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Amelia VanLeer

Front Page
XP Log

Character Type: Vampire
Nature: Solider Demeanor: Thrill seeker
Player Name: Jp Concept: Enforcer
Generation: 10th Clan: Gangrel
Sire: Fawn Lockhart Sect: Camarilla


Physical Social Mental
Strength 4 Charisma 2 Perception 2
Dexterity 3 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 2
Stamina 3 Appearance 3 Wits 2

Attribute Specialties:
Str- Vicious


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 1 Animal Ken 2 Academics 0
Art 0 Crafts 0 Belief Systems 0
Athletics 2 Drive 1 Computers 0
Awareness 1 Etiquette 0 Enigmas 0
Brawl 3 Firearms 0 Finance 2
Empathy 1 Larceny 0 Investigation 1
Expression 0 Martial Arts 0 Law 1
Intimidation 1 Melee 1 Medicine 0
Intuition 2 Performance 0 Occult 0
Leadership 0 Stealth 3 Politics 0
Streetwise 1 Survival 2 Research 0
Subterfuge 1 Technology 0 Science 1
Secondary Abilities
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Reborn 0
Shapeshifter 0
Spirits 0
The Hunt 0
Undead 1

Ability Specialties:
@@Ability Specialties@@

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws



Generation 3 resources 2


Merit Totmetic change 5 Hive mind 2


Flaw Rate in cage 2 Rival sires 2 Eerie Prescnce 2 Impatient 1


Temporary Permanent
Willpower 6 6
Blood Pool 13 13
Hunger Treshold 4


Path Rating
Humanity 5
Conscience/Conviction 2
Self-Control/Instinct 3
Courage 5


Displinces Animalism 1 Fortitude 0 Protean 4


Physical Description:
5'10, 160 lbs, very physical, short black hair with a piercing on her lip, and tattoos on her chest, she wears loose clothing to be ready for any fight

outgoing, a little hot headed and confrontation, aggressive, but willing to have fun and explore

Catherine and Amelia VanLeer

Shared Background:

The twins are the children of a high level political staffer from Washington DC. Up until high school the pair had lived in the upper crust of society. During that time the politician their family was attached to became embroiled in scandals of corruption which lead to their resignation and numerous investigations. The taint from these allegations and the threats of further trouble resulted in a blacklisting of their family and a rapid descent into poverty.

During high school the rapid shift and upheaval in their lives lead the girls to look for ways to regain some of that lost wealth. They started dealing in drugs first off. A small gaggle of kids they roped into pushing for them started their enterprise. Once they graduated their enterprise expanded. They bypassed their supplier and offered better returns to his boss, soon after they bought out most of his dealers and enforcers and began to expand into other areas.

Catherine was the brains of the outfit, learning the financial ins and outs, meeting with and convincing others to work with them, and intimidating those that opposed them. Amelia however was the muscle. Opposites in behavior but both on the same page and fanatically loyal to each other.

During their time expanding their little empire of crime, their operations began to push in on the underground dealings of a Ventrue, Auturo Denisi. One of the few of the Clan of Kings who saw the power in crime and was willing to risk his dignitas for the power and influence it brought. He originally sent a ghoul of his to put a stop to the pair but said ghoul was ambushed by the pair and their gang and returned to the Ventrue with a pair of smashed legs as a bold message.

The Ventrue continued this admittedly small time duel with the pair disrupting several of his operations in the District. This brought them equally to the attention of a member of Clan Gangrel. A woman named Fawn Lockhart who had a long standing rivalry with Auturo. Each vampire saw potential in the two and sought to recruit them. Fawn managed to capture and ghoul Amelia while Catherine was taken by Auturo.

While ghouls the pair worked for their respective overlord and opposed each other. Amelia physically and Catherine socially. Each one impressing their future sire for the years of their little war.

Eventually the two were selected for the Embrace and became vampires, and the war continued. Free from the blood bond that they had as ghouls the pair met and reconnected. Reforming their bond of sisterhood despite their Clan differences.

By this time the rivalry between Fawn and Auturo had grown so intense that the Prince of DC stepped in and put a stop to it. With the war in a forced peace the pair were given a great deal of freedom they’d never had before and Catherine was soon selected to help handle some of the Clan’s struggling assets in Florida. She brought her sister with her and they reformed their old aspirations of a criminal empire by stepping into the underworld apparatus of Jacksonville

Amelia specific background:

Amelia Time with her sire, was rough, which isn’t not typical of being a gangerl. She first started as a ghoul for her, being more like a blood bag, a sparing partner and on occasion enforcer duty. Over the course of several years, became more and or an enforcer for her. In terms of her policies and plans and taking over territory and doing deal during the day since her future sire couldn’t. This mainly dealt with humans, but also new kindred and occasionally animals. But also, was used to trying to break her and her sister. However, her usage as an enforcer and fighter was good. And hearing rumors her sister had been embraced (unknown if true or not) she was embraced in response.

Her sire taught her to be more in control of her beast and her passions, as gangerl, yes can shift to animals, but are only in control if they control their beast. Amelia was about combat, and often trained and sparred a lot, though in a more, animal like way, she was more obsessed with protean then most other gangerl, and Amelia had learned over time to shift to other animals anytime she wanted, as well, she was naturally gifted at shifting to insects. She, however, didn’t seem to care about morality, though Amelia morality being an enforcer was low to begin with, so she never cared. What made it rough was her constant obsession over the Venture, it seems to stem decades ago, and she never really understood why, and any time she asked, would be met with violence. She also seems to do anything to try to turn her against her sister, including torture, and threatening to kill her, and trying to lie and make up things. But she knew her sister too well. She even had a ravnos come in to make an illusion of her sister say things and try to hate her, and was the best idea she had, but the word choice she used and way she mannered herself were just off and throwing rocks is a decent way to break an illusion she found out, which was meet with violence as well. She did complete missions for the camarilla there, and did missions for her sire, which would make her happy, but her obsessed nature over that damn venture never seemed to go away. She also never understood why she never just killed the venture, she was always a physical person, and threatened to a lot but she never got why she didn’t. Maybe it was politics with the tower that stopped her, but she thought it was more than that but wasn’t ever sure.

Things only changed with a changed of leadership and help from her sister who she eagerly joined and helped with a new organization and potential criminal empire.

1 on wp

14 on 2 displinces

Twins with Catherine

Front Page Markup

Amelia VanLeer

Player: Jp


5'10, 160 lbs, very physical, short black hair with a piercing on her lip, and tattoos on her chest, she wears loose clothing to be ready for any fight


outgoing, a little hot headed and confrontation, aggressive, but willing to have fun and explore

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


XP Entry Form


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XP Purchase Form


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Experience Tracking

(NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try using Firefox or refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in Discord Channel: #wiki-help.)

Total Current Monthly Cap 1)

XP Gain Log

Date XP XP Type Scene Notes

XP Purchase Log

Monthly Discount Cap: 2)0/15
Approval Date Completion Date XP Purchased Discount? Notes

Current XP Requests

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1) , 2)
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app/output/amelia_vanleer_sheet.1707382240.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/Feb/08 08:50 by