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Character Name: Andrew Flint aka 'Father Flint'
Concept: The Captain
Heritage: Venusian

Backstory: Andrew Flint, bastard child of a Cardinal of the faith, was given marching orders, a gag, and a hush money to be quiet about his origins. Bouncing around from location to location, before becoming nearly destitute. He found himself onboard a scrapping project working for room and board when something better turned up. Still not able to use any political pull, he finds himself square in the middle of a bridge aboard a ship with nothing but his two hands, and the hands of his crew to make tomorrow a better day that today.

Personality: Jovial, friendly, and completely unprepared for most things being thrown at him; but by the saving grace of prayer, and a cargo hold full of luck, he comes out smelling like a rose in a pile of shit.

Description: Good looking, 5'3“ brown hair, mustache and goatee with a twinkle in his eyes that often ends up being misinterpreted as flirting with the opposite sex.

Grit: 5


Personality: Devout

Jinx: Deception. Andrew, has a terrible time lying or deceiving or even bending the truth.– You just have horrible luck with it. You take a permanent -2 on any roll you make with that skill.

Wrap Sheet: You’ve got red on your ledger, one faction or another wants you in shackles. – Venus really would rather not hear from me again. Even less in the fact that Andrew may have let it slip more than once whom his father really is hoping to get out of a tight spot.

Nuerotic (5) - Need to detail this out.



Basic Technical/Social Academic
Alertness: 2(10)
Athletics: 1(5)
Balance: 2(10)
Cartography: 3(20) Navcom(Capital Ship Navcom): 1(5)
Computers: 3(20) Console Use(Executive Console): 1(5)
Comradery: 3(20) Leadership(Crew Command): 2(10)
Drive: 3(20) Piloting: 1(5)
Firearms: 2(10)
First Aid: 3(20) Triage: 1(5)
Reaction: 2(10)
Tech: 3(20) Engineering(Computer Core Management): 1(5)




einsteinscage/tg2-captain.txt · Last modified: 2024/Jun/03 04:14 by · Currently locked by: