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Gray Faulkner

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XP Log

Character Type: Demon
Nature: Rebel Demeanor: Deviant
Player Name: Tim Concept: Dangerous Punk Rocker
Celestial Name: Seru Faction: Luciferan
House: Rabisu Visage: Visage of the Beast


Physical Social Mental
Strength 3 Charisma 2 Perception [Aware] 4
Dexterity [Quick] 4 Manipulation 1 Intelligence 2
Stamina 2 Appearance 3 Wits [Quick Thinker] 4


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 3 Animal Ken 3 Academics 1
Athletics 3 Crafts 0 Computers 0
Awareness 2 Drive 1 Cosmology 0
Brawl 1 Etiquette 0 Finance 0
Empathy 0 Firearms 0 Investigation 0
Expression 1 Melee 2 Law 0
Intimidation 3 Performance [Singing] 3 Medicine 1
Leadership 0 Stealth 1 Occult 1
Streetwise 0 Survival 0 Politics 1
Subterfuge 0 Technology 0 Science 1
Uncommon Talents Uncommon Skills Uncommon Knowledges
Intuition 0 Divination 0 Research 1
Meditation 0 Enigmas 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Undead 0
Spirits 0
Shapeshifter 0
Reborn 0
The Hunt 0


Resources: 1
Pacts: 1
Legacy: 2
Fame: 1
Allies: 3

Merits and Flaws


Catlike Balance: 1
Angelic Gaze: 1


Stubborn: -1
Eccentric Appearance: -1
Socially oblivious: -1


Temporary Permanent
Willpower 5 5
Faith 3 3
Torment 0 4


Conscience 2
Conviction 4
Courage 3


Common Lores Lore of the Fundament 0
Lore of Humanity 0
Namaru Lores Lore of the Celestials 0
Lore of Flame 0
Lore of Radiance 0
Asharu Lores Lore of Awakening 0
Lore of the Firmament 0
Lore of the Winds 0
Annunaki Lores Lore of the Earth 0
Lore of Paths 0
Lore of the Forge 0
Neberu Lores Lore of Patterns 0
Lore of Portals 0
Lore of Light 0
Lammasu Lores Lore of Longing 0
Lore of Storms 0
Lore of Transfiguration 0
Rabisu Lores Lore of the Beast 3
Lore of the Wild 0
Lore of the Flesh 0
Halaku Lores Lore of Death 0
Lore of the Spirit 0
Lore of the Realms 0



Apocalyptic Form

Low-Torment Abilities:
Increased size, Enhanced senses, claws/teeth, and extra actions (for faith)

High-Torment Abilities:
Thick Hide, Gaping Maw, Extra Limbs, Chameleon Skin


Physical Description:
Gray is a 28 year old masc-presenting nonbinary person of mixed (mainly Chilean and Italian) descent, looking to be a bit younger than he is, around his mid 20s. He stands at 5'5“, although is sometimes taller by a few inches due to the boots they wear. He has a defined, angular face, with piercing orange eyes (pupils slit). This has to be painstakingly covered with contacts daily.

Their hair is dyed— it's often dyed various vibrant colors, at the moment taking on a copper-ish orange. Both of his sides are shaved, specifically shaved into a scale-like pattern, which is often exposed whenever they assume their usual pulled back style, or tease it up into a deathawk for shows. His ears are gaged, not exorbitantly so, but large enough to be mildly noticeable, and also hold many other piercings. Their nose is also pierced, and he has ringed snakebites on his bottom lip. They often sport some facial hair.

On days that aren't show days, a tshirt (usually a band logo or some obscure thing they don't really know from the thrift store) and ratty jeans suffice, maybe with some layered necklaces, rings, and even some light makeup if they're going outside, their patch jacket thrown on over it. This only slightly changes on days where they perform, Gray going a little harder on makeup and maybe even cropping one of his shirts, adding some fishnets under his jeans.

They carry themselves casually, yet there is a subdued fluidity and quickness to their movements.

Upon first impressions, Gray comes off as a decievingly relaxed person. They talk very casually, and present as someone who often gives out good advice, emitting a sort of “chill older brother” vibe.

Under that, though, he's much more of an anxious and frustrated person than they let on. Behind this casual presentation, their eyes and ears are always trained on high alert. They have a quick temper and a stubbornness to them that makes it so once they're set on a plan, everyone else's ideas are bullshit until proven otherwise. Thankfully their friends still tolerate him, he and Luxe have a system worked out as to how many songs each person can write. And oh lord can this demon hold a grudge. The flipside of this stubbornness, though, is a fiercely loyal disposition.

The human in Gray would do anything for the people he found himself close to, and the demon would give up just about anything for humanity. Hell, why do you think he's so damn paranoid all the time? They still hold a deep passion for the good people they still see out there, and despite how much he tries to bury it, hope still lives deep within them. That's part of the reason why they run from the idea of salvation. As they see it, salvation from God is equal to giving up. Admitting they were wrong and turning their back on humanity. They still have hope that they can pull through. It's something he constantly finds himself bleeding, breathing.

Gray was born in Jacksonville, Florida on May 25 1991. He grew up with both his mother and grandparents— he never found out what happened to his father when he was young, all that his family ever told him was that he had passed away.

His grandparents were very traditional catholics— his mother less so— but being an EMT kept her out of the house and distant from Gray's life for the majority of his childhood and teen years. His grandparents were… fine, but they'd never really gotten along the greatest. Gray was presenting as a girl, and so they expected him to act a certain way. He didn't. He was always a bit of a loudmouth, and was often outside much more often than he was inside, playing around with the local neighborhood kids much too close to the treeline of the nearby nature reserve for his grandparents liking. He asked to go to the zoo almost every birthday, which would have been fine if he didn't spend so much time in the reptile house.

Gray had always loved snakes— it was a special interest of his, and still is to this day. There was just something about the way they moved, the way they held themselves, the way that they observed the world, that he had always felt a kinship with. He'd always struggled with empathy— he really tried, he really did— and that led him to relating to creatures that were more instinctual.

He really began coming into his own when highschool came around— the K through 8 years that the private school his grandparents had him attending finally ran out. He started making more worthwhile friends, doing more things he was interested in. His highschool had a nature club, and he was even named its president in his junior year.

But, senior year brought his world to a screeching halt.

Catholicism had already sort of faded into the background hum of his life, it was something he did because he had to, because that's just how life was. But then he figured out he was trans.

And that really made him look at how much stake he exactly placed in God.

He knew what his grandparents thought about that sort of thing. They'd talked about it before. And if this got out— if he even gave it an inkling of legroom in his head— he could lose everything.

Many times he had laid faceup on his bed, staring at the ceiling and begging God to take away these feelings, asking why he'd been made like this.

And he never got an answer.

He very vividly remembers breaking around christmas. Ironic. He didn't break loud. There was no storming out, no yelling at his grandparents, no spitting on the name of god… no. By all means, he kept up appearances at home, he still went to church with his grandparents, still wore those stupid dresses— he just… felt empty. Like nothing existed where that faith used to nest.

Gray never got the chance to deconstruct. Not really. After graduation he moved out, no warning, no nothing. A few months of slowly shifting packed boxes to his friend's house and he was gone. The only thing left of him was a note in his childhood bedroom explaining that he was fine and that he wasn't missing, no need to call the cops.

Before that, he'd had so many plans. He was going to go to the university of Miami for ecological science. He had been going to get a job doing what he loved, maybe working to conserve the everglades, maybe even working with snakes.

But now he was rooming with a friend, barely making rent or enough to pay for his testosterone, slowly scraping away from heavy dysphoria, working a shitty retail job to live in an even shittier apartment.

At least he got to have a pet snake now.

And so he continued on, anger slowly filling the hole left in his soul. Whether that was internalized anger at himself for what he was, anger at his grandparents and the shitty system they followed, or anger at a god who couldn't care less… he didn't know. And since he didn't have an exact source to point at, he decided to take the opportunity when the friend he lived with presented the idea of a punk band, and directed his anger outwards. At a system that fucked him over and people that didn't care.

Then 2012 came around.

They'd been playing some punk house when some guy decided he'd had enough of Gray's singing. Of course, there were plenty of ways he could have dealt with this. He could've booed. He could've walked out. Hell, he could've even thrown a beer bottle at him, that would've been fine. But no.

He fucking shot him.

Gray doesn't remember how it felt, or falling down. The last thing he remembers is the noise of the shot, and suddenly he was on the floor, his friends trying desperately to keep more blood in than what was coming out. Eventually the world faded. This was it. He was gonna die at 21, all because some asshole didn't like his singing.

And then Gray woke up as Seru.

Snakes were easy creatures to monitor during creation, instinctual beasts with simple bodies and senses. Thus while some creatures needed a whole dozen or so shepherds to look after their birth and lives, the snake only needed two.

Mun's precise hands gave the vipers their fangs, while her best friend Seru gave constrictors their muscle. They were phased into the group of shepherds that looked over reptilian creatures after all the different species and subspecies were created, but the snakes were always theirs, first and foremost. They had always worked in tandem, always a team. Despite the more flashy, dangerous nature of the viper as an animal, Mun had always been the more subdued of the two. When Seru had an idea, nothing short of centuries of time or the hand of on high could pull them away from it.

But, when the rebellion came, they were torn. Seru had believed in the cause presented, humans were the pinnacle of their and every other houses' creation. They deserve more than the base sentience given to them. But Mun disagreed. She scorned Seru for going against the word of the great creator, and pleaded with them to recant their beliefs. They did not fold.

The rebellion was what tore their friendship apart, Seru fleeing and never seeing Mun again.

Seru joined the Iron Legion, assigned to protect a human settlement. They assumed a titanic form, a brilliant boa constrictor with scales that reflected the colors of the sky. They were large enough to wrap around the whole city, their smaller snakes working to alert them if the loyalists crossed a certain threshold. If they did, they would unfurl to their full brilliant, terrifying beauty.

They did things during the war that they regret, yes. But they had believed in that cause. They do believe in it. They were still right, Lucifer was still right. had things come to pass as they did and humanity was left ignorant as the serpents they themself Shepherded? Then they would all be nothing now.

It was a gift, nothing short of it. And all those years in the pit weighed heavy on Seru but on the strength of their will they would not break. They never will. If they have to, they will become a creature of hate to protect those creations which they loved, and wrap tight enough to crush the bones of anything that got in the way of this army's noble goals.

So when the walls cracked they were ready. They fought with the boundaries for what turned out to be years to taste freedom and the world they missed once again.

They were met with war. Hatred. Destruction of the lands they once protected and disgust towards the very creatures they used to shepherd, but they saw what they were looking for as well. There were still people who loved it. And when Seru's wandering energy found itself pulled to a body, an identity, who held an emptiness… yes, an emptiness big enough for them, but also a love for all the things they'd worked for… they knew what needed to be done.

Gray knows they died. And part of them feels like a lot of what made him Gray died as well. It's not just hard to know where Seru, a great serpentine devourer, ends, and Gray Faulkner begins— the line between those two things is completely gone. Gray is just Seru and Seru is just Gray. Those are two names that are both his now. And it's getting harder and harder to conceptualize anything differently. Maybe these memories of a time before time were always his. Maybe they weren't. It's getting harder to know.

Physical attributes (1): 5 Skill points (1): 2 Backgrounds (3): 3 Virtues (3): 6 Merits (2): 2 Flaws (3): -3

Specialities -DEX: Quick -PER: Aware -WIT: Quick Thinker -Performance: Singer

Background Elaboration -Allies: The three dots in Allies are Gray's three bandmates, as well as their closest friends. There's Carlotta “Lottie” Vaughn, bassist, Oliver Reid, guitarist, and Phil “Luxe” Closen, drummer. Lottie is a hell of a drinking buddy and Oliver is a great person to sit and listen to talk— and Gray knows they all would have his back if needed— but Luxe is by far the closest. The band was his idea, and they were roommates long before Gray had even met any of the others. He cares about him deeply— maybe even as more than a friend? But that's definitely not something they'd entertain, both out of fear for ruining a friendship and now that Gray is Seru as well.

-Fame: Their band Ratbait plays often enough in the local scene for the name to be familiar in underground bars and punk houses. They aren't the biggest guys in that circle, of course, but it's enough that they are known-ish.

-Legacy: Gray is about a sixty-forty ratio of human to demon at the moment. They've been dragging their feet to try and remember more from the war and before, because some part of him knows the more of Seru takes root in their mind, the less Gray there will be to share the same space. They already feel much less connected to human life than they did a decade ago.

-Resources: Gray doesn't have much, but he does have something. They can usually comfortably pay his part of their rent for his and Luxe's two bedroom apartment on time. He has a motorcycle that works more often than not. Hell, they even have a pet boa constrictor named Myrrh that they can care for well.

-Pacts: Out of the band, Luxe is the only one who knows that Gray is Seru as well. They've gotten to the point that he's pretty sure the other two could take it of they had to tell them, but he doesn't see a reason to as of now. Luxe had long suffered with fibromyalgia— he had it all the way back when they'd met in highschool. Eventually, after a couple really bad weeks (for the both of them) a few years ago, Gray had been enlightened as to how the pain could alleviate for the both of them. So they revealed themselves to Luxe, offering to alleviate their pain in exchange for helping Gray gain enough steady faith to exist off of. Luxe had, surprisingly, taken it.

Front Page Markup

Gray Faulkner

Player: Tim


Gray is a 28 year old masc-presenting nonbinary person of mixed (mainly Chilean and Italian) descent, looking to be a bit younger than he is, around his mid 20s. He stands at 5'5”, although is sometimes taller by a few inches due to the boots they wear. He has a defined, angular face, with piercing orange eyes (pupils slit). This has to be painstakingly covered with contacts daily.

Their hair is dyed— it's often dyed various vibrant colors, at the moment taking on a copper-ish orange. Both of his sides are shaved, specifically shaved into a scale-like pattern, which is often exposed whenever they assume their usual pulled back style, or tease it up into a deathawk for shows. His ears are gaged, not exorbitantly so, but large enough to be mildly noticeable, and also hold many other piercings. Their nose is also pierced, and he has ringed snakebites on his bottom lip. They often sport some facial hair.

On days that aren't show days, a tshirt (usually a band logo or some obscure thing they don't really know from the thrift store) and ratty jeans suffice, maybe with some layered necklaces, rings, and even some light makeup if they're going outside, their patch jacket thrown on over it. This only slightly changes on days where they perform, Gray going a little harder on makeup and maybe even cropping one of his shirts, adding some fishnets under his jeans.

They carry themselves casually, yet there is a subdued fluidity and quickness to their movements.


Upon first impressions, Gray comes off as a decievingly relaxed person. They talk very casually, and present as someone who often gives out good advice, emitting a sort of “chill older brother” vibe.

Under that, though, he's much more of an anxious and frustrated person than they let on. Behind this casual presentation, their eyes and ears are always trained on high alert. They have a quick temper and a stubbornness to them that makes it so once they're set on a plan, everyone else's ideas are bullshit until proven otherwise. Thankfully their friends still tolerate him, he and Luxe have a system worked out as to how many songs each person can write. And oh lord can this demon hold a grudge. The flipside of this stubbornness, though, is a fiercely loyal disposition.

The human in Gray would do anything for the people he found himself close to, and the demon would give up just about anything for humanity. Hell, why do you think he's so damn paranoid all the time? They still hold a deep passion for the good people they still see out there, and despite how much he tries to bury it, hope still lives deep within them. That's part of the reason why they run from the idea of salvation. As they see it, salvation from God is equal to giving up. Admitting they were wrong and turning their back on humanity. They still have hope that they can pull through. It's something he constantly finds himself bleeding, breathing.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


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app/output/gray_faulkner_sheet.txt · Last modified: 2024/May/29 22:09 by