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Marian Moore


Nature: Rogue - - Demeanor: Loner
Character Type: Demon - - Concept: Thief of Knowledge
Player Name: Soneca - - Faction: Luciferean
House: Fiend - - Visage: Of Portals


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma 2 Perception 3
Dexterity 3 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 4
Stamina 2 Appearance 3 Wits 3


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 1 Animal Ken 0 Academics 2
Athletics 1 Crafts 0 Computers 1
Awareness 2 Drive 0 Cosmology 0
Brawl 0 Etiquette 0 Finance 0
Empathy 0 Firearms 0 Investigation 3
Expression 0 Melee 1 Law 0
Intimidation 0 Performance 0 Medicine 0
Leadership 0 Stealth 3 Occult 4
Streetwise 1 Survival 0 Politics 1
Subterfuge 2 Technology 0 Science 3
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 3 Divination 0 Thanatology 0
Meditation 0 Enigmas 0
Security 3

Occult: Sorcery
Academics: History
Science: Astronomy

Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifter 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Pacts: 1\ Legacy: 3\ Paragon: 2\ Eminence: 1\


Eidetic Memory:2\ Great Liar:2\


Ghoulish Sense of Humor:1\ Gambling Addict:1\ Eccentric Appearance:1\ Debt:1\


Willpower: 6 / 6
Faith: 3 / 3
Torment: 3 / 3


Lore of Fundament 0
Lore of Humanity 0
Lore of Celestials 0
Lore of Flame 0
Lore of Radiance 0
Lore of Awakening 0
Lore of Firmament 0
Lore of Winds 0
Lore of Earth 0
Lore of Paths 0
Lore of Forge 0
Lore of Patterns 1
Lore of Portals 1
Lore of Light 1
Lore of Longing 0
Lore of Storms 0
Lore of Transfiguration 0
Lore of Beast 0
Lore of Wild 0
Lore of Flesh 0
Lore of Death 0
Lore of Spirit 0
Lore of Realms 0

Apocalypse Form

Normal Abilities:
Pass Without Trace\ Enhanced Perception\ Increased Awareness\ Wings\

Torment Abilities:
Cloak of Shadows \ Improved Initiative \ Enhanced Dodge\ Cast No Reflection\


Physical Description:
Marian is of unique appearance yet they do not stand out. While they have a blue dyed hair, nose piercing and tattoos their small height and quiet demeanor makes so they go unnoticed by most. The muted color clothes definitely help. Those who do pay attention see a femme and pretty face that always seems to be lost in their own mind, pale in complexion. Their hair is often cut short.

Being gender-fluid their wardrobe, and presentation, varies on the mood. At times putting on make up, skirts and clothes that reveal more of their skin and figure. Sometimes forgoing make up and even nail polish, choosing baggy clothes. Or sometimes just being as androgynous as possible.

Aloof and distant, Marian is not much of small talk. They are one of an incisive personality who tends to keep folk at an arms length. They are not shy, Raziel is fully capable of small talk and all social protocols with surprising grace. They just don't do it unless there is something to gain or point to it. All of this is pucntuated by a acid sense of humor, making the Fallen not the most amicable of individuals. To gain Marian's attention someone must show wit and intelect, or an ability to roll with the punches and barbed tongue. Those that get close find a witty and loyal friend.

Despite their best struggles though, they cannot resist gambling or games. Another oddity is their fascination with mortal astrology and tarot.

Raziel, Fell Knight of Mysteries. A cunning and tricky demon who steals all lore and knowledge for themselves so they may use it as a bargaining chip. Selfish and manipulative. Though this was not always the case, in the dawn of time Raziel was a proud member of the House of the Indigo Night. They were among the diviners, those who searched far and wide in creation to understand the secret intricacies of it and worked alongside other Elohim to relay what was found, where chaos could arise and where tweaks were necessary. Though content with the pursuit of knowledge and upkeep of order, to others they were a dispassionate and distant being. Where most formed bonds, Raziel retreated into their solitude.

It was Israfil, The Trumpeter, that would break the Diviner out of their shell. While most Elohim were only interested in what Raziel could tell that was relevant for the job. The Herald showed curiosity for all that the Fiend had seen, he asked of the stars and planets. Of the constellations in the corners of the galaxies, the mysteries of black holes and the colors of supernovas. All of it he wanted to know. Raziel in turn became more sociable and took interest in the other’s work.

The creation of Adam and Eve would change the nature of their relationship. Israfil had a personal hand in lighting the flame of passions in humanity alongside the fifth house. Raziel was close by, using their attunement to patterns and knowledge to advise where they could. Neither fully grasped what they helped create initially, but as the two together watched the Allfather and Allmother they learned of love. It was alien and yet beautiful. Not meant for two Elohim. Yet in secrecy the two sought to mimic humanity, in hidden planets they pretended to have a home together, and they danced. Playing pretend as lovers where nobody would see.

Perhaps it was natural that they took Lucifer's side in the great debate. It was their chance to learn more closely, as well to be free. Through the Long Night and the time of the Legions both were inseparable. They had chosen the Crimson Legion, loyal to the morningstar and his ideals.

When the time of babel came, Raziel made for a natural fit to serve under Baphamael. The Angel of Secret had scoured the hidden corners of creation, humanity could learn a lot of occult patterns and how to spot them. It was the first time in ages Raziel had been separated from Israfil. There was great anxiety but the pair knew the importance of their duties.

The Great Experiment was brought to a halt by the wrath of the monstrous nephilim. Raziel only barely escaped destruction before they returned to the Crimson Legion. They first sought for Israfil, desperate for his embrace only to find the Trumpeter had been destroyed and devoured. He was no more. In their sorrow Raziel would take a new role, assassin, thief, liar and manipulator. They lost sight of their ideals. Anything was fair game if it brought the other legions and the loyalist role. Despite all the effort, despite all the sacrifice the rebels lost. Raziel lost. All cast to the depths of the Abyss where all they could do was suffer.

Marian, they were a fairly smart individual. Though their life was defined by innaction. Fear and too much contemplation. Lost loves, lost opportunities were all too common in their life. The only thing that gave them any rush was gambling, something they had inherited from their late mother. Despite all the brains they didn't know when to quit, debt upon debt, loan after loan. Petty theft eventually became a desperate tool to try and fend off the loan sharks and threats. But do all of this enough times and you might just get unlucky.

One of the loan sharks got too rough and left Marian to die in some alleyway. As life left their body, they could only wish they had been someone who could see ahead, to be able to act on all they knew and control their fate. The dying wish of Marian was enough to attract the loose soul of Raziel to save the body and memories.

2 Willpower Points(2 freebies)\ 3 Ability points(6 Freebies)\ 1 Attribute Point(5 Freebies)\ 2 Background points(2 points)\

Pacts 1:

Alister Alexander: And old Librarian with an interest in the mystic who's memory had become faulty with age, Raziel restored his brain power as well imbued him with knowledge of the stars.

Eminence 1: Raziel served with the Ten in the Time of Babel, though they have no rank now their efforts were remerkable. Humans still whisper the name of the Angel of Secrets.

Front Page Markup

Marian Moore

Player: Soneca


Marian is of unique appearance yet they do not stand out. While they have a blue dyed hair, nose piercing and tattoos their small height and quiet demeanor makes so they go unnoticed by most. The muted color clothes definitely help. Those who do pay attention see a femme and pretty face that always seems to be lost in their own mind, pale in complexion. Their hair is often cut short.

Being gender-fluid their wardrobe, and presentation, varies on the mood. At times putting on make up, skirts and clothes that reveal more of their skin and figure. Sometimes forgoing make up and even nail polish, choosing baggy clothes. Or sometimes just being as androgynous as possible.


Aloof and distant, Marian is not much of small talk. They are one of an incisive personality who tends to keep folk at an arms length. They are not shy, Raziel is fully capable of small talk and all social protocols with surprising grace. They just don't do it unless there is something to gain or point to it. All of this is pucntuated by a acid sense of humor, making the Fallen not the most amicable of individuals. To gain Marian's attention someone must show wit and intelect, or an ability to roll with the punches and barbed tongue. Those that get close find a witty and loyal friend.

Despite their best struggles though, they cannot resist gambling or games. Another oddity is their fascination with mortal astrology and tarot.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


XP Entry Form


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XP Purchase Form


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Experience Tracking

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Total Current Monthly Cap 1)

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Monthly Discount Cap: 2)0/15
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app/output/marian_moore_sheet.txt · Last modified: 2024/Jun/02 08:31 by