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The Ignis Arcanis
Hybrid Freighter Corvette.

Salvaged from the belts the Ignis Arcanis was found abandoned, and hardvac. You put her back together and dragged her back to port to refit. Three years later she was yours, free and clear, her former crew having long since perished in the vacuum of space.

Structure Points: 100
Maximum Tonnage: 110 Tons
Armor Plate: 20 Points at Optimum


The Ignis Arcanis was purpose built in it's day, and has a custom built core to match. When the crew salvaged the Arcanis from it's abandoned state out in the belts the plate over the door read 'Volcanus'. The plate was left in place.

The core is a molten salt fission reactor with a custom radioelectric generator tree tied to the ship's two massive aluminum heat sink fins.

Unlike most Corvettes, which have horizontal fins like wings, the Arcanis has vertical fins top and bottom, as to aid in loading and unloading of it's large cargo area.

The core was powerful for it's day, but has since become more standard. Producing three power units in offline mode, six in low operation, and up to twelve when running hot.

The ship also has an AI core. The AI that was aboard the ship was damaged beyond repair, and has since been replaced with a new one. Pele. She is quick tempered and easily irritated, as her name suggest, but otherwise stable and quite capable.

Apart from the AI Core and it's two subcores, the ship also contains 2 primary processor cores, and six secondary cores.


The ship is bulky, and larger than most corvettes, but built of light weight materials. So it's overall tonnage is comparable to any modern corvette. The ship has a large cargo space with access ports on the port and starboard, allowing for the ship to offload cargo without having to turn on it's side like most corvettes would have to.

As it is required to make long haul trips from the inner to outer solar system, the ship boasts a substantial hydrotank that produces multiple species of fish and vegetables in it's special built hydroponic tanks.

Each crew member has their own small room, as opposed to the bunks more common in corvettes built for shorter trips in the black.

Hardpoint Mounts:

The ship sports two forward hard mounts and three hard mounts on either side.

2 Browning-Remington Series 4 Autocannons
The Two forward facing hard mounts are both equipped with Browning-Remington series 4 autocannons. The two autocannons can be tethered together via the gunners console. (An action that requires a console use(Operators Console) roll). These autocannons are middle of the road. Moderately accurate, moderately powerful, and moderately efficient in terms of ship resource use.

The guns are fired with an Operations(Weapons) roll at diff 6. The opposing craft rolls Piloting at a difficulty equal to your roll to dodge. If they fail the roll, the weapon hits, dealing 20 structure points of damage to the ship.

Each gun requires 1 unit of power to function. If both turrets are linked together, a single computation core is required to manage the connection.

2 Arclight Industries Peregrine 5 Missle racks
These racks, mounted on the ship just behind the Tub, fire Peregrine 5 missiles. These long range missiles are self guided and effective out to a range of one thousand kilometers. They utilize multiple tracking and countermeasure avoidance systems including heat seeking and laser guidance as well as a computer controlled guidance and target lock system.

The missiles are fired with an Operations(Weapons) roll at diff 7. The opposing craft rolls either Piloting at a difficulty equal to your operations roll, or operations(countermeasures) at a difficulty equal to your roll -2. If the roll fails, the missile hits, dealing 30 structure points of damage to the ship.

Each missile rack requires 1 unit of power and one computation core to function.

2 Phalanx arms series 3 PDS minigun turrets
Mounted on the center mount on each side of the ship, these two Point Defense System turrets protect the ship from missiles and rocketry weapons.

To activate the weapons they must be powered, requiring 1 energy unit each, and each turret requires it's own computation core. Once the turrets have power and a tethered core, the Gunner rolls Operations(Weapons) to initialize the turret. This roll has a difficulty of 3, but that is only the minimum. When the roll is made, record it. This roll determines the difficulty of any operations(weapons) roll made to strike the craft with rockets or missile weapons. If the roll exceeds the initialization roll for the turrets the pilot can still attempt to dodge the missile as normal.

Bandal Sigmund Series 5 AI controlled scout drone
This drone is attached to the rear port side hard mount. It is controlled by the operator but requires the shipboard AI to function. The AI can also pilot the drone independently. The Scout Drone has a single .50 caliber heavy machine gun mounted underslung. While this weapon is too small to be a major threat to a ship, it is effective against smaller targets like people and other drones.

The drone also carries a small cutting laser and two manipulator arms. Allowing it to latch onto salvageable ships or even enemy craft and use the cutting laser to disable individual hardpoints.

The AI makes all rolls unless the Operator is directly in control of the drone.

.50 Caliber Machine Gun: Operation(Weapons) diff 6 minimum. 5 damage on a hit.
Arthur-Crump systemworks Cutting Laser: Operations(Salvage) diff 6. 5 damage per turn used, ignores armor

Salv-works Model 35RL salvage kit
The Port side rear mount houses a Salv-works Mode 35RL salvage kit, containing all of the tools and equipment needed for small scale salvage operations.

The hardpoint requires 1 power unit to function


The ship has a powerful chemical rocket system as well as an ionic drive housed in the fins. These systems combined with it's stiffened hull bracings and special chairs in the Tub allow it to accelerate much harder and longer than most ships of it's class, allowing it to move from the inner system to the outer planets and belts faster than most corvettes. This comes at the cost of raw maneuverability.



"Icarus PPC"


einsteinscage/ignis_arcanis.txt · Last modified: 2024/Jun/02 15:20 by