Changeling House Rules

The Mists and You: A guide to Changeling Crossover:

The mists are an ever-present factor in the life of those who interact with, but are not, changeling. Supernaturals and mortals both seem to suffer the effects of rationalization. The battle involving trolls and the living tree become more plausible over time: she was just really big and strong, not blue, and the tree wasn’t actually alive it was just in danger of falling apart or damaged from the storm. Fantastic beasts and their destructive paths become events of weather, drunk drivers, gas explosions… once an explanation takes hold, all will eventually reconcile it as truth. Writing and pictures become items of fiction, lost, replaced, or simply disregarded in time. The Mists spare none.

System Updates: For the purposes of determining Mists effect on Supernaturals, all will use the Mists chart at HALF their value, rounded down. This means the Banality 7 Vampire will have the memory of a Banality 3 according to the chart below. There are a few exceptions to this:
