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Nature: Loner Demeanor: Trickster
Character Type: Werewolf Concept: Detective
Player Name: Maxniss Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ragabash Tribe: Fianna


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 2 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 3
Stamina 2 Appearance 2 Wits 4


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 2 Animal Ken 1 Academics 1
Athletics 2 Crafts 0 Computers 0
Primal Urge 2 Drive 0 Cosmology 0
Brawl 2 Etiquette 0 Finance 0
Empathy 2 Firearms 0 Investigation 2
Expression 2 Melee 0 Law 1
Intimidation 1 Performance 1 Medicine 0
Leadership 0 Stealth 1 Occult 2
Streetwise 1 Survival 0 Politics 0
Subterfuge 1 Technology 0 Science 0
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 0 Divination 0 Thanatology 0
Meditation 0 Enigmas 2
Rituals 1
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifters 1
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Kinfolk: 2 Pure breed: 1 Rites: 2


Language: Dutch




Willpower: 3 / 3
Rage: 1 / 1
Gnosis: 2 / 2
Harano: 0 / 3


Glory: 1
Honor: 1
Wisdom: 1


City Running Scent of Running Water Resist toxins Master of fire


Rite of cleansing Last Blessing


Physical Description:
Homid: Bas has green eyes, black hair that is long enough that it reaches the back of his neck. He often wears a beige jacket and blue jeans and he makes sure that he is presentable in human society.

Crinos: Bas' crinos form is largely red. with a spot of White that cascades into black and then into the red on his chest. And near his feet and hands the same color black appears again.

Lupus: Bas' lupus form is similarly as his Crinos form. mostly red with his paws being black and a spot of white below his neck.

Bas is someone who doesn't show his full self to every stranger he meets. but once he gets to know someone he opens up and shows his more curious side, and his love for a good detective mystery.

Bas was born in a small village in the Netherlands, to 2 loving parents called Caitlin O’conner and Willem Vermeeren. His dad worked in an office and was mostly busy during Bas’ youth while his mother in the first few years stayed at home, she eventually started working in a flower shop.

Bas would often see family from his dad's side visit, but never saw anyone from his mother's side. When he asked her why this was, she only told him that she had a falling out with her dad and she chose to abandon her family. She never told anyone about her dad being a werewolf or that the reason she left her family behind was to be with the man she loved and thinking that with the slim odds of her also being a werewolf she didn’t see any harm in leaving.

Around the age of 10, Bas' dad got a job offer at an office of his firm that was located overseas in America. Though Bas’ dad had to do a lot of convincing. Eventually he convinced Bas’ mom to agree to move to Florida.

Moving to Florida was not an easy experience. On the first day of school Bas had already gotten in trouble with a group of classmates. Thinking that these 3 just sought an easy target to bully. Bas tried to ignore their taunts and tried making friends with the other students, but this was in vain. Frustrated by the awful day at school, once Bas got home and dropped his school stuff in the house he decided to go for a little walk through the neighborhood, where he found a forest. The tranquility of the forest made it feel like all his troubles just washed off. This forest would become a place for Bas where he could unwind if life ever got too much.

One evening during the summer vacation after Bas turned 16, he was walking through the forest when he heard some yelling further ahead. Recognising the voices as the bullies from school and chose to walk another path. A few minutes later however he felt an object impact him in his back. As he turned around he saw that the group had seen him and had their toys aimed at him. At first Bas ran away but the group pursued him, With no signs of them giving up so Bas tried to hide behind a tree to catch his breath.

The next thing Bas remembers was waking up in a place he couldn’t remember. Trying to stand up was hard as his body hurt. Suddenly he heard a voice from behind him. Not even listening to what was being said, Bas turned around and saw a strange man standing there. Without a second thought Bas ran away but didn’t manage to get far as the pain caused him to trip and fall again. Once again he heard the man talk, this time however Bas listened to the man who was now trying to suppress his laughter. The man threw a bag of clothes to Bas and told him a little about what happened and where he was going to take Bas and why. Not having any objections, Bas agreed to go along although he had the feeling that his answer wouldn’t have mattered. The man took Bas to the sept in Jacksonville where he spent his time training and learning about how the Garou work.

Rite of Passage: Around the age of 19 Bas got to prove himself by undertaking the rite of passage. Him and 4 others who he had come to know in the sept were sent out to investigate and deal with a particular fomori that was hiding in Jacksonville. This particular fomori had been spotted on numerous occasions and was slowly getting closer to the sept spreading the seeds of corruption along the way. After being given the last location of where this fomori had been seen the group set out.

The hunt started when the group arrived in the area. The group split up as to not arouse too much suspicion trying to gather information in the area about the man they were searching for. Seeing the rest of the team go around the stores and back alleys, Bas decided to go to a nearby park and asked people there. Although people were first suspicious about a stranger walking around, when hearing that he was looking around for another suspicious stranger the moms and older people in the park had plenty of information on the man, though most of the information was clearly gossip.

When the group reconvened to discuss what they had found out, Bas could clearly see that 2 of the group had been in a fight. With the information that the group had gathered it was clear that the Fomori had a hideout and where he had been visiting. The group started to argue about what to do next. Either they could go and find the fomori or they could go find out what the fomori was doing. The more strong headed among the group wanted to settle the dispute with a fight in order to go after the fomori, while the smarter ones of the group wanted to settle the discussion through a debate on to voice their reasons for wanting to go look at what the Fomori had visited and see if they could stop what it was planning. This bickering about how to choose their next course of action went on for 15 minutes before Bas got bored, got out a coin and simply asked “Head or tails”. Despite the grumblings of the losing side the group now had their next course of action.

An hour later the group found themselves in front of an abandoned building in which the Fomori was said to be hiding. The stench of the wyrm reached across the streets as the group approached the building closer. The front door was an obvious choice of entry however it was also the most likely to be trapped. A quick look around the outside revealed another entry point in the form of a fire escape. With the sun still up the group decided to wait until nightfall to enter the building. It had started to rain as the group returned to the building. With the 2 entrance points the group decided to split up into 2 groups. A group of 3 which would enter through the front door while 2 would sneak through the back. Bas went with another teammate through the fire escape.

Once inside the smell of the wyrms corruption became worse. It didn’t take long for both Bas and his teammate to hear the sounds of fighting at the lower levels of the building. Trying to remain undetected they made for the ground floor. There they saw that the front door crew had engaged a group of fomori. While Bas was about to join the fight when his teammate held him back. He wasn’t able to see the target in the group of enemies fighting the front door team and didn’t want to make their presence known to the enemy. The front door team was handling themselves just fine without their help. Though Bas wasn’t happy with the plan to leave the front door crew alone, at the time it did sound like the course of action.

While the fight sounded through the house there was also a disturbing laugh echoing through the building. Bas and his teammate set out to follow that laugh. They arrived at a room on the 1st floor above the room the others were fighting in. In the middle of this room was a giant hole with their target standing in front of it looking down at the fight that was going on. The 2 started to creep up towards their target as suddenly a loud noise sounded through the building. Bas who was focussed on getting close to his target got struck in awe by the thundering sound and accidentally ended up alerting his target by kicking away loose debris. The target turned around and saw the 2 garou but couldn’t react as suddenly he got tackled by Bas’ teammate who used the distraction caused by Bas to rush forward, and they both fell into the hole. A few seconds later Bas jumped down the hole as well and joined the fight as well.

As most of the enemies had already been defeated by the front door team, clearing the last few remaining Fomori did not take long. The group got back together and looked at their target they kept alive, figuring out what to do with him. The front door crew being a bit angry about the back door crew leaving them in that fight wanted to kill the Fomori, to which Bas and his teammate agreed. The group returned to the cairn to report on their successful hunt and completed their rite of passage. Each of them were asked about their parts in their hunt and about their details before their initiations.

For his deed name he was given a name inspired by the game he had the group play for deciding their next course of action: “Heads-or-tails”.

Master of fire (7) Expression (2) Gnosis (2) Occult(2) Primal urge(2)


Front Page Markup

Heads-or-tails / Bas Vermeeren

Player: Maxniss


Homid: Bas has green eyes, black hair that is long enough that it reaches the back of his neck. He often wears a beige jacket and blue jeans and he makes sure that he is presentable in human society.

Crinos: Bas' crinos form is largely red. with a spot of White that cascades into black and then into the red on his chest. And near his feet and hands the same color black appears again.

Lupus: Bas' lupus form is similarly as his Crinos form. mostly red with his paws being black and a spot of white below his neck.


Bas is someone who doesn't show his full self to every stranger he meets. but once he gets to know someone he opens up and shows his more curious side, and his love for a good detective mystery.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


XP Entry Form


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XP Purchase Form


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Experience Tracking

(NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try using Firefox or refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in Discord Channel: #wiki-help.)

Total Current Monthly Cap 1)

XP Gain Log

Date XP XP Type Scene Notes

XP Purchase Log

Monthly Discount Cap: 2)0/15
Approval Date Completion Date XP Purchased Discount? Notes

Current XP Requests

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1) , 2)
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app/output/heads-or-tails_sheet.txt · Last modified: 2024/Jun/09 10:36 by