. Once again finding an odd job in construction to sustain himself, though for a better crew this time. It was in early 2021 that he and his now-girlfriend Patty Kingfeild would plan to get married in the summer of 2021, but an issue with the location made that date November 2021.

But life never did make it easy for Cody, shortly after getting married in early 2022, his dad’s heart condition worsened and he was only given 2 years max to live. To add insult to injury after 2 years working seasonally with a construction crew he was fired under rather bullshit terms by new management who simply disliked military members. Facing financial hardship again he and his wife who never had a concrete relationship, to begin with, got in a fight over the money problems and divorced. Luckily once more Robert was there to help him out offering work at a diving school he started and needed an instructor for. Starting work there in the fall of 2022, though it wasn't long after his dad would die come the start of 2023. His soul battered and beaten by his lack of being able to deal with civilian life after seeing as much combat as he did, despite help from counselors and friends. Never sticking with 1 job and always feeling forced away either from lack of being able to cope with civilian life or shitty management or bosses. Facing financial, family, and relationship hardships through the years, all piled up on Cody and all it took was a shove to let Zamaru in. This shove being a drunk driver t-boning Cody on his way to work at the end of January. Zamaru was pulled to Cody for his almost unbreakable spirit, though God will find a way to break even the strongest of us, and will keep on fighting on despite it all.


Zamaru was created by God as a middle manager of sorts, carrying orders from whoever was above him to wherever it may be needed. For example, if God wanted a certain house to do something he may take that order and pass it to the necessary house. He worked with the cosmos, or at least that was his general area of work. But when the Rebellion came, he sided with Lucifer, hearing of humanities forced ignorance and rebelling against God for such cruelties. When the Legions were formed, Cody was placed with the Silver Legion, to lead them in unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos.

It was during the rebellion Zamaru led expeditions albeit smaller ones to discover new things. Known among those closest to him as a smart and brave leader when times required fighting against the host's servants.

As the rebellion aged on, the blood of Abel was spilled. The Time of Atrocities was a time of Change for Zamaru. With the Atrocities committed against the human flock, he and his closest allies who shared the same feelings about these, fled the Silver Legion to find Lucifer and the Crimson Legion.

When the Time of Babel came, and soon the grand experiment Zamaru served loyally in the Crimson Legion, though obviously looked upon with a question of his true loyalty. After the experiment had failed and the shattering came upon them Zamaru showed ferocity in fights against angels, but nothing anyone could do could change the outcome of the rebellion.

When the Rebels were sent to hell it was here Zamaru found Loyalty with the Luciferians. After many long years, maybe centuries, Zamaru barely kept up with time. He was freed from the prison of the abyss and found a host, Cody.


Alertness 2: 2pts

Expression 3: 2pts

Leadership 3: 2pts

Technology 1: 2pts

Resources 2: 1pt

Certification 2-3: 2pts

Conviction 2-3: 4pts

Willpower 1: 1pt

Angelic Gaze: 1pt

Natural Leader: 2pts

Light Sleeper: 1pt

Total Bought: 20pts


Ghoulish Sense of Humor: -1pt

Short Temper: -1pt

Distinguishing Characteristic: -1pt

Poor Night Vision: -2pts

Total Flaws: -5pts

Bought-Flaws Total: 15pts

Owned Items: Assualt Rifle (Springfield Saint, Civilian/Semi-Auto AR-15), Pistol Light (Glock 19), Military Armor (Crye JPC Maritime Swimmers Cut w/Maritime Zip on Panel), Car (2015 Chevy Impala), Clothing+Essential Items.

Pact: Robert has Limited Lore of Humanity 1: Translate

Front Page Markup

Cody Reed

Player: AutumnFurry


Cody stands at 6'0, with an athletic, broad-shouldered build, with some obvious muscle. With deep blue eyes, and slightly grey short hair with a 5 o'clock shadow. He's often seen in casual formal clothing. He has several tattoos with a tattoo on his back, right forearm, and right side.


Cody is quick to anger and can be a bit of a blunt asshole most of the time. But beyond his hard exterior, he is a nice-ish guy.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


XP Entry Form


Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:
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XP Purchase Form


Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:
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Experience Tracking

(NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try using Firefox or refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in Discord Channel: #wiki-help.)

Total Current Monthly Cap 1)

XP Gain Log

Date XP XP Type Scene Notes

XP Purchase Log

Monthly Discount Cap: 2)0/15
Approval Date Completion Date XP Purchased Discount? Notes

Current XP Requests

(NOTE: End each line with \\ as just hitting Enter will not work.)

1) , 2)
You will need to manually keep track of this.
app/output/cody_reed_sheet.1704907834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/Jan/10 17:30 by