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pc:rhea-lynn_gataki_sheet [2021/Jun/19 13:46]
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-|  **[[pc:Feathers | ST EXP Sponge]]**  ||| 
-|  **[[Rhea-Lynn Gataki Sheet|Sheet]]**  |  **[[Rhea-Lynn Gataki XP Log|XP Log]]**  |  **[[Rhea-Lynn Gataki|Back]]**  | 
-====== Rhea-Lynn Gataki ====== 
-^  Changeling  ^^ 
-|**Player Name:** Feathers |**Concept:** Babysitter/Nanny/Wetnurse | 
-|**Mortal Name:** Rayland "Rhea-Lynn" Gataki |**Court:** Seelie | 
-|**Fae Name:** Rhea-Lynn |**Seelie Legacy:** Troubadour | 
-|**Kith:** Satyr |**Unseelie Legacy:** Grotesque | 
-|**Seeming:** Wilder |**Antithesis:** Harming Children | 
-|**House:** N/A |**Musing Threshold:** Create Love | 
-|**Motley:** N/A |**Ravaging Threshold:** N/A | 
-|  **Passion:** Passion For Music  || 
-===== ATTRIBUTES ===== 
-^  Physical  ^^  Social  ^^  Mental  ^^ 
-|Strength  |  2  |Charisma      4  |Perception    3  | 
-|Dexterity |  2  |Manipulation |  3  |Intelligence |  3  | 
-|Stamina    3  |Appearance    3  |Wits          4  | 
-|  ~~=sum(range(1,1,1,row()-1))~~  ||  ~~=sum(range(3,1,3,row()-1))~~  ||  ~~=sum(range(5,1,5,row()-1))~~  || 
-^  Attribute Specialties  ^ 
-|Charisma: Calming Presence\\ Wits: Instinctive| 
-Note: Stamina +1 from Birthright. Int/Wits increased with Freebie.  
-===== ABILITIES ===== 
-^  Talents ((If you don't have this ability: -1 Dice))  ^^  Skills ((If you don't have this ability: +1 Difficulty))  ^^  Knowledges ((If you don't have this ability: Can't Roll))  ^^ 
-|Alertness    |  2  |Animal Ken  |  1  |Academics      0  | 
-|Athletics    |  2  |Crafts      |  3  |Computers      0  | 
-|Kenning      |  1  |Drive        2  |Enigmas        2  | 
-|Brawl        |  0  |Etiquette    1  |Investigation |  0  | 
-|Empathy      |  4  |Firearms    |  0  |Law            0  | 
-|Expression    2  |Larceny      0  |Medicine      |  1  | 
-|Intimidation |  0  |Melee        0  |Occult        |  0  | 
-|Leadership    0  |Performance |  4  |Politics      |  0  | 
-|Streetwise    0  |Stealth      0  |Science        0  | 
-|Subterfuge    0  |Survival    |  2  |Finance        0  | 
-|Intuition    |  0  |Technology  |  0  |Research      |  0  | 
-^  Uncommon Talents  ^^  Uncommon Skills  ^^  Uncommon Knowledges  ^^ 
-|              /  |            |  /  |Gremayre      |  1  | 
-|  ~~=sum(range(1,1,1,row()-1))~~  ||  ~~=sum(range(3,1,3,row()-1))~~  ||  ~~=sum(range(5,1,5,row()-1))~~  || 
-^  Ability Specialties  ^ 
-|Crafts: Music Writing\\ Performance: Pipes\\ Empathy: Matters of the Heart| 
-Note: Empathy increased by 2 dots with Freebie. 1/5 Knowledge dot went into Gallian. 
-^ General Lores ^  Ratings  ^ 
-|Undead          0  | 
-|Shapeshifters  |  0  | 
-|Awakened        0  | 
-|Gallian        |  2  | 
-|Reborn          0  | 
-|The Hunt        0  | 
-|Spirits        |  0  | 
-^ Changeling Lores ^  Ratings  ^ 
-|Satyr Lore      0  | 
-|  ~~=sum(range(1,1,1,row()-1))~~  || 
-===== BACKGROUNDS ===== 
-^  Background  ^  Rating  ^ 
-|Contacts    |  1  | 
-|Dreamers    |  1  | 
-|Remembrance |  1  | 
-|Resources    2  | 
-|  ~~=sum(range(1,1,1,row()-1))~~  || 
-===== RESOURCES ===== 
-^  Resource  ^  Rating  ^ 
-|Willpower  |  6  | 
-|Glamour    |  5  | 
-|Nightmare  |  0  | 
-|Banality    3  | 
-===== BIRTHRIGHT & FRAILTY ===== 
-^  Birthrights  ^^ 
-|Gift of Pan |When a satyr thoroughly indulges herself in one of her passions - often sexual, but also artistic and creative - those around her are also caught up in the frenzy. Fae and mortal alike join her in her dancing and debauchery. The Gift of Pan doesn't force anyone to partake in sex or any other activity, but removes inhibitions that might normally keep someone from indulging. Rather than creating a new passion, the Gift of Pan removes the barriers of social convention that might otherwise prevent someone from being able to completely surrender to an action of passion or revelry. Those failing a Banality or Willpower roll (diff 8) find themselves helpless to resist indulging in their secret desires. | 
-|Physical Prowess |Satyrs add one dot to their Stamina, even if this raises it above 5. Satyrs can use their powerful goat legs to move with great speed and agility, and thus can never botch an Athletics roll. | 
-^  Frailty  ^^ 
-|Passion's Curse |A satyr's intense passion also has a darker side. Prone to mood swings and wild fits of temper, especially while intoxicated, satyrs may exhibit violent emotional outbursts, fall into uncontrolled weeping, or be otherwise unable to rein in their temper. Near-perpetual indulgence also means that satyrs struggle on the rare occasion they must resist temptation, triggering Banality. | 
-===== LEGACIES ===== 
-^  Seelie: Troubadour  ^^ 
-|  Desc:|The Troubadour seeks ideal beauty in all facets of life, for only in purity of form is the essence of truth. When in love, she loves with abandon. When sad, she weeps an ocean. When angry, she is a raging inferno. The Troubadour believes that the world hides a singularly perfect person, place, or situation that will reveal the truth of existence to her. To find it, she explores all of life with uncompromising faithfulness to her own powerful feelings. | 
-|  Quest:|When you achieve a goal in the name of a higher ideal (love, friendship, romance, etc) regain Willpower. | 
-|  Ban:|Never hide your feelings. | 
-^  Unseelie: Grotesque  ^^ 
-|  Desc:|The Grotesque is a disgusting freak who loves to push people's buttons and to savage the sensibilities of polite society. A blush, shocked gasp, or stern rebuke is his applause. The more extreme the reaction, the more triumphant he deems his performance. A master of insults, he cuts right through propriety to the heart of outrage. Nothing is too base for the Grotesque if he's the center of attention. | 
-|  Quest:|When someone falters or loses his composure because of you, regain Willpower. | 
-|  Ban:|Never willingly conform to polite society. | 
-===== MERITS ===== 
-Voice of a Songbird (1pt.) - All satyrs sing, but not all of them have a voice that charms the apples from the trees. You do. The Gift of Pan carries through your voice and inspires passion without the use of a musical instrument. You have perfect pitch and can sing acappella without missing a single note or going off-key. Even when only speaking, your voice has a seductive quality that attracts people to you. This trait can be especially useful when trying to persuade others or when attempting to win over a potential lover. Whenever you make a Social roll that involves speaking or singing, add 1 to the dice pool. [Kithbook Satyr - Pg 63]\\ 
-Inspiration (4pt.) - The Gift of Pan lets all satyrs inspire lust in those who hear their music, which lowers inhibitions and strengthens resolve. When you play your instrument, however, you can inspire whatever emotion the song relays. A tender lullaby, when you play it, causes those listening to fall asleep. More rousing tunes get people's bodies moving and they feel the uncontrollable urge to dance. When you play a soulful dirge, your audience weeps. As with the Gift of Pan, only those who fail a Willpower roll (diff 7) feel the effects of your music. [Kithbook Satyr - Pg 65]\\ 
-Ambidextrous (1pt.) - You have a high degree of off-hand dexterity and can perform tasks with the "wrong" hand at no penalty. The rules for taking multiple actions still apply, but you do not suffer a difficulty penalty if you use two weapons or are forced to use your off hand. [CtD 20 - Pg 177]\\ 
-===== FLAWS ===== 
-Addiction to Music (1pt.) - You suffer from an addiction to a substance or experience. If the addiction is to something sedative and a fix cannot be obtained, you should roll to avoid triggering a game of temporary Banality, as the mists of fugue gnaw at you. If the addiction is to something stimulating and a fix cannot be obtained, the Storyteller can choose to give you a point of Nightmare or even an Imbalance. For a one-point Flaw, the addiction must be satiated weekly; for a two-point flaw, the addiction must be satiated daily; for a three-point flaw, the addiction must be satiated after an hour of sobriety. [CtD 20 - Pg 179]\\ 
-Compulsion to playing an instrument upon seeing it. (1pt.) - You have a psychological compulsion of some sort, which can cause you a number of different problems. Your compulsion may be for cleanliness, perfection, bragging, stealing, gaming, exaggeration, or just talking. A compulsion can be temporarily avoided at the cost of a Willpower point, but is in effect at all other times. 
-Possessive (2pt.) - You obsess over and jealously hoard your possessions. When others attempt to use your equipment - whether it be your car, sword, clothes or bed - you must make a Willpower roll (diff 7). On a failure you vehemently refuse to allow anyone to touch your things, and will lash out if they push the subject. On a both, you immediately act violently when someone attempts to handle anything you own. [CtD 20 - Pg 185]\\ 
-Bizarre Quality (2pt.) - Though the Mists still protect you from mortal detection, there is something about you that mortals find fascinating. At inappropriate times, they will stare at you and strike up conversation in hopes of getting to know you better. Worse still, mortals of less savory natures will choose you over other potential targets for their illicit acts. [CtD 20 - Pg 188]\\ 
-Geas (1pt.) - You are under a geas at the beginning of play, most likely a Ban, but possibly a long-term quest. This geas may be a family curse or duty you inherited, or a changeling Art imposed it on you. The difficulty of the geas determines how great a Flaw it is. Something minor, such as a Ban against harming animals, would only be worth one point. More difficult geas are worth more points. A five-point geas is something that rules your entire life, like a quest that requires you to render aid to anyone in need you encounter. The Storyteller decides the exact value of whatever geas you choose. [CtD 20 - Pg 187] "You must not refuse a drink when it is offered to you."\\ 
-===== ARTS ===== 
-^  Art  ^  Level  ^ 
-|Oneiromancy |  2  | 
-|Summer      |  1  | 
-===== REALMS ===== 
-^  Realm  ^  Level  ^ 
-|Actor  |  2  | 
-|Fae    |  2  | 
-|Nature |  0  | 
-|Prop    0  | 
-|Scene  |  1  | 
-|Time    0  | 
-|  ~~=sum(range(1,1,1,row()-1))~~  || 
-===== COMBAT ===== 
-<html><!-- DO NOT TOUCH. This is the Health Table --> 
- <table width ="100%" style="text-align: center"> 
-  <tr> 
-   <td colspan="8" onclick="resetAll()"><b><i>HEALTH TABLE</i></b></td> 
-  </tr> 
-  <tr> 
-   <th width="12.5%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #444444" onclick="'#680000'">Bruised</th> 
-   <th width="12.5%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #444444" onclick="'#680000'">Hurt</th> 
-   <th width="12.5%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #444444" onclick="'#680000'">Injured</th> 
-   <th width="12.5%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #444444" onclick="'#680000'">Wounded</th> 
-   <th width="12.5%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #444444" onclick="'#680000'">Mauled</th> 
-   <th width="12.5%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #444444" onclick="'#680000'">Crippled</th> 
-   <th width="12.5%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #444444" onclick="'#680000'">Incapacitated</th> 
-  </tr> 
-  <tr> 
-   <td>0</td> 
-   <td>-1</td> 
-   <td>-1</td> 
-   <td>-2</td> 
-   <td>-2</td> 
-   <td>-5</td> 
-   <td></td> 
-  </tr> 
- </table> 
- <script> 
-  function resetAll() { 
-   var x = document.getElementsByTagName("th"); 
-   var i; 
-   for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { 
-    x[i].style.backgroundColor = "#444444"; 
-   } 
-  } 
- </script> 
-<i><b><u>How To Use The Health Table:</u></b> Click on the Name of the Condition to indicate what level you are at. To reset, click on the "Health Table".</i> 
-  * __**INITIATIVE:**__ 1d10 + Dexterity + Wits 
-  * __**DODGE:**__ Dexterity + Athletics (Difficulty 6) 
-  * __**SOAK:**__ Stamina (Difficulty 6) 
-|Willpower 6 |  2  | 
-|Intelligence 3 |  5  | 
-|Wits 4 |  5  | 
-|Empathy 4 |  4  | 
-|Merits |  6  | 
-|Flaws |  -7  | 
-|  ~~=sum(range(1,0,1,row()-1))~~  || 
-====== ABOUT Rhea-Lynn Gataki ====== 
-===== Physical Description ===== 
-|True Age     |30 | 
-|Apparent Age |25 | 
-|Height       |5'10" | 
-|Weight       |175lbs | 
-|Gender       |Intersex | 
-|Ethnicity    |Caucasian | 
-|Nationality  |American | 
-Featuring a gorgeous mane of hair the color of fire, Rhea-Lynn attracted any and all beings. 
-In her Human Form, she stands at 5'4", the average of female humans. She is hourglass shaped and uses that to her advantage quite often. She can easily appear friendly, charming or seductive, depending on the situation. Her tanned skin brag of many many hours spent outdoors. 
-Her Fae Mein has her standing at a full 5'10", with long sharp ears and a set of impressive goat horns mounted atop her head. Her mane of hair seem extra... well, extra, in this form. Longer and wilder, her mane also represents her Satyr nature of outrageous freedom. Her skin is on the pinkish side and her fur so dark that it appears blueish black. Her tail also sports a fluffy end the same color as her hair. Her hooves are shiny and always clean. Sometimes? She paints outrageous nail-polish on them! 
-In all forms, she prefers less restrictive clothing, though when at work, she does wear a bit more just to remain "professional". Her body build is muscular and lithe, signs of an athletic. 
-===== Personality ===== 
-Like most Satyrs, Rhea-Lynn is fun loving, outgoing and absolutely enjoys delighting others. She is especially fond of children and infants for they represent the joys of life and love. She specializes in bringing wonder to their lives, encouraging their wild imaginations and soothing their unstable emotions through song and music. 
-In the "bedroom", her personality doesn't change very much though she is much more likely to let loose as only a Satyr can. Wild and untamed doesn't come close to describing her. And she is NOT picky. ;) 
-===== Backstory ===== 
-Rhea-Lynn led an interesting life. It starts with being born to a mundane human mother. Her mother wasn't rich, but she was young and inexperienced. When her Satyr father visited the small town... Well, her mother was immediately drawn to him and one thing led to another. Said father left shortly after, to satisfy his wanderlust. Her mother was heartbroken but carried the child to term, despite the scorn of the townsfolk for having produced a child with a vagabond. When Rhea-Lynn was born and it became obvious that she wasn't exactly "normal" physically, her mother felt disgusted with the child but was loathe to just throw her away. And so, she grew up without very much love or attention. Even as a toddler, she realized that she would have to be independent and care for herself. 
-Several years later, and her mother got pregnant again... and again... And eventually, started selling her body to help support the suddenly larger family. Rhea-Lynn had to dutifully keep up with the demand of being both an elder sister as well as child-mother, for her own mother had stopped caring. She stopped going to school and started staying home, taking jobs as babysitter or doing menial jobs that no one else wanted to do, just for the extra cash that went straight into the hungry mouths of her siblings. 
-It was around this time that Rhea-Lynn started hearing odd voices and whispers. She randomly saw wisps of colors out of the corner of her eyes. Sometimes, she could swear she saw funny looking creatures peek out at her, only to disappear again. She didn't reveal this to anyone though, besides the children she cared for. The adults in her life already disliked her for her... "deformity", she didn't want them to send her away to the crazy house. So instead, she used her imagination and what she's experienced, to tell stories and sing songs for the kids. Her reputation as being extremely good with kids started to spread. All the kids in town wanted to be entertained by her. At first, the adults were suspicious of demonic possession, but the moment they witnessed her at work, they relaxed. Her natural charisma soothed even the most zealous asshole. Soon enough, many of the parents were relieved to get breaks from their rambunctious kids. 
-Rhea-Lynn's mother immediately took advantage of her. She started marketing her daughter as the best babysitter in the world, capable of turning rowdy kids into gentle sheep. Obviously, the young soon-to-be fae was disgusted at her mother's attempt. But as she was a minor, she didn't have a choice. She felt wrong, but she did her duty. And in the process, the chimerical things she experienced for years started to slowly fade. Her anxiety grew as she was feeling more trapped than ever before.  
-The final straw came when a new family came to town and hired her to care for their newborn. The husband got drunk one night and came home, spotted Rhea-Lynn and forced himself on her. Her mother had hidden the fact that she was differently made and he freaked out. That night, she packed up and ran away. 
-She fled into the forest, the wilderness. And she taught herself to survive. It wasn't long before the chimerical snippets came back. This time, it came back in full force. Especially when she allowed herself to let loose and sing her heart out. When she reached her later teens, she braved going back to civilization and doing what she knew best: caring for children. 
-It started with parents who were so busy working multiple jobs that whatever flaws she had was nothing compared to her ability to calm their children. Soon enough, she was hired on by several families and was able to slowly make a living, albeit a very basic one. One day, a curious family approached her for her services. They offered to not only pay her a handsome sum, but they also offered to house her, feed her and provide for her needs. The only caveat: She was to become a full time nanny for their newborn. 
-She agreed and entered into their employ. To her delight, they were artists. Their home consisted of gorgeous works of art, shelf upon shelf of books, all kinds of musical instruments and even a thriving garden. She immediately got to work, helping the mother with the newborn and doing all sorts of maid-like work though that wasn't in the job description. With permission, she played on the piano, the flute, the guitar, they even had a harp! She became their nanny, maid, entertainer and sometimes even advisor. 
-The big day arrived and it started like any other morning. She woke up, danced around as she worked and played with the baby. The master of the house came home with a box for Rhea-Lynn. He said it was a bonus, a reward for her excellent services. The box contained a custom-made but simple pan pipes. With a gasp, she took it and immediately started to play. The Dreaming crashed down around her. She was suddenly half goat and she was surrounded by magic. And yet... She didn't panic... She didn't need to. Everything just //made sense// and felt right and she was finally at home. At peace. Flashbacks of her past lives flitted through her mind's eye as if there was a fast-forwarded movie playing. And throughout the experience, she didn't stop playing the pipes. 
-The family who hired her turned out to be Kinain. Under their guidance, Rhea-Lynn's fae self awoke fully and properly. She spent her Childling days exploring and learning about her new world. She perfected her art on the pipes she was gifted. When their child grew old enough to behave himself, they sent her off to find other children to inspire. And so she did. Her reputation grew once more, but this time, all her employers knew that she is intersex. And the more experienced she got, the more she offered. She discovered that many new mothers have difficulty producing enough milk for their children and so, they rely on artificial powdered milk. Which was disgusting. She researched into it and found that she could help out by producing milk herself. 
-Further from becoming a wetnurse, she also found that her instincts on the matters of the heart was often accurate, and so she also became sort of like a love guru. Quite a few of her clients turned out to be very open-minded as well and was willing to experiment with HER. Needless to say, she had found her true calling and was thriving. 
-Rhea-Lynn eventually found herself in The Eden Tragos. She had travelled there out of curiosity. An entire society of Satyrs and other Changelings and mundane humans as well? A nudist colony? How interesting. She quickly established herself as a babysitter and was soon hired by many to care for their children while they enjoyed themselves. She had days off too and boy did she ROMP.  
-==== The Crysalis ==== 
-Rhea-Lynn was sitting in the garden, the family dog laying next to her and the baby napping in his outdoor crib on her other side. She was reading one of their many books, this one about The Sword in the Stone. Master came home and walked into the garden with a grin on his face. "Morning, Rhea-Lynn! I got you something. I think you'll love this. Call it a reward for the wondrous things you've done for us!" 
-"Oh, you didn't have to sir. I am delighted to be here and you've given me so much already!" she replied, blushing prettily. 
-"Go ahead and open it, dear. I promise, it will be amazing." he smiled, handing her the box. She put her book down to take it curiously. She opened the box and peeked in. Time almost seemed to have frozen. Her eyes widened and she gasped loudly. Gingerly and with reverence, she reached in to take the item out. It was a custom-made set of pan pipes. Using carefully grown real reeds, someone had carved and woven it together into a simple but beautiful set. The words "Rhea-Lynn" was carved into the longest side in fancy writing.  
-Out of a compulsive need, she closed her eyes and blew into the pipes. A world of rainbow colors suddenly swirled around her. The garden came to life with the bright green of //life//. The insect life suddenly fluttered about her. Birds came to land in the trees to listen to her music. Squirrels stopped their digging to perk up.  
-Her music was forlorn and joyful at the same time. She played through the memories flashing in her mind. She suddenly saw what she was, why she was and how to be. It was a moment of pure euphoria. She ended her tune with a soft decrescendo that echoed throughout the garden. There was a brief pause of silence following it as she dropped the pipes from her lips to stare around in wondering numbness. That silence was broken by Master clapping proudly. She looked at him, stunned. "Wh-... How did you know?" she murmured at him. 
-"We are called Kinain. We are relatives of your kind, the Kithain. We were told to look out for you, who was wandering about giving off //faerie vibes//." he explained with a chuckle and using air quotes when he said faerie vibes. "Would you like to look at your reflection?" 
-The newfound Satyr looked over at the small pond they had in their garden, then walked over slowly. It was so odd yet so familiar to be walking in hooves of all things. She looked down and melted at her own reflection. She was stunning. Her dark fur gleamed, her horns looked sharp, her hair literally became a mane of firey red that shone in the morning light. "Oh... Oh my..." 
-And then she giggled when her tail came into view to flick about excitedly. Master grinned and proceeded to explain further and answer any questions she had. 
-==== The Present ==== 
-While tending to one of her clients, a message came to Rhea-Lynn. A letter, from the Countess of the Kingdom of White Sands. In it was a request to report to the duchy. Curious, the satyr continued reading. Looks like the Countess was looking to hire a nanny during an upcoming wedding. //'Easily done.'// flitted through her thoughts. She smiled and looked around. Well, she's been here a while. It is time to go on another adventure. She looked back down at the infant she was suckling, put the letter down and hummed a lullaby as she rocked back. Decision made. Tonight, she would go to all her clients and inform them of the good news, collect the last of her pay and pack up. Tomorrow, she would be heading to Starke. 
-===== Notes ===== 
-As written above, she is intersex. This is something she wouldn't hide, as she believes that being transparent about how she was born helps employers to be more willing to trust her. Those who scorn her and look down on her for having "The best of both worlds" as she calls it, aren't worthy of her services anyway.  
-As was previously discussed, she is capable of lactating and provides wetnurse services to employers who request for it. 
pc/rhea-lynn_gataki_sheet.1624110381.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/Jun/19 13:46 by feathers