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Saoirse Gaughan em Rehuerdjersen


Nature: Architect - - Demeanor: Child
Character Type: Reborn - - Concept: Overly Curious Programmer
Player Name: Zechstein - - Dynasty: Amenti
House: @@Reborn_House@@ - - Faction: Ashukhi Corporation
Hamartia: Creative Sterility - - Inheritance: Artist


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma 2 Perception 4
Dexterity 3 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 4
Stamina 2 Appearance 2 Wits 2

Attribute Specialties:
Perception: Intuitive Intelligence: Book-Learning


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 2 Animal Ken 0 Academics 2
Art 2 Crafts 4 Belief Systems 0
Athletics 1 Drive 0 Computers 4
Awareness 2 Etiquette 0 Enigmas 0
Brawl 0 Firearms 0 Finance 1
Empathy 1 Larceny 0 Investigation 1
Expression 0 Martial Arts 0 Law 0
Intimidation 0 Melee 1 Medicine 0
Intuition 0 Performance 1 Occult 1
Leadership 0 Stealth 0 Politics 0
Streetwise 0 Survival 0 Research 0
Subterfuge 0 Technology 1 Science 2
Secondary Abilities
0 Meditation 1 Cryptography 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Reborn 1
Shapeshifter 0
Spirits 0
The Hunt 0
Undead 0

Ability Specialties:
Art: Painting Crafts: Stonemasonry Performance: Violin Academics: History Computers: Programming Science: Mathematics

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Ba 2 Ka 1 Khu 2 Vessel 2 Memory 1 Resources 3


Language (Irish) 1 Computer Aptitude 1 Master Craftsman 3


Distinguishing Characteristic 2 Bad Liar 1 Curiosity 2 Foreigner 2


Willpower: 6 / 6
Sekhem: 3 / 3

Balance/Quest/Direction: 3


Path Rank
Alchemy @@Alchemy@@
Amulets 0
Celestial 0
Effigy 3
Necromancy 0
Nomenclature 0
Lung Tan 0
Feng Tan 0
Alitu 0
Sarandu 0
Saudade 0
Respiro 0

Spells and Rituals

@@Spells and Rituals@@


Physical Description:
Saoirse appears as a middle-aged Irish woman with red hair and freckles. Her face is marked by a large scar, a permanent reminder of the accident that ended her second life.

Saoirse has always been a curios woman, but since her rebirth she has started to look at the world with an almost childlike sense of wonder. She is also very proud of both halves of her heritage, Irish and Egyptian, and isn't shy about this fact,

The First Life

Rehuerdjersen didn’t live in easy times. His life was marked by the general decline at the end of the Fifth Dynasty. But still, he had it better than many others: Rehuerdjersen, like his father and father’s father before him, was a stonemason, and he was one of the best in all of the land. It ensured that he was able to care for his family even when the times were tough.

He was already elderly (which in those times meant forty) when the priests of Osiris chose Rehuerdjersen to lead the craftsmen who would carry out the greatest invention in Egyptian immortality technology since the pyramid: The rites and prayers that would grant Unas, who was pharaoh at the time, eternal life among the gods would not only be spoken aloud, but cut in the very stone of the chambers that would hold his body. That way they would never fall silent.

Suffice to say it was a resounding success and formed a template which Egyptian funerary practices would continue to follow for millennia to come. And Rehuerdjersen had helped to make it happen. That was when the priests of Osiris offered him the spell of life, in order for coming generations to profit from his experience and skill.

The Second Life

Saoirse Gaughan was born on the fifth of December 1989 in Galway, Republic of Ireland. From her parents, Tadhg and Naomh Gaughan, little Saoirse inherited two seemingly contradictory yet equally important fields of interest: New technology and traditional Irish culture.

The upturn of the Irish economy in the nineties and two thousands, the infamous “Celtic Tiger” years, also improved the financial situation of the Gaughan family. When Saoirse was seven years old Tadhg Gaughan to buy a PC and get involved in the emerging internet boom, much to the delight of his daughter. She found computers endlessly fascinating and ended up spending more time with the machine than the rest of the family combined. . So when Saoirse graduated from her secondary education it wasn’t a surprise to anyone that she decided to enroll into the computer science program of the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology. Unfortunately that’s where the first cracks started to show: There was much more to software engineering than just being able to write code. In many ways the most important part was the design work, which came before the first line of code was ever written. It’s not that Saoirse was stupid, she understood the material just fine. But creativity was never her strong suit. She could apply existing patterns to problems, but anything that required thinking out of the box was difficult for her.

Still, with a lot of effort and dedication she eventually persevered and got her degree. But as it turned out her problems had only just begun. Saoirse moved to Dublin and got a job with a software developer. But it didn’t take long for her superiors to notice her linear thinking and lack of creativity. It wasn’t a reason to fire her, but it relegated her to being a basic code monkey, writing functions according to specifications handed to her with very little creativity required.

Over the course of the next few years Saoirse grew increasingly bitter. Her dream job had turned into dull drudgery, other people got promoted over her and even a change of employer only marginally improved her situation. She fell into a deep depression, on some days she barely had the energy to make it out of bed. Finally, on a rainy November morning Saoirse was hit by a car on her way to work. She didn’t look before she crossed the street, the driver who hit her wasn’t able to stop in time. Saoirse bled out on the scene before the EMTs arrived. .

The Hajj

As she died in a traffic accident there was no police investigation into Saoirse’s death, a very convenient fact for her journey to Egypt. She also very conveniently died near the biggest port in Ireland. She continued to play dead until she was placed in the morgue of a nearby hospital, and made a run for it as soon as nobody was looking. At Dublin Port managed to get onto a container ship that took her to Rotterdam. There she was luckily found by a cell of the Cult of Isis that kept an eye out for reborn arriving in just this fashion. With their support the rest of the journey still wasn’t easy, but manageable.

The Third Life

After her joining Saoirse stayed in Egypt for a while in order to get a grip on her new life. But like many Sakhmu she felt wanderlust, a desire to see the world. Also, after living in Ireland for all her days the sun of Egypt was just too much for her skin. So when the Ashukhi Corporation offered her a position in the software division of their North Florida branch, Saoirse didn’t need much convincing.

+ 2 pt. additional Ability point + 6 pt. additional Backgrounds + 1 pt. Willpower + 1 + 8 pt. Balance + 2 + 5 pt. Merits - 7 pt. Flaws

= 15 pt.


Front Page Markup

Saoirse Gaughan em Rehuerdjersen

Player: Zechstein


Saoirse appears as a middle-aged Irish woman with red hair and freckles. Her face is marked by a large scar, a permanent reminder of the accident that ended her second life.


Saoirse has always been a curios woman, but since her rebirth she has started to look at the world with an almost childlike sense of wonder. She is also very proud of both halves of her heritage, Irish and Egyptian, and isn't shy about this fact,

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


XP Entry Form


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XP Purchase Form


Warning: If you'd like to key in multiple lines for notes, you will need to use 2 forward slashes at the end of your sentences like so:
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Experience Tracking

(NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try using Firefox or refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in Discord Channel: #wiki-help.)

Total Current Monthly Cap 1)

XP Gain Log

Date XP XP Type Scene Notes

XP Purchase Log

Monthly Discount Cap: 2)0/15
Approval Date Completion Date XP Purchased Discount? Notes

Current XP Requests

(NOTE: End each line with \\ as just hitting Enter will not work.)

1) , 2)
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app/output/saoirse_gaughan_em_rehuerdjersen_sheet.txt · Last modified: 2024/Jun/09 16:06 by