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Esmer Georgeson


Nature: Idealist - - Demeanor: Visionary
Character Type: Vampire - - Concept: Old Hallucinating Anarch Horror Writer With a Long Past
Player Name: Owlbear - - Sect: Anarch
Sire: Theodore Simmons - - Clan: Malkavian


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma 4 Perception 3
Dexterity 2 Manipulation 4 Intelligence 3
Stamina 2 Appearance 2 Wits 2


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 1 Animal Ken 0 Academics 2
Athletics 1 Crafts (Writing) 4 Computers 0
Awareness 2 Drive 0 Cosmology 0
Brawl 0 Etiquette 1 Finance 0
Empathy 2 Firearms 3 Investigation 0
Expression 2 Melee 0 Law 0
Intimidation 1 Performance 0 Medicine 0
Leadership 2 Stealth 0 Occult 2
Streetwise 1 Survival 1 Politics 1
Subterfuge 1 Technology 0 Science 0
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 0 Divination 0 Thanatology 0
Meditation 0 Enigmas 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Undead 3
Spirits 0
Shapeshifters 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Anarch Status: 3

Fame: 3

Resources: 2

Pooled Domain with James ‘Snake Eyes’ Johnson: 2

Generation: 2


Peacemaker: 2

Eidetic Memory: 2

Prophetic Dreams: 2


One Eye: 2

Distinguishing Characteristic (Injuries): 1

Lame: 3


Willpower: 5 / 5
Blood Pool: 12 / 12

Conscience: 4
Self-Control: 3
Courage: 3


Auspex: 2

Dementation: 1

Obfuscate: 0


Physical Description:
Age: 81

Apparent Age: 76

Hair: White

Eyes: Brown

Nationality: U.S.

Height: 6'2“

Weight: 163lbs

Gender: Male

Esmer is a kindhearted soul with a dedication to trying to resolve conflict peacefully, though when push comes to shove he is willing to get his hands dirty. His ultimate goal and the thing he works towards with all of his heart is the eventual secession of the Anarchs from the Camarilla in a peaceful way.


Esmer was still a child when war broke out and the United States decided to get involved, this war was one of ideology and yet he didn’t quite see the reason for fighting in it. Nonetheless, despite his personal worries, the war raged on until he was old enough to fight and so he was drafted into it. He had spent his youth being a charismatic charmer who had powerful opinions on right and wrong and a passion to express them through the creative process of writing but now he was expected to fight in a war he didn’t believe in. He was trained how to shoot, how to keep his head down, and how to follow orders but that did little to help him in the chaos of battle that this was, he was lucky enough to avoid many of the more terrible battles during his time there but the ones he was in turned him into someone who was hardened and able to fight even when he’d prefer any other option! Eventually, the bad battles caught up to him and he was in one that got him sent home, they were sitting at a point ready to defend it from the enemy when all hell broke loose gunfire, explosions, and screams filled his ears in a matter of moments he quickly tried to move as he heard something hit the ground next to him … BOOM … He hit the ground hard passing out as he did so, he began to fade into and out of consciousness as he began to be dragged away from the battle terribly injured but miraculously surviving, he was sent back to the states missing an eye and with permanently injured legs leaving him using a cane for the rest of his life.
Esmer was stuck in the hospital for a while after his return to the States and as such, he had a lot of free time and not a lot of things he could do so he began to read rather extensively and eventually found a topic he enjoyed above others, Horror. He read every horror book he could while in the hospital and this led to him learning more and more occult things by exposure to the things written about in the many horror books he read. After his recovery process finally ended Esmer went to College to get his English degree and to have more access to better books. At the same time he began to write short stories in the horror genre and show them off to friends and family, this lead him to do actual occult research to fuel his horror stories to make them more interesting. Eventually, he graduated with his English degree but he continued to study the occult after he got one of his Horror stories written and published! 
He began to become more well-known as he wrote more and more Horror books that utilized his master's level of occult knowledge to make interesting stories. Eventually, his fame in horror communities began to grow over the years and years of him making books, he wasn’t a national celebrity or anything but he was known in his spaces. This brought the attention of one Theodore Simmons his soon-to-be Sire. Theodore broke into his home late one night and embraced him, that night made all the things Esmer wrote about over his long long life start to creep into the world and all the things he would think up would enter when Esmer’s mind wandered to them. Or at least that is what he believes in reality that isn’t true but one can only try and understand the mind of a Malkavian. Esmer was dropped off at a Baron’s doorsteps while his Sire left ready to see what new stories he’d make now that he was a Malkavian. He spent the next year learning about vampires and their various sects and clans with this Baron. As that year began to come to a close Esmer decided that he would leave to meet more Anarchs / Vampires around the US in the hopes of learning both more about their condition and how they viewed the world they were now in, this led him to years of traveling and learning that eventually led to him realizing that while he agreed with the Anarch paradigm he was less attached to the idea of a revolution than some of his fellows which caused him to begin taking up the job of negotiating peaceful ends to encounters and resolution to problems between the Anarchs and Cams, he earned a reputation as a Peacekeeper because of this. Eventually, he came across a Gangrel they had been abandoned by their Sire, this fact resonated with Esmer causing him to decide that he would teach them of their new life and how to live it!

-7 on backgrounds, -2 on Survival, -2 on Willpower, -2 on Crafts (Writing), -2 on Firearms, -6 into Merits

+6 from Flaws

Derangement: Supernaturally Potent Hallucinations

Charisma (Eloquent): 4

Manipulation (Well-Reasoned): 4

Resources 2: Esmer gets his money by making books, sending them to his publisher, and having his portion deposited in his bank account.

Fame 3: Esmer knows that he'll have to eventually switch identities but he's currently famous due to his writing being well-liked by many people in the Horror and Occult communities.

Status 3: Esmer is a well-known Peacemaker throughout the Anarch movement and has become influential for his work on peaceful solutions for various encounters between the Cams and Anarchs throughout the US.

1 dot of Undead lore is free

Front Page Markup

Esmer Georgeson

Player: Owlbear


Age: 81

Apparent Age: 76

Hair: White

Eyes: Brown

Nationality: U.S.

Height: 6'2”

Weight: 163lbs

Gender: Male


Esmer is a kindhearted soul with a dedication to trying to resolve conflict peacefully, though when push comes to shove he is willing to get his hands dirty. His ultimate goal and the thing he works towards with all of his heart is the eventual secession of the Anarchs from the Camarilla in a peaceful way.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


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app/output/esmer_georgeson_sheet.txt · Last modified: 2024/Jun/03 05:30 by