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Cho Ji-Wun

Front Page
XP Log

Character Type: Demon
Nature: Caregiver Demeanor: Guru
Player Name: Shalassa Concept: Daoist Demon
Celestial Name: Asbeel Faction: Faustian
House: Asharu Visage: Awakening


Physical Social Mental
Strength 3 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 4 Manipulation 2 Intelligence 2
Stamina 3 Appearance 3 Wits 3


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 2 Animal Ken 0 Academics 1
Athletics 3 Crafts 0 Computers 0
Awareness 2 Drive 0 Cosmology 0
Brawl 0 Etiquette 1 Finance 1
Empathy 3 Firearms 0 Investigation 0
Expression 2 Melee 0 Law 0
Intimidation 2 Performance 0 Medicine 3
Leadership 0 Stealth 0 Occult 1
Streetwise 0 Survival 1 Politics 0
Subterfuge 0 Technology 0 Science 1
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 0 Divination 0 Thanatology 0
Meditation 1 Enigmas 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifter 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0


Legacy 3 Resources 3 Pacts 2 Allies 2

Merits and Flaws


Approachable (1) There's something very inviting and nonthreatening about you. People find you very easy to start a conversation with. Even distrustful creatures tend to put aside their instinctive wariness of mortals in regard to you. Reduce the difficulty of any Empathy rolls involving other people by two.

Catlike Balance (1) Your mage possesses an innately perfect sense of balance. You reduce the difficulties of all balance-related rolls (e.g., Dexterity + Athletics to walk along a narrow ledge) by two.

Languages (2) Korean, First Tongue


No Sense of Direction (1) You get lost all the time. Maps, compasses and detailed directions do little to help. You have a lot of trouble figuring out where you are in relation to landmarks that aren't immediately obvious, and maps are largely incomprehensible to you. Increase by two the difficulty of any roll that involves following convoluted directions, backtracking a route or navigating a confusing set of city streets.

No Sense of Smell (1) You completely lack a sense of smell. You may have simply been born without it, or perhaps you lost it due to some freak accident. You can't smell anything, no matter how strong the odor might be. Food tastes somewhat bland to you. On the good side, you aren't bothered by the stench of sewers, rotting flesh, or other nasties.

Distinguishing Characteristic (2) You have a physical feature that makes you very easy to pick out in crowds, such as elaborate tattoos, a scar or an obvious birthmark. This flaw is worth one point if the characteristic is hidden easily under clothes, two points if it is not.


Temporary Permanent
Willpower 5 5
Faith 3 3
Torment 0 3


Conscience 1
Conviction 3
Courage 2


Common Lores Lore of the Fundament 0
Lore of Humanity 0
Namaru Lores Lore of the Celestials 0
Lore of Flame 0
Lore of Radiance 0
Asharu Lores Lore of Awakening 1
Lore of the Firmament 1
Lore of the Winds 1
Annunaki Lores Lore of the Earth 0
Lore of Paths 0
Lore of the Forge 0
Neberu Lores Lore of Patterns 0
Lore of Portals 0
Lore of Light 0
Lammasu Lores Lore of Longing 0
Lore of Storms 0
Lore of Transfiguration 0
Rabisu Lores Lore of the Beast 0
Lore of the Wild 0
Lore of the Flesh 0
Halaku Lores Lore of Death 0
Lore of the Spirit 0
Lore of the Realms 0



Apocalyptic Form

Low-Torment Abilities:
Aura of Vitality Living beings (plant or animal) within a number of yards equal to your character’s Faith are infused with restorative energy. Individuals within this area heal any bashing damage at the rate of one health level per turn.

Pass Without Trace The difficulty of the character’s Stealth rolls decreases by two, and her passage does not disturb the surrounding environment in any way. She leaves no footprints and disturbs no foliage.

Improved Physical Capabilities The fallen gains the following bonus traits: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Stamina.

Wings A pair of owl’s wings extends from the character’s shoulders. At full extension, each wing is a third again as long as the character is tall. The character can glide up to three times her running speed per turn.

High-Torment Abilities:
Miasma The demon’s breath reeks of gangrenous rot that can have a debilitating effect on her foes in close quarters. The demon can affect victims up to a distance in feet equal to her Faith score. Mortals and demons caught in the path of her exhalation forfeit their actions for the turn unless a successful Stamina roll is made (difficulty 7). If a roll botches, a victim is also infected by a virus or disease at the Storyteller’s discretion.

Extra Health Levels The demon gains three extra Bruised health levels for the purposes of sustaining bashing, lethal and aggravated damage.

Viscous Flesh The diseased flesh of the Dagan sloughs away when pinned or trapped, leaving a would-be assailant covered in rotting flesh. The difficulty of grappling the demon increases by two, and the character can escape from bonds such as ropes or handcuffs with a successful Dexterity roll.

Extra Limbs The demon grows a second set of arms or a prehensile tail, at the player’s discretion. Extra arms allow a character to parry or block hand-to-hand or melee attacks without sacrificing her own attack, or make up to two additional attacks of her own per turn (all which are considered multiple actions). A prehensile tail is half the character’s height, uses only half the character’s Strength (rounding down) to lift objects and allows the character to hang suspended.


Physical Description:
Ji-Wun appears like a young woman of eastern Asian heritage. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black and her hair is, like her clothing, colourful and bright. She's slightly shorter than average and of slender, yet athletic built. Her gait is elegant, confident and sure-footed.

Ju-Win is focused, polite and outgoing. Like her appearance she could be described as chaotic and yet people are somehow drawn to her.

Asbeel, “deserter of God”. Quite ironic if you think about it. Now that the host is one following the daoist teachings and not Christianity, or the abrahamic religions in general. Cho Ji-Wun was born in the late 1990s in Miami, Florida as the third out of four children of Korean emigrants. Already as a teen she was interested in traditional and alternative medicine and Taekwondo. After finishing school she decided to work in a small business selling esoteric goods to earn the money to open up a clinic herself several years later. In 2021 Ji-Wun wanted to take a birthday trip to her parents' home country to learn more about her roots. However something on her flight back, the machine had technical issues and crashed onto the coastal shores. Miraculously she was the only survivor, or wasn't she? Only one truly knows what happened then, Asbeel.

Created to create life, plain and simple. And Asbeel took that job pretty seriously. They were responsible for curing the diseases of animals whose time has not yet come. And gave birth to their children. And that didn't change during the rebellion. They joined the Ebon legion and stayed true to Lucifer, he was right after all. And how to bring life to something if you can't intervene with them?

When the plane crashed they used their opportunity to continue their duty and purpose. For a few months they stayed in Miami before moving around the state in search of others like her before she coincidentally heard about the council in Jacksonville and wanted to check it out.

10 # Abilities: Intuition 2, Medicine 2+3, Belief Systems 3, MA 3 5 # Backgrounds: Pacts +2, Resources +1, Allies +2


Front Page Markup

Cho Ji-Wun

Player: Shalassa


Ji-Wun appears like a young woman of eastern Asian heritage. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black and her hair is, like her clothing, colourful and bright. She's slightly shorter than average and of slender, yet athletic built. Her gait is elegant, confident and sure-footed.


Ju-Win is focused, polite and outgoing. Like her appearance she could be described as chaotic and yet people are somehow drawn to her.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


XP Entry Form


Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:
This is a sentence.\\ This is another sentence.

XP Purchase Form


Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:
This is a sentence.\\ This is another sentence.

Experience Tracking

(NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try using Firefox or refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in Discord Channel: #wiki-help.)

Total Current Monthly Cap 1)

XP Gain Log

Date XP XP Type Scene Notes

XP Purchase Log

Monthly Discount Cap: 2)0/15
Approval Date Completion Date XP Purchased Discount? Notes

Current XP Requests

(NOTE: End each line with \\ as just hitting Enter will not work.)

1) , 2)
You will need to manually keep track of this.
app/output/cho_ji-wun_sheet.1716083762.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/May/19 01:56 by