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Artyom Pyotrvich(Society of Ether)


Nature: Architect - - Demeanor: Eye of the Storm
Character Type: Mage - - Concept: Ambitious Doctor
Player Name: Soneca - - Affiliation: @@Affiliation@@
Essence: @@Essence@@ - - Sect: @@Sect@@


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 2 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 4
Stamina 2 Appearance 2 Wits 3


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 2 Animal Ken 0 Academics 2
Athletics 0 Crafts 2 Computers 1
Awareness 1 Drive 0 Cosmology 0
Brawl 0 Etiquette 2 Finance 0
Empathy 2 Firearms 0 Investigation 2
Expression 2 Melee 0 Law 0
Intimidation 0 Performance 0 Medicine 4
Leadership 0 Stealth 0 Occult 0
Streetwise 0 Survival 0 Politics 0
Subterfuge 2 Technology 2 Science 3
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 0 Divination 0 Thanatology 2
Meditation 0 Enigmas 0
Rites @@Rites@@
Lores Ratings
Awakened 2
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifters 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Laboratory:3 Avatar:2 Library:2 Resources:3


Eidetic Memory-2 pts Languages, Latin&Russian-2 pts


Driving Goal(The Panacea)-3 pts Impediment(Bad sight, glasses)-1 pt


Willpower: 7 / 7
Quintessence: 2 / 2




Sphere Ratings
Correspondence 0
Entropy 2
Forces 0
Life 2
Matter 2
Mind 0
Prime 0
Spirit 0
Time 0





1.Blood&Fluids 2.Bones,Skins,Organs&remains 3.Periodicals 4.Hypermeds 5.Devices&Machines 6.Gadgets&Inventions 7.Laboratory&Lab Tech 8.Formulas


Physical Description:
Artyom is a lean man standing 175cm tall, he has a dirt blond hair with a white streak that is often messy. He dresses in formal clothes, a dress shirt with a vest over it, and though they have a Victorian look to them, they are far more subtle compared to his peers. They also always have a vague disheveled look to them. His eyes are deep with bags under it, he'd be handsome were not for his neglect for neatness.

A man of a serious demeanor, but not unfriendly. Artyom is often calm and collected, he only seems to spark up when speaking of his passions and interests. A staunch defender of humanity's potential. For someone awakened and exposed to the supernatural he is weirdly skeptical, he does not dismiss the existence of Wizards, shapeshifters and bloodsuckers but to him there's a perfectly rational explanation for all of this. He has great distaste for the technocracy and how it could do so much for humanity, yet it refuses.

Artyom’s tale begins with the fall of the Soviet Union. Pyotr, his father and scientist to the Soviet State, decides to migrate to the USA searching for a better market seeing as the economy of the Union was in decline, he brings with him his then pregnant wife. Although he did not have much to boast on his person, his credentials and higher education managed to find him worthwhile jobs in tech companies. Their son would be born in American land but that didn’t stop his father from giving the boy a traditional East Slav name. His mother did protest, fearing that it might get in the way of the boy fitting in, Pyotr was unbudging of course, a stern and headstrong man

Due to the background of his parents, Artyom grew up in contact with the native language of his parents and learned english at school, making him bilingual from an early age. Despite the rigid demeanor his father was also quick to incentivize the boy’s curiosity, about the mechanisms of how things work and why they are. Even if he couldn’t answer he’d seek the answer or give the boy a push to keep looking. At school he did fine, at least as far as his grades went. Friends were few and far between due to his heritage and exacerbated curiosity. He had a hobby of collecting bugs, but that was all, a hobby. Of course it contributed to his weirdness to other kids. More grimly, he grew up hearing tales of how family and friends of his parents perished from disease, those only slipped up when he grew older but hearing the tragedies different people lived through was part of his formative experience still.

When he became a teen and entered highschool things didn’t change much. A relatively average life of a ‘smart kid’ with few friends. Perhaps a bit more ambitious than the average teen. The most noteworthy aspect of his teen years was the passing away of his father when he was 17. A figure that had guided and provided for so long simply died. Lung cancer from a lifetime as a smoker claimed the scientists’ life. Though he left inheritance, the quality of life in the family dropped. His mother lacked the same prestige as he father had. Life from there onward would be hard work and study for Artyom. But the death of his father coupled with his unending curiosity gave him a new drive: How does death work?

To figure out the mechanisms of death, both physical and metaphysical could be the key to prevent more deaths like his father. He delved into different fields seeking an answer. But Medicine seemed the most promising. After all, it is the job of a medic to heal, care and prevent diseases to slow down death. They improve people’s health. They battle with the inevitable every day of their lives. He’d also be a man of science, an erudite, much like his beloved father was.

When Artyom was of age, he enrolled as a bachelor of medicine where he excelled among his peers. His icy determination made sure he kept on with a somewhat lonely existence even now. It was during this time he had the first contact with the Kitab al-Alacir. It was in the reading list of one of his teachers, though he read the text and the themes of the dialogues and essays resonated with him, he didn’t think of them as much more than interesting essays. He branched out to a few other fields out of curiosity or passion for study, philosophy had always been a second love to Artyom, as well the literature of his family’s homeland. Through the years of his study though, something had always bothered him. Abandoned theories that went ignored or unfunded that could help grant longevity for the population, the complete disregard for anything seemingly mystical or miraculous.

Through the 7 years that took for him to truly finish his studies, his mind always wandered back to the dialogues of Aretus. They spoke to a personal frustration that some diseases were simply incurable. He returned to the Kitab al-Alacir, and heeded to its warnings. He’d have to search beyond the walls of current medicine. He spoke to the professor that had recommended the book as a reading, Alan Kain. Artyom rambled to Alan about his thoughts, and theories. The student half expected it to be just shrugged off as personal delusions. But Professor Kain just smiled. A promise to guide Artyom in this personal quest.

Kain provided texts not found anywhere, theories of medication or procedures that could extend one’s lifespan. They seemed to defy all conventional scientific knowledge. But maybe it just didn’t make sense for him yet. Professor Kain wouldn’t lie. Time and time again he tried to personally replicate these miracle mixtures to no avail, bringing his failed projects to his mentor to see what he thought. This insane search seemed to be hopeless. Unfettered and with sleepless nights while extremely caffeinated Artyom would stumble onto something, the theories, the Kitab al-Alacir began to connect. An inspiration for a formula that would be able to eventually defeat the inevitable itself. A cure for all, his personal Panacea. The first draft of course wasn’t the solution but it could miraculously heal self inflicted injuries in but moments by speeding up the healing process that’s natural to the body.

This prototype panacea was presented to Alan Kain first. The professor seemed satisfied, joyful even, one of his students had finally got it! After decades as a teacher, one of them finally took the path of Science! Professor Kain would take Artyom away for a time of training and instruction into Awakened society, to become a member of the Society of Ether. Further taught into Etherite Biology and Chemistry, and introduced into Etherite Engineering. Etherite Dynamics proved useful for his research, calculating probabilities of death or infection, identifying weaknesses in a body, as well an understanding of the cycle of death itself. Metaphysical Ether seemed important to the new metaphysics he was delving in, something closely related to building blocks of everything. In this time he’d develop his own theories and try to develop further his own formula. He was quick to debate other Etherites in their theories and philosophy, he was appalled by how careless or destructive some of them were with Science. But even as he butted heads with his fellow Etherites, they all shared something in common. They accepted the wonders of science, there was an attempt of applying ethics to it, a wish to spread it to the world. The Technocracy stood as a rigid structure, people who could prevent millions of deaths with their virtually infinite resources. But they would much rather amass all to themselves while keeping the Masses ignorant. It should be power to the people.

Ironically, his career was not much different from his father. Having grown to be a serious and somewhat lonely man. The friends he made drifted or were driven apart as he let himself be dragged by his pursuit of a postgraduate and now the Awakened Sciences of the Society of Ether. Even his mentor would eventually follow his own path once Artyom was properly instructed.

With his basic education into Science complete and his mundane diploma acquired Artyom decides to return to Florida, where his elderly mother currently lives to help take care of her given that he spent nearly a decade absent, only communicating with her through phone calls. Although graduated to work in labs researching viruses and diseases, he is active as a general physician. He lives alone but visits his mother when possible, sending her financial aid. Still he can only afford to rarely visit her, consumed by his research and secluded into his lab during his free time. Testing his own cures and drugs on himself. The Awakened community will soon have a pull in his life as well.

04 - Arete +1 02 - Willpower +2 06 - Abilities +3 03 - Backgrounds +3 total: 15

Arete: 2

Specialties: Expression(Rhetoric), Academics(Philosophy), Crafts(High Tech), Medicine(Pathology)

Belongings: Scalpel, Cellphone, Block of Notes


Library: A collection of books on diverse medical fields, both mortal and Awakened. A few issues of Paradigma are found as well, copies of the Kitab Al Alacir and some other papers on awakened technology to aid him.

Sanctum: Artyom has a small clinic and laboratory he has cultivated over the years, a small room with tools, gadgets and machines for his research. It is stocked with antibiotics, painkillers, bandages and other drugs.

Avatar: Artyom's avatar is Panacea, often taking the form of a formula he seeks as an all cure. Sometimes it appears as the greek goddess, though he believes are delusions of his brain.

Front Page Markup

Artyom Pyotrvich(Society of Ether)

Player: Soneca


Artyom is a lean man standing 175cm tall, he has a dirt blond hair with a white streak that is often messy. He dresses in formal clothes, a dress shirt with a vest over it, and though they have a Victorian look to them, they are far more subtle compared to his peers. They also always have a vague disheveled look to them. His eyes are deep with bags under it, he'd be handsome were not for his neglect for neatness.


A man of a serious demeanor, but not unfriendly. Artyom is often calm and collected, he only seems to spark up when speaking of his passions and interests. A staunch defender of humanity's potential. For someone awakened and exposed to the supernatural he is weirdly skeptical, he does not dismiss the existence of Wizards, shapeshifters and bloodsuckers but to him there's a perfectly rational explanation for all of this. He has great distaste for the technocracy and how it could do so much for humanity, yet it refuses.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


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app/output/artyom_pyotrvich_society_of_ether_sheet.txt · Last modified: 2024/Jun/09 13:09 by