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-=== New General Merits=== 
-==Affinity merits== 
-Weaver affinity (4Pt) - instead of the normal chart to regain gnosis or cross over you use the following instead.  
-Science lab -3  
-Inner city 4  
-Open highway 6  
-Rural countryside 7  
-Lonely train track 8  
-Untouched wilderness 9  
-The exception is the sept areas still at the same diff. As well, if you spend 1 gnosis and touch a machine, that machine energy will not run out for the next hour, runs normally, and makes no pollution. If a supernatural were to disrupt, disable, or hamper technology affected by this ability you can make a wp roll dc 7 to try to counter it. This doesn’t affect if it’s trying to do direct damage to the machine.  
-Those with this can’t take or use abilities that make it harder for them to resist weaver taint and influence. Those with this merit get a + 1 diff to resisting the call of the weaver. Nor can they take the wyld affinity merit.  
-**Wyld affinity** (4 PT) - 
-You gain -2 diff to cross over or regain gnosis in wyld areas but + 2 in weaver areas. You get a  
-+ 2 dice on gnosis rolls. As well, when activating gifts, you can spend a gnosis instead of a WP to get an auto success. You also gain a -1 diff to shifting forms and partial shifting.  
-Those with this can’t take or use abilities that make it harder for them to resist wyld taint and influence. Those with this merit get a + 1 diff to resisting the call of the wyld. Nor can they take the weaver affinity merit. 
-===New Tribal Merits=== 
-These are merits of each individual tribe; with some exceptions these have to be earned in game through your tribe and tasks of your tribe. 
-Merits (Tribe) 
-==Black fury== 
-Sisters in Arms (1 point merit)- Black Furies thrive among their own, taking strength from their common goals. They are blood kin under Luna, sharing their strengths, even if they fight among themselves. Their will as family is ironclad, and their blood runs hot. When you are among one or more other Black Furies, you may substitute the highest Willpower total from any one present allied Black Fury in place of your own when calculating your defensive test pools. Additionally, when you witness an injustice that infringes upon the rights of others, such as a violent crime, or an attack against another Black Fury, you begin combat with an additional rage. 
-Arrows of Artemis (2-point merit)- Rage flows thick in the spirits of those who serve as Artemis’s avengers; they can pull this weapon from their very blood. You carry a special connection to the goddess of the hunt and are able to channel your Rage in ways beyond simple hand-to-hand combat. When using ranged weapons, such as guns, bows, or spears, or any thrown weapon, you can spend rage to add +2 dice to range attacks and damage.  As well you can ignore one 1 on die for damage for range damage.  
-Crone’s Wisdom (3-point merit)- You have the Crone’s ability to dispense truth and wisdom from a place of personal strength and clarity. Your knowledge is well-known and brings students from all corners of the world. People listen when you speak. Any time you give advice, and the person follows it, or whenever you admonish a wrong doer, so they see the error of their ways, both you and your target replenish your Willpower pools to maximum. You can only use this ability once per hour. In addition, once per game session, you can spend a Wisdom Renown to be treated as though you possess 1 additional dot of the Rank background when discussing and deciding a matter. 
-==Bone Gnawer== 
-Struggling (1 point)- Page 79-80 bone gnawer revised tribe book 
-Shame (2 point)-Page 80 bone gnawer revised tribe book 
-Ratkin buddies (3 point)- Page 80-81 bone gnawer revised tribe book 
-==Child of gaia== 
-Distant Relative (1 point)-Page 75-76 Coggie revised tribe book 
-Supporter (2 point)- Page 76 Coggie revised tribe book 
-Grandmother’s Touch (3-point merit)- You are a gifted healer, with an exceptionally powerful ability to soothe pain and mend wounds. Whenever you use a healing gift you have a -1 dc.  You can spend a gnosis to increase your test pool by 2, and you heal your target for 1 additional point of damage.  
-Essence of Stag (1 point merit)- Fianna are known as a tribe for two notable traits: their legendary stamina, and their willingness to jump into a fight. Blessed by the essence of the Stag, you epitomize these qualities and gain -1 dc to stamina test. Furthermore, when you are the one to initiate a combat by successfully making a Physical attack, you may choose to immediately gain 1 point of Rage. 
-Seldom Sleep (2-point page)- Page 83 Fianna Tribe book 
-Child of Tir na nog (3-point merit)- Fae blood runs through your lineage. Though only traces may remain, it has imbued you with the Spriggans’ gift. By expending your standard action to draw upon this power, you can alter your physical size. You may grow to up to triple your normal height, granting you 3 additional health levels. However, you can’t use melee nor Firearms as you are too big and have a -3-test pool to stealth.  Damage to these health levels remains when you return to normal size; a careless Fianna can find herself incapacitated or worse after returning to her normal size. Conversely, you may choose to shrink yourself down to one-third of your normal height. When you decrease your size by at least half, you gain a +3 wild card bonus to any challenges using your Stealth skill but have -2 to your Stamina rolls. 
-==Get of Fenris== 
-Skaldi’s Resolve (1 point merit)- Fear and pain are sicknesses of the soul. The Fenrir train their Cubs to purify these weaknesses. You have mastered your fear and pain by smothering them with rage. You are Get a -2 dc to resist fear bases powers. When driven into fox frenzy, you may choose to enter anger frenzy instead. However, Skaldi’s Resolve does not make you immune to the social rituals of Garou nor mundane means of fear.  If you have this and Child of Ratatosk flaw, if the Flaw is active, it overrides this merit.  This can’t be taken with flaws that increase dc to resist fear-based powers. 
-The Vigil (2-point merit)- Spend 1 point of Gnosis and use your standard action to declare an oath invoking the name of Heimdallr. As long as you remain awake and stay within 15 steps of the spot where you activated The Vigil, you automatically detect intruders or active threats that come within 10 steps of you. The Vigil does not allow you to see the appearance of someone who is supernaturally concealed, but you know that someone is present, and you can attack her without using the Blind Fighting combat maneuver, even if you cannot see her. 
-Fenrir’s Bite (3-point merit)- As Tyr learned long ago, the bite of Fenris is savage. You have the spirit of your tribe’s patron in your blood and have inherited his crushing bite. Should you manage to lock jaws around one of your enemy’s limbs, you can render it weaker. Whenever you bite your opponent, you may choose to weaken a limb. If you choose an arm, your target receives a -3 penalty to all Brawl and Melee attacks, and she cannot use two-handed weapons so long as she is afflicted. If you choose a leg, she can move as if she is 1 damage level higher on the table. This effect lasts until she has healed the damage from your attack. You must be in Crinos, Hispo or lupus to use this.  A target can only suffer from the effects of one application of Fenris’s Bite at a single time, no matter how many limbs have been incapacitated. 
-Pulse of the City (1 point merit)- You know everything that happens in your city, and your clout extends much further than most. You receive a second specialization for every dot of the Allies and Influence backgrounds you purchase. In addition, you have gained control of an influence network that has proven to be particularly adroit and capable. Each week, you regain one spent influence action of your choice. 
-Technologically advanced (2-point merit)- Glass walkers are more adept to the weaver then most and know how to use it to make a better future using its technology. Choose one of the following, to science, academics, Craft, Technology, Computers or another knowledge that is weaver.  You get a +2 dice to that roll and when you gain a spec, you may get a second spec, you can also spend a gnosis and for a roll you can remove one -1 botch die to the roll. This can be purchased more than once.  
-Storm crow (1-point merit)- Shadowlord’s are connected to storms and also crows, being just as dark as them.  By making a wit + occult dc 7, you can summon a crow for an hour.  It lasts an hour, and its dice pool is equal to half the number of successes rounded up, it gains a +2 dice to stealth, primal urge, investigation, flight and athletics.  It will follow your orders but will not attack nor defend you or others if attacked. It will also not do something that will destroy itself.  You can spend a gnosis and make a dc 7 gnosis, for a number of minutes equal to success on gnosis roll, you can see through its eyes and ears and direct the crow, however it still won’t attack or do something that’ll destroy itself.  Any test made use your test pool. While this is active you can’t move, nor see nor hear where your physical body is, you automatically fail any dodge test to your body.   
-Loophole (2-point merit)- Rules are for suckers too dim to avoid being caught. You’ve learned how to temporarily escape the limits of a supernatural compulsion that governs your free will.  You may slip these supernatural shackles for a single turn per point of Gnosis spent. The metaphysical restraints immediately return after you stop spending Gnosis.  This doesn’t prevent mundane manipulation.  
-Thunder’s child (3-point merit)- Page 82 of shadowlord book, reduced from 5 to 3.  
-==Silver Fang== 
-Noble heritage (1 point)- Page 85 Silverfang revised tribe book 
-House connected (2 point))-Silver fangs are connected deeply to their house, just as much as their tribe.  Instead of having their personal totem being Falcon, there personal totem may instead be their house totem, showing deeper connections to their house.  This may make it easier to do things within your house, but harder to do things to/with other silver fangs not a part of your house.  
-A Hero’s Return (3-point merit)-Phoenix is revered by the Silver Fangs. This totem has taken a special interest in your heroic deeds and will grant you a one-time favor. If you are wounded to the point of death while acting in a heroic manner, you are immediately resurrected at full health in a grand flourish of silver flame. For the next five turns, you receive a -2 dc to all test pools.  
-Before the end of that time, you must kill all of your enemies present, or you must complete a heroic deed worthy of song and the admiration of the Garou Nation. (The interpretation of said heroic deed and its worth is solely at the discretion of the Storyteller.) If you fail to achieve either goal in the allotted time, you meet your death permanently and irrevocably, regardless of health or any other supernatural power.  Your body simply fades into silver light and then disappears.  The exception to this is if you use your one Get out of jail free card.  You cannot use this merit if your initial death resulted from something other than taking damage or is a result of lawful punishment. Phoenix will only intervene if it is a battle worthy of her notice. This merit can only be used once before it must be struck from your character’s sheet without a refund of XP. Once lost you cannot regain this merit.  
-Mewa Birthmarks (1 point)- Stargazers’ tribe rev Page (80) 
-Wisdom of the Ages (2-point merit)- As your soul has traveled through the Wheel, you have maintained a spark of knowledge from ages past. Through this spark, you retain a unique connection with your ancestors, carefully cultivated through the ages. This spark also grants you a deeper awareness of the universe around you. With this merit, you may purchase the Ancestors background at a reduced cost, decreased to 3 exp for initial and 2 x CR instead of the standard 4 exp for initial and 3 x CR Additionally, raise your character’s potential maximum number of dots in that background by 1. You must still spend XP at a rate of 2 x CR purchase that background to its maximum level. 
-Mewa Birthmarks (3 point)-Tranquil soul rev Page (80)  
- Keeper of the Old Ways (1 point merit)- You’ve been entrusted with some of the most important secrets of your tribe. The Uktena Bane Tenders once leveraged ancient rites and lore to trap powerful banes in the great Mesoamerican pyramids. Umbral storms and other changes to the spiritual landscape have lessened the potency of these spiritual prisons, but you’ve learned to jail these creatures in such a way as to protect your territory and master their mysteries. Your secret knowledge protects you from bane attacks, causing any damage dealt to you from a bane to be reduced by 2 unless its agg in which its 1.  The banes you have imprisoned continually beg for their release, whispering tantalizing secrets and sharing long-lost tales.  You also gain a -1 dc to Wyrm lore and Cosmology.  
-Fera Friendship (2-point merit)- The Uktena share both friendship and kinfolk with a number of the Fera and have earned a measure of their goodwill. Choose two level 1 gifts that are normally restricted toa type of Fera that isn’t extinct or banned. You can purchase these gifts as out-of-affinity gifts. These purchases don’t require a teacher to learn. This isan exception to the rule preventing Garou from learning you may activate them by spending Gnosis instead of Blood. 
-Shedding the Snake’s Skin (3-point merit)- Uktena has taught you the secret of shedding your skin to be reborn anew. Expend a standard action to rip the outer layer of skin from your face. Afterwards, your body renews, and you automatically heal 3 levels of damage. The caster of any powers currently active knows that her hold over you has been rebuked by Uktena. Just as a snake infrequently sheds its skin, you are likewise limited to using this power only once per game session, and afterwards your maximum Willpower pool is reduced by 1 for 30.  This doesn’t prevent deals such as blood contract, infernalism or extreme cases like blood bonds. 
-Bonds of Spirit (1 point merit)- Great Wendigo, the cannibal spirit of wind and ice, is the patron of the Wendigo tribe. As his devotee, you are able to call upon the power of the legendary hunter. With only a taste of the blood of your enemy or prey, you gain -1 to dc to tracking.  In addition, the ancestor spirits of the tribe can speak through you more readily, granting you an additional +1 dice to the skill granted by the Ancestors background when you call on them. Furthermore, natural wind and cold cannot harm you, and even damage you take from magical cold, such as from an ice spirit, is reduced by 2 unless its agg then 1.  
-Camouflage (2 point)- Wendigo revised pg 82 
-Avatar of Wendigo (3-point merit)- Your Crinos form is infused with the cannibal spirit of vengeance. When in this form, you are covered in a thin sheet of living ice and radiate extreme cold. This coating does not impede your movement in any way, is weightless, and does not damage any armor you may be wearing or items you are carrying. However, any living creature who touches you suffers 1 point of unsoakable aggravated damage from severe cold. This damage applies when you are successfully struck by a Brawl attack from an opponent. If you grapple an opponent, she takes 1 point of unsoakable aggravated damage at the end of the Everyman round during every turn that she remains grappled. 
setting/werewolf_merits.txt · Last modified: 2023/Dec/19 16:38 by jpizzo22