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Kazimierz "Kasimir" Wrona


Nature: Idealist - - Demeanor: Machine
Character Type: Mage - - Concept: Modern Witch Doctor
Player Name: Soneca - - Affiliation: @@Affiliation@@
Essence: @@Essence@@ - - Sect: @@Sect@@


Physical Social Mental
Strength 3 Charisma 2 Perception 3
Dexterity 3 Manipulation 2 Intelligence 4
Stamina 2 Appearance 3 Wits 3


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 1 Animal Ken 0 Academics 1
Athletics 1 Crafts 1 Computers 0
Awareness 2 Drive 1 Cosmology 1
Brawl 1 Etiquette 0 Finance 0
Empathy 1 Firearms 0 Investigation 1
Expression 0 Melee 0 Law 0
Intimidation 1 Performance 0 Medicine 4
Leadership 0 Stealth 0 Occult 1
Streetwise 0 Survival 1 Politics 0
Subterfuge 1 Technology 1 Science 3
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 0 Divination 0 Thanatology 0
Meditation 0 Enigmas 0
Rites @@Rites@@
Lores Ratings
Awakened 1
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifters 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Avatar: 2 Resources: 3 Certification: 4 Mentor: 2


Physically Impressive: 2 Language(Polish): 1 Techgnosi: 3 Green Thumb: 1


Troublemaker: 2 Echoes: 2 Ward: 3


Willpower: 6 / 6
Quintessence: 4 / 4




Sphere Ratings
Correspondence 0
Entropy 0
Forces 0
Life 1
Matter 1
Mind 1
Prime 1
Spirit 1
Time 1


Slavic Paganism

Creation is Divine and Alive

Medicine-Work and Shamanism

Bodily Fluids, Bodily Remains, Tinctures&Brews, Herbs&Plants, Laboratories, Weapons(Sacrificial Knives), Runes, Sacrifices, Drugs, Formulas, Fashion(Robes&Body Paint), High Ritual, Sacred Iconography


Physical Description:
Kasimir is a tall caucasian man, with broad shoulders and a defined physique. His face is sculputed with fierce features, thick eyebrows, strong square jaw and piercing blue eyes. His body bears a couple scars, born from bad choices in his youth but also honest hard work. He has addorned his body with a couple tattoos, some there for the pure aesthetics, others because his faith. He often dresses stylish and in fine clothes, preferring dark and earthy tones. When conducting rites or prayers, he will dress himself in traditional Slavic garb of good linen and dark colors, accompanied by pelts and bones of animals.

Kazimierz is somewhat quiet and presents a serious demeanor. He seems hardly friendly at first. But he is a polite man, well educated and willing to speak of many different topics. He just happens to look vaguely threatening. He tends towards dry and sarcastic humor.

The wolchw is also extremely loyal, to his friends, to his kin and to his faith. He is a man of duty above all. Though he is not avert to lying and deception, only his people and the old ways deserve this much respect.

Somewhat idealistic, as he seeks that one day to bridge the Old Ways with Scicentific thinking. A goal both sides seem to oppose.

Kasimir’s bloodline had long been tied to the old ways of Slavic Paganism; they lived and prospered in Poland ever since before it was Christianized. Fathers taught their firstborn sons how to heal with plants and herbs, how to listen to the whispers of Veles coming from the woods and the earth’s clamoring for blood, the seasonal rites. Though it had its fair share of wayward sons converting to Christianity, only Aleksi broke the bonds of family. Rejecting not only faith and duty, but also his kin. He fled to the USA, hoping to escape what he saw as backwards superstition and strict frameworks, imposed by a tyrannical patriarch.

In the americas Aleksi met and married a local woman of the name Lucia. Together they had two children: Kasimir the eldest son; and Anna the youngest daughter. Aleksi raised his children to be secular and academic minded, and though he spurned his own father, he still placed great value in family bonds.

Kasimir would grow up fascinated by the natural world, with an impulse to help and aid people. A studious man, he’d grow into a fine medicine student. Perhaps a man of few friends, but loyal and caring.

At the age of 21 he’d find himself orphaned, both his parents dying in a car accident. To make matters more stressful, he’d be made the legal guardian of Anna who was then 8. It was during their funeral Kasimir met Chościsko. An old, and quite frankly stinky, man claiming to be Aleksi’s father. It was strange, Aleksi spoke little of his family in Poland. Kasimir approached his grandfather with curiosity, inquiring about his father’s childhood and why he left. The elder Wolchw initially did not pay much mind to his grandson much mind initially, judging him tainted by “American Modernism”, but soon he’d find himself surprised.

Kasimir sought Chościsko again and again, concerned about mending the bridge and driven to understand the ways his father had rejected. The Mage would test the younger’s virtues, his philosophies and how he faced the natural world, he’d nudge him to research into the healing works of the old priests and test Kasimir’s guts, see if the man was unflinching. Kasimir would often pass, stumble in the dark and make mistakes but he was in the right direction.

For the final test the elder was somewhat cruel. He’d drop a confused and naked Kasimir in the woods, watch how he’d fare in the wilds and apply the knowledge taught. For seven days he wandered, on the brink of starvation and cold, but hanging on to dear life with every inch of advantage he could get. It was in this near delirious state, and with a stubborn refusal to abandon his family, that he heard it for the first time. When the winds swept through the tree leaves, the crunch of his feet against the wet dirt. A deep voice of somber tone, though it mocked his failings it whispered long lost wisdoms . It taught Kasimir how to be one with the natural world and survive this ordeal.

The man emerged changed, he knew for a fact there were deeper mysteries to the world. Yet they were going ignored, dying. The powers that be wanted them gone, and the people who knew of it were inflexible, their pride was more important than the survival of these ways. Kasimir would be further instructed in the ways of a wolchw, their deeper mysteries and craft.

His drive is now to find a way to balance the more modern teachings of his father and own studies, and the primal yet beautiful old ways his grandfather spouses. Where can it be conciliated and where he must choose, only time will tell. But whatever comes, he is loyal to his family and kin.

4 points into Attributes 6 points into Abilities(1 for skills, 2 for knowledges) 1 point into Willpower 4 points into backgrounds

Research: 1 Theology: 1 Esoterica: 3 Arts: 1

Specialties: Medicine(Pathology), Science(Biology), Academics(History), Crafts(Gardening), Arts(Drawing)

vatar 2: Voice(Or Herald) of Veles, a skull and a cloak of shadows. The skull is no human or know animal, it is a chimera of Veles sacred animals. It is an avatar of grim disposition, often mocking Kasimir and challenging his ideals, the man stands at a crossroad and his avatar will push him into a decision or destroy him. Somewhat of a conniving trickster. Its lessons always guide him to deeper secrets of the earth or uncomfortable truths.

Mentor 2: Chościsko Wrona, Kasimir's Grandfather and Verbena wolchw, he is a traditional man. Staunch in his old ways, with a curmudgeon streak. Though he greatly disapproves of Kasimir's “modernist” stances(and makes his opinions loud and clear), the boy is still family and trying to learn. And so, he mentors him. At times he is inacessible, returning to Poland. He calls Kasimir “Pup”.

Certfitification 4: Kasimir is a graduated and certified doctor, working in Clinical Pathology.


Physical Impressive: The flipside of looking scary is that you get to intimidate people more easily. Funny that.


Troublemaker: Something about Kasimir just gives off the vibe he is up to no good. If a fight breaks out, that large guy with scars and looking vaguely menacing is probably to blame.

Echoes 2: Kasimir is deeply attuned to the primal, bloody-side, of nature and magic. His hair always seems disheveled, the faint scent of wet earth(and sometimes blood) fills the air.

Ward : With the passing of his Father and Mother, Kasimir became the legal guardian of his young teen sister. Her name is Anna Wrone(though often called Ania), she is aware of Kasimir's religion and though she has some curiosity about it, she is simultaneously skeptical. Obviously she relies on him for many things, being economically dependant or requiring him to attend to school meetings.

Front Page Markup

Kazimierz "Kasimir" Wrona

Player: Soneca


Kasimir is a tall caucasian man, with broad shoulders and a defined physique. His face is sculputed with fierce features, thick eyebrows, strong square jaw and piercing blue eyes. His body bears a couple scars, born from bad choices in his youth but also honest hard work. He has addorned his body with a couple tattoos, some there for the pure aesthetics, others because his faith. He often dresses stylish and in fine clothes, preferring dark and earthy tones. When conducting rites or prayers, he will dress himself in traditional Slavic garb of good linen and dark colors, accompanied by pelts and bones of animals.


Kazimierz is somewhat quiet and presents a serious demeanor. He seems hardly friendly at first. But he is a polite man, well educated and willing to speak of many different topics. He just happens to look vaguely threatening. He tends towards dry and sarcastic humor.

The wolchw is also extremely loyal, to his friends, to his kin and to his faith. He is a man of duty above all. Though he is not avert to lying and deception, only his people and the old ways deserve this much respect.

Somewhat idealistic, as he seeks that one day to bridge the Old Ways with Scicentific thinking. A goal both sides seem to oppose.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

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app/output/kazimierz_kasimir_wrona_sheet.txt · Last modified: 2024/Jun/02 04:21 by