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Catherine VanLeer

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XP Log

Character Type: Vampire
Nature: Autocrat Demeanor: Director
Player Name: Warpwny Concept: Crime boss
Generation: 10th Clan: Ventrue
Sire: Arturo Donisi Sect: Camerilla


Physical Social Mental
Strength 2 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 2 Manipulation 4 Intelligence 3
Stamina 2 Appearance 3 Wits 2

Attribute Specialties:
Manip: Persuasive


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 2 Animal Ken 0 Academics 1
Art 0 Crafts 0 Belief Systems 0
Athletics 0 Drive 1 Computers 0
Awareness 0 Etiquette 2 Enigmas 0
Brawl 0 Firearms 1 Finance 2
Empathy 2 Larceny 0 Investigation 1
Expression 0 Martial Arts 0 Law 3
Intimidation 3 Melee 0 Medicine 0
Intuition 0 Performance 0 Occult 0
Leadership 2 Stealth 1 Politics 1
Streetwise 2 Survival 0 Research 0
Subterfuge 2 Technology 0 Science 1
Secondary Abilities
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Reborn 0
Shapeshifter 0
Spirits 0
The Hunt 0
Undead 1

Ability Specialties:
@@Ability Specialties@@

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Generation: 3 Resources: 3 Herd: 2 Influence (Criminal) 2 Retainers:2 (Body double and lawyer)


Black Market Ties 3 Underworld Ties 3


Rival Sires 2


Temporary Permanent
Willpower 4 4
Blood Pool 13 13
Hunger Treshold 1


Path Rating
Humanity 6
Conscience/Conviction 1
Self-Control/Instinct 5
Courage 4


Presence 1 Dominate 1 Fortitude 1


Physical Description:
A five and a half foot tall woman with styled blonde hair. Catherine tends to favor red dresses with a pair of red tinted glasses accented by a plethora of fine silver jewelry. Deadly calm with an intense gaze, she is a striking figure who stands out when she is around.

Cold, intense, driven. She is the opposite of her sister and a consummate Ventrue. She not only feels like she has to lead, but is the only one who can. She is willing to do whatever underhanded tasks are needed so that the Clan, her organization, or anyone she is loyal to can succeed.

Shared backstory: “Amelia VanLeer and her twin sister Catherine grew up in a well off house, there parents were Staffers for a politician. As such, they went to good school with a lot of the kids connected to politics, a private school. Amelia, compared to her sister, is a bit of a hot head, direct, more confrontational, in her youth more of a risk taker, and enjoyed more pleasantries of life like parties and such. She would take her sister there, and while she was calmer, she was incredibly social, and the brains of the two, and she released a plan, a lot of these kids wanted drugs and alcohol and such, as well as places to have some, lets say nsfw fun and such. So, Her sister got in touch with kids in more public schools and areas and started using them to get the stuff and make contact with dealers. As well as hock up private school to public school kids for, lets say all kinds of fun.

They started there own group called the Crimson Riders. While Catherine did the brains and socials, she was the brawn, and made sure stuff got done. Often recruiting, as well as making sure no one got screwed and no one tattle tale. It was going well, until the Politician there parents were working for got busted for corruption, and during this investigation, they caught wind of what was happening and tried and undercover operation. They did bust several members of there group, and tried to pin it on Her and her sister. But do to, lack of evidence and cooperation from witnesses, as well as the corruption scandal being the main focus, they got away with it. But, There parents had been put into financial ruin because of the scandal and blacklisted from all gov jobs. ” “So after a year, and moving to a much poorer place, they took on a new name and started all over again, slower, and more careful, more layers to the operation, more cover, more secrets, more business. They had learned from there first time around, as well as doing there own research. Over the next several years they had built more and more of there criminal enterprise behind the curtain of regular business. They caught the attention of a venture who would send a ghoul to investigate and penetrate the group. Amelia caught wind of this, and would snatch the person off the streets, and her and her sister tortured the ghoul, and then they decided to send a message. Amelia, got a sledge hammer and broke the ghouls legs, in several places, and then left her in a dumpster outside the territory.

This caught the attention of the venture, but also a rival gangerl who seemed to like the brutality of it, named Fawn Lockhart. Both would go to the prince to sire the two, and the prince, wanting to cause some internal conflict for his own gain, agreed to both. Fawn would ambush Amelia when she was riding a motorcycle, crashing it and while Amelia did try to fight wasn’t much of a chance against a gangerl. Several others had shown up as well, seeming to be venture ghouls which Fawn took care off and knocked out and She would kill her, and then bring her back as a Gangerl. Her sister would be ambushed outside of a night club, and this time, the Venture won, embracing her sister. They wouldn’t see each other for a few more nights, when they were brough into the prince and camarilla, and were introduced and also a lot of fighting and Arguing between the Venture and Gangerl.

” “This would be the last night, as for the next 5 years, they would be separated on purpose, to tried to get one to turn on the other, but Amelia didn’t, she wouldn’t ever. The venture would do the same. The prince, but a stop to this, having decided that enough was enough and they cant force them apart anymore, they had there shot and failed. They would meet up, and start to build again, there time separated had weakened what they had, so had to build more, but both could see staying there wasn’t an option. So they spent the next year, building in Jacksonville, which was something they had started a while ago, and was slow. Both knew it was essentially a restart, but at least they were free and on there own. When they were allowed to, they left for Jacksonville, not wanting either of the sires around but knowing they would try to get one to go against the other, whatever the cost was. But, at least there free, for now. ”

Catherine specific history:

Arturo Donisi is a Ventrue of the 9th Generation. His primary job within the Clan is to run the underworld of Washington DC. When the sisters ambushed and took out one of his ghouls and disrupted his activities, he became impressed and sought to bring the pair into the Clan. The Prince agreed to allow it and then later gave the same permission to his Gangrel rival who he knew was seeking to Embrace the same pair.

While he only got Catherine, he took full advantage of what he got. He spent the first couple of years trying to turn the sisters against each other but failed to do so. The war between Fawn and Arturo soon boiled too much and made a big enough mess for the Prince to step in. The Ventrue sent Catherine down to Jacksonville to take over a floundering hotel venture and reassert control over the local criminal scene. So she obviously brought her best partner in crime with her.

4 Abilities, 7 Backgrounds, 6 Merits, -2 Flaws

Ventrue Flaw: Prey selectivity: Women

Front Page Markup

Catherine VanLeer

Player: Warpwny


A five and a half foot tall woman with styled blonde hair. Catherine tends to favor red dresses with a pair of red tinted glasses accented by a plethora of fine silver jewelry. Deadly calm with an intense gaze, she is a striking figure who stands out when she is around.


Cold, intense, driven. She is the opposite of her sister and a consummate Ventrue. She not only feels like she has to lead, but is the only one who can. She is willing to do whatever underhanded tasks are needed so that the Clan, her organization, or anyone she is loyal to can succeed.

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

XP Log Markup


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app/output/catherine_vanleer_sheet.txt · Last modified: 2024/Jun/05 15:14 by