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setting:hunter_flaws [2021/Jan/29 21:29]
setting:hunter_flaws [2022/Sep/04 13:49]
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-- Flaws  - Physical  +__**Hunternet Troll:**__ 3 points\\ 
-Allergies (-1) - You're allergic to a rather common substancesuch as cat fur, that causes sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and other distracting symptoms The difficulty of all actions increases by one when you are exposed to whatever triggers your allergy.+Function: While other Hunters use Hunternet for the purposes of protecting humanity and sharing information on supernatural threatsyou instead choose to see it as a place to harass and annoy others while knowing you won't get banned for doing soYour history of trolling and shitposting on Hunternet has earned you a bad reputation among your fellow Hunters, giving you +2 difficulty on any social roll with your fellow Hunters who know your Hunternet User ID, and any post you make on Hunternet is inherently suspect: Are they really giving us useful information, or is this just another one of their tricks?
-Arthritic (-1) - Your jointsespecially your hands, are stiff and often swollen When you attempt anything that requires a fine and careful touch such as sewing or picking a lock, increase the difficulty of your roll by one.+__**Hunternet Banhammer:**__ 3 points\\ 
 +You have told someone supernatural about hunternet in a good amount of detail.  Be it an enemy or a close and trusted friendlybut uglyvampire. Either way the messengers and admins are not happy at you for exposing the hunters greatest tool to the enemy and have turned their backs on youUntil the problem is rectified you are blocked from hunter net completely and your edges take an increased +2 diff to use.\\ 
 +*Note: This flaw cannot be taken at Character Creation and only 'earned' like the Faction Fallout flaw.
-Color Blind (-1) - You have trouble distinguishing between hues.  You must make a Perception roll, difficulty 6, to accurately determine the color of an object.+Flaws
-Distinguishing Characteristic (-1 or -2) - You have physical feature that makes you very easy to pick out in crowdssuch as elaborate tattoosa scar or an obvious birthmark.  The flaw is worth one point is the characteristic can easily be hidden under clothes.  Two if not.+Bad Liar (-1) - While telling fabricated lie you stutterstammerblush, and generally look guilty.  Increase the difficulty of any roll that involves verbal deception by two.
-Heavy Sleeper (-1) - You tend to sleep right through most disturbances, from the loud stereo playing next door to the rot that just burst into your home.  You must make a successful Willpower roll, diff 6, to wake up quickly.  Failure means you spend the equivalent of a combat turn waking up.  A botch means you sleep right through the disturbance, pending the ST's judgment on the situation.+Balding (-1) - Increase the difficulty of any Ability rolls involved in Seduction by one
-Lazy (-1) - You have trouble motivating yourself to do anything.  You'd rather sit around the house watching TV and thinking of doing something with your life than actually getting up and doing it.  You tend to complain loudly when there's work to do, and you prefer to let things slide until the last possible moment.  You must make a Willpower roll, diff 6, to take care of any routine tasks not directly related to the hunt, such as repairing your car after that skinchanger tore the hood off.+Bully (-1) - You tend to push people around when you can get away with it.
-Low Alcohol Tolerance (-1) - Alcohol goes straight to your head.  While this can be an advantage when you try to enjoy night out on the cheapit can be deadly on the hunt.  Double any penalties you suffer for consuming alcohol.+Children (-1) - You have children for whom you are a primary emotional, social, and economic provider.  you take lot of joy in your kids and pride yourself on being a good parent.  Unfortunately, the hunt gets in the way of parenting.  If you go more than three days without seeing your kids because of work or activities related to your calling, you feel tremendous guilt.  Until you see your kids, you cease to regain a Willpower point after a night's rest.
-Motion Sickness (-1) - You become queasy and nauseous on board boatstraveling long distances by automobile, or on an amusement park ride.  Increase the difficulty of all actions you take by two when dealing with these circumstances+Chronically Late (-1) - You're always running behind schedule.  If you agree to meet someone at a particular timeyou must make a successful Willpower roll (diff ) to arrive on time.  Failure means you arrive between 15 and 30 minutes late.  A botch mean you show up an hour late if at all.
-No Sense of Smell (-1) - You completely lack a sense of smell.  You may have simply been born without itor perhaps you lost it due to some freak accident.  You can't smell anything, no matter how strong the odor might be.  food tastes somewhat bland to you.  On the good side, you aren't bothered by the stench of the sewers, rotting flesh, or other nasties.+Chronic Pessimist (-1) - You are the impeccable voice of gloom and doomalways ready to point out a potential problem no matter how remote a chance it has of coming to pass.  Add two to the difficulty of your Leadership rolls
-No Sense of Taste (-1) - Your taste buds do not function.  You cannot appreciate a fine meal, and you have trouble gauging the difference between good and bad food and drink.+Chronically Shy (-1) - You become very nervous and ill at ease when dealing with strangers in social situations.  You often go out of your way to avoid meeting new people Increase the difficulty of all Social rolls involving strangers by two
-Nonswimmer (-1) - You never learned to swim, and you have no natural talent for it.  If you ever find yourself in a position where you must try to swimyou can manage a pitiable doggie paddle.  Increase the difficulty of any Athletics rolls involving swimming by two.+Clannish Family (-1) - Your family is as loving ans supportive as anyone else's.  They don't take kindly to strangershowever.  YOur relatives either disapprove of your friends or they like to keep favors within the family Your kin don't do anything that directly or indirectly helps anyone apart from their own
-Poor Eyesight (-1 to -3) - You are either severely nearsighted or farsighted.  Increase the difficulty of any rolls that involve visual activity by two.  The one point version is correctable with glasses or contact lenses.  The three point version is not.+Crude (-1) - You never learned any manners while growing up.  You talk with your mouth full, burp loudly and slurp your soup.  When interacting with others in any refined or formal environment, increase the difficulty of all Social rolls by two.
-Sickly (-1) - You are constantly coughing and wheezing, and you have trouble shaking colds.  You suffered from almost every childhood illness imaginable, and you've only become worse as an adult.  When making checks to avoid catching a disease or developing an infection, increase the difficulty of the roll by two.+Cultural Snob (-1) - You have nothing but disdain for popular musicTV and movies.  You couldn't name any of the current top 10 songs, and you think knowledge of TV is a sign of poor taste and incorrigible stupidity.  Unfortunately, this means you have a hard time relating to people who aren't equally snobbish about such things.  When dealing with strangers who don't share your allegedly enlightened views, increase the difficulty of any Social rolls by two
-Vice (-1 to -3) - You're addicted to some sort of controlled substance.  The one point version represents an addiction that is legal and easy to satisfy, such as cigarettes.  The two point version represents legal or mildly illegal substance that inhibits your ability to hunt effectively, such as alcohol or marijuana.  The three point version represents a highly illegal or highly dangerous "hard" drug such as heroin.  You're always under the effects of your chosen vice.+Defensive (-1) -  You have problems taking responsibility for your actions.  Perhaps you view yourself as a perfectionist, or maybe you're too immature to accept the blame or failure.  When things go wrong, you look for ways to blame others and rarely accept the blame or criticism for your actions without contention.
-Youthful Appearance (-1) - You look like you're still in high schoolYou always get carded and often have to produce identification to even buy cigarettes.  In order to gain entry to clubsconcerts, bars, or to purchase alcohol, you need to present a valid-looking ID (you cannot take this merit if your character is less than eighteen years of age).+Eccentric Appearance (-1) - You dye your hair pink, wear clothes that are fashionable only among fringe subcultures such as goths or punks, and otherwise appear nothing like the average citizen When dealing with people not familiar with your particular subculture, increase the difficulty of any Social rolls by two.  Furthermore your appearance is eye-catchingthough people tend to focus on your attire rather than your physical characteristics, such as eye color.
-Disfigured (-2) - Your face is misshapen or maimed.  Increase the difficulty of any rolls involving social situations by two.  You cannot have an Appearance rating above a "1"+Gambling Addict (-1) - You are addicted to wagering money on games of chance.  You're too much of an addict to walk away with a profit over any extended period of time.  Increase the difficulty of any Resources rolls you attempt by two.
-Insomniac (-2) - For whatever reason, you have trouble getting more than a few hours of sleep.  You are often groggy and slow as a result.  Increase the difficulty of any Alertness, Awareness, or Intuition rolls by 2.  You can't have this flaw and either the Vigilance Edge or the Endurance Ability.+Ghoulish Sense of Humor (-1) - You find humor in situations that make most people uncomfortable or even nauseated.  Your questionable taste doesn't make you particularly resistant to the horror of gruesome sights.  Your defensive mechanism is simply to belittle the situation or those involved in an inappropriate way.  When confronted with a horribly gory scene or otherwise uncomfortable situation such as people trying to console one another, you tend to crack jokes and sling insults.  The difficulty of any Social roll you make under such circumstances is increased by two
-Low Pain Tolerance (-2) - You have a very low capacity for pain.  You turn into a whimperingblubbering ball of misery at the first sign of it.  Although you soak damage normally, you suffer an additional -1 die pool whenever you are injured.+Icy Demeanor (-1) - You're uncomfortable relating to people on an emotional level, which is reflected in your mannerisms and speech.  YOu clam upavoid eye contact, or seek escape.  Increase the difficulty of any Empathy rolls made towards you by two.
-Obese (-2) - You are seriously overweight and large enough that you have trouble using seats in most theaters.  Add two to the difficulty of any Dodge or Athletics rolls that you make.  You move at half the normal rate.+Ignorant (-1) - You tend to miss common cultural references that others take for granted, such as knowing that the Statue of Liberty is in New York City.  You're not necessarily dumb or uneducated; a cloistered college researcher could just as easily dive so deeply into his field of study that he dismisses anything outside of it.  You tend to give people the impression that you're slow or uneducated, however.
-Old Injury (-2) - You hurt yourself pretty badly back in your younger days and now pay the price with chronic pain and tenderness.  Increase the difficulty of any Athletics roll by two.+Impractical Dresser (-1) - You tend to dress with an eye toward impressing others rather than personal comfort.  Unless you explicitly state that you dress appropriately for physical activity, you wear high heels, tight jeans or something else that hampers physical activity.  Increase the difficulty of Athletics or Dodge rolls by two when you wear such clothes.
-Poor Night Vision (-2) - Your eyesight is poor in low-light conditions.  Increase the difficulty of any action attempted in dim lightsuch as what a flashlight might provide or under starlight alone, by two.  The Discern Edge eliminates this flaw when it is active, although perception-based powers such as Witness and Illuminate offer no relief from this flaw.  You must compensate for your bad night vision with bright light or close proximity to a subject for Witness or Illuminate to function properly.+Insensitive (-1) - You have problems understanding how to gauge others' emotional reactions.  You can be rather blunt in handling delicate mattersand you often find yourself apologizing without really understanding what you've done to offend someone.  Add two to the difficulty of any Empathy rolls you attempt
-Short (-2) - You are less than five feet tall, making it difficult for you to reach and use many objects designed for the average adult male.  Your movement rate is half that of normal people.+Intolerant Neighbors (-1) - Your neighborhood is exceptionally placid and people like it that way.  Any odd noises or disturbances coming from your place invariably cause someone to call the police.
-Crippled Limb (-3) - You are either missing a limb or have injured it so badly that it is unusable.  If one of your arms is crippled, increase the difficulty of rolls for actions that normally require two hands, such as firing a rifle or bow, by two.  If its one of your legs, without the aid of a cane, walker, or wheelchair you can move only one quarter normal speed.  With the appropriate aid, you may move up to half normal speed.+Misinformed (-1) - You uphold some odd belief, such as conspiracy theory or UFO visitation, that flies in the face of accepted science or conventional wisdom.  You tend to incorporate this misinformation into your world view.  Whenever you test a Knowledge that in some way relates to your belief, increase the difficulty by two.  This penalty kicks in when you roll a failure.  It represents your tendency to come up with off-the-wall answers that others see as obviously incorrect.
-Shaky Hands (-3) - you have lot of trouble keeping yourself composed under pressure.  In any extremely stressful situation such as combatyour hand shake so badly that you have difficulty completing task that require a delicate touch and intense concentration.  Examples include picking a lockloading bullets into a revolver or typing at a computer.  Increase the difficulty of any rolls for such demanding activities by two.+Mistaken Identity (-1) - You bear a striking resemblance to notorious figure.  this person could be someone known to the hunter underground, such as a particularly feared rot or radical hunteror you simply look like an infamous media star.  While most people can quickly figure out that you aren't who they think you arehotheads might not think twice before confronting you
-Missing Eye (-3) - You're missing one of your eyes.  Increase the difficulty of any Perception rolls involving eyesight by two.  The difficulties of all die rolls involving depth perception are also increased by two.  Amazingly, the Discern edge allows you perfect sight through both eyes.+Needy Friends (-1) - Your friends and other non-imbued social contacts have a pattern of falling into bad situations and turning to you for help.  You're the bedrock of their lives.  Whether what they need is bail money or advice on dealing with a significant other, they look to you.  If you have the Allies Background, this effect is magnified even moreat the Storyteller's discretion
-Chronic Illness (-4) - You suffer from a debilitating illness such as chronic fatigue syndrome or even cancer.  You frequently feel weakand are easily injured.  Add two to the difficulty of all Athletics or soak rolls.+No Internet Access (-1) - You lack an email address, web access, and perhaps even a computer.  You're unable to keep up with developments on hunter-netassuming you even know it exists.  You must do your research through nondigital outlets such as libraries or by old fashioned legwork
-Deafness (-4) - You cannot hear.  You automatically fail any test that requires hearing, and the difficulty of appropriate Alertness rolls is increased by three.+No Phone (-3) - You do not have a regular phone number through which you can be contacted.  You are very hard to get in touch with on short notice and are difficult to track down.  It's hard for you to keep in touch with fellow hunters, and you must rely on face-to-face meetings for planning and to arrange meetings (note: I'm adding to this flaw!  It is usually a -1 flaw but I'm bumping it up to a -3 as you're so paranoid of "the Man" listening that you avoid phone altogether.)
-- Flaws  - Mental  +Nonconfrontational (-1) - You have a hard time bringing up difficult subjects with others.  You're wiling to make a lot of sacrifices to avoid interpersonal confrontations.  You let people have their way simply to avoid fights, and often you step into arguments and attempt to end them without an thought about the outcome of the discussion, so long as it ends.  You have hard time coping with pushy people and find yourself making lots of compromises that you later wish you hadn't.  Add two to the difficulty of any roll that involves debating or arguing with someone who is normally friendly with you
-Gullible (-1) - You have a lot of trouble separating truth from fiction.  You're not stupid, you just tend to believe what people tell you rather than take things with grain of salt.  Increase the difficulty of any rolls to detect lies by two.+
-Medicated (-1 to -5) - You require daily medication to stay in good health.  As a one point flaw, your medication is important for your long term health but has little effect on your day-to-day well-being, as with prescription drugs that keep your cholesterol down.  The 5 point version represents insulin shots or something else that is necessary to keep you alive.  If you should miss a day's worth of medicineyou automatically suffer a bashing level of damage for every 12 hours that pass without your medicine, as determined by the Storyteller.  This damage is healed at a rate of one level per 12 hours that pass once you resume your regular medication schedule.+Poor Dental Health (-1) - Your teeth are very obviously in need of serious work.  They jut out at weird angles and some may have fallen out.  When interacting with others in superficial social settings such as a nightclub or barincrease the difficulty of any Social roll by two
-No Sense of Direction (-1) -  You get lost all the time.  Maps, compasses, and detailed directions do little to help.  You have lot of trouble figuring out where you are in relation to landmarks that aren't immediately obviousand maps are largely incomprehensible to you.  Increase by 2 the difficulty of any roll that involves following convoluted directions, backtracking a route, or navigating a confusing set of city streets.+Poor Online Demeanor (-1) - You have discovered hunter-net or another online community of hunters but managed to antagonize many posters thanks to unnecessary flames or rude behavior.  When dealing with hunter familiar with that mailing listincrease the difficulty of all Social rolls by two
-Poor Sense of Time (-1) - You have no intuition for the flow of time.  You can't even begin to guess the current time without looking at a clock, and you always overestimate or underestimate the amount of time that has passed since a specific event.+Poor Personal Hygiene (-1) - You often go days without showering, and you brush your teeth only when they start to gain a greenish tinge.  You often smell quite bad, and your breath is atrociously offensive.  Add two to the difficulty of any die roll that involves interacting face to face with others (Basically you are my little brother!!)
-Short Temper (-1) - You are easily driven to distraction by what would otherwise be minor failures and other frustrations.  If you fail to gain any successes on any single roll during an extended actionincrease the difficulty of all subsequent rolls by one, cumulatively.+Poor Taste (-1) - You wallow in bathroom humor, lowbrow jokes and other practices that make more refined people uncomfortable.  You've seen movies like Dumb and Dumber a dozen times, and don't plan on giving up on them any time soon.  Your sense of humor makes you an instant pariah in any reasonably cultured companyand you can't help but let your true colors shine through in even short-term social contacts.  Add two to the difficulty of any Social roll that involves peopel who might dislike your brand of humor
-Terrible with Names (-1) - Try as you might, you almost always forget people's names, especially when meeting large groups for the first time.  You may not write down the names of any people you meet during the game unless your character has paper and writing utensils handy.  You also have problems remembering whether you've been someplace before, and with recognizing faces.  Make an Intelligence rolldifficulty 6to recall such information.+Shadowy Past (-1 to -3) - You aren't proud of your life before the imbuing, and if word of it ever got out, your fellow hunters might abandon you.  Perhaps you ran a kiddie-porn ringdealt drugsor were involved with organized crime.
-Absent Minded (-2) - Details and important facts slip your mind constantly.  Once per game sessionwhen you attempt to use an item that you normally carry with you, the ST may require you to make Willpower rolldifficulty 6, to determine whether you remembered to bring it or, if so, whether you can remember where it is.  The item turns up again after an hour or so of searching.+Socially Oblivious (-1) - You have trouble picking up subtle hints from others.  You often overstay your welcome at partiesand you tend to blurt out topics that everyone else takes great pains to avoid in conversation.  You aren'socially repellent personjust occasionally tactless.  Add two to the difficulty of any Etiquette rolls you attempt
-Attention Deficit Disorder (-2) - You have a hard time sitting still and paying attention to anything for more that a few moments.  If you must sit still and quiet for more than 10 minutes, such as when keeping watch over a monster or standing guard, make a Willpower roll, difficulty 6.  On a failure, you lose interest in your task and are distracted from it.+Speech Impediment (-1) - You stutter, stammer, or otherwise have trouble speaking clearly.  Increase the difficulty of any roll involving oral communication by two
-Dyslexic (-2) - Printed information of any sort, from written text to maps, is nearly indecipherable to you.  Although you are not necessarily illiterate, you struggle to read the simplest sentences.  In order to interpret a map or read anything you must make an Intelligence roll, difficulty 8.  On a botch you interpret the message to have almost the opposite meaning.+Stubborn (-1) - Self explanatory!  Increase the difficulties of all Social rolls by two when someone challenges your ways
-Eating Disorder (-2) - You have an unhealthy obsession with your appearance and have chosen to starve yourself in order to lose weight.  Increase the difficulty of any Stamina rolls by 2.+Superstitious (-1) - Self explanatory!  Add two to the difficulty of all Social rolls when dealing with people who know about your superstitious bent and who frown upon it
-Overconfident (-2) - You either overestimate your own skill or underestimate your opponents' Once per game session the ST may secretly increase the difficulty of any non-combat action you take.  This increase represents your tendency to plunge headlong into activities that are beyond your capabilities.+Trusting (-1) - Self explanatory!
-Phobia (-3) - You have a deep-seated aversion to something such as heights, spiders, or even the dark.  Any time you are presented with your fear you must make a Willpower roll diff 7 or try to flee.  Even if you succeed on the roll all rolls made up until you get away from your phobia are increased by 2.+Compulsive Liar (-2) - You feel the need to put your personal spin on the truth.  You don't necessarily do so out of spite or malice, and you may come to genuinely believe the tall tales that you tell (especially when you've spun them often enough).  This trait is especially troublesome when other hunters rely on you for information about monsters and their habits You might have to spend a Willpower point to force yourself to be honest, especially if it mean publicly revealing a lie
-Faint of Heart (-3) - The sight of gore and blood shocks you to the core.  If you witness a gruesome scene, you must make a Willpower roll, diff 6, to avoid debilitating nausea for 5 to 10 minutes.  The difficulty of all actions increases by one while in this state.  You cannot have this flaw and the steel nerves background.+Conspicuous Consumer (-2) - You tend to blow a lot of money on useless items and overpay for brand-name clothes and other impractical items.  You tend to live beyond your meansand you're always short of cash.  Add two to the difficulty of any Resources rolls
-Incompetency (-3) - You are spectacularly bad at something.  Unfortunatelyyou're the only person around who doesn't understand this fact.  Pick single Ability You believe you have a proficiency equal to three dots in that Traitwhen in reality you have always ruin any effort involving it.  Whenever you try to use this Ability, treat the results as a botch.+Dogged by Fringe Media (-2) - You have somehow attracted the attention of an amateur reporterone who operates fringe web site or publishes a zine that covers the bizarre or paranormal  This crank occasionally follows you to try and discover some dirt on you.  Unfortunately, and in true modern journalism stylehe tends to catch you in bizarre circumstances that he simply cannot understand.  Of course, he tries to interpret them anyway.
-Low Self-Esteem (-3) - You have trouble accepting your own value and worth.  You tend to highlight your failures and overlook your triumphs.  Whenever you have the opportunity to gain Willpower from accomplishing goals (not from resting)make a Willpower roll, diff 6.  If you fail you do not gain the bonus.  If you botch you lose point of Willpower.+Foreigner (-2) - You are not native to the area in which you currently live -- and hunt.  Although you may understand the language and general customs, you have trouble with many of the details.  You have distinguishing accent and the difficulty of any Streetwise or Etiquette checks you attempt are increased by two
-Slow Learner (-3) - You always lagged behind in schooland even the most patient people find it frustrating to teach you the simplest concepts.  You aren'dumb It just takes you longer to wrap your mind around things.  For the purposes of figuring out experience points it costs to raise an Abilityadd one to your current rating.  Acquiring a new Ability costs 4 experience points and not the usual 3.+Honest to a Fault (-2) - You always try to tell the truthno matter what the situation.  You won'stretch it, bend it, or manipulate it to take advantage of others, unless human lives are in jeopardyIf you do attempt to lie to someone, the difficulty of any roll involved is increased by two
-Weak-Willed (-3) - Try as you might, its challenging for you to summon inner reserves of courage or toughness.  Whereas others shoulder extra burdens in the name of the Hunt, you simply find the going harder and harder.  You're not coward.  You just don'have the fortitude necessary to make truly heroic efforts.  Add to the difficulty of all Willpower rolls.  As long as you have this flaw your Willpower rating may never rise above 8.+Infamy (-2) - People in oyur community tend to recognize you for all the wrong reasons.  Maybe you were involved in a local scandal involving a politicianor perhaps you were charged but not convicted in a sensational case.  No matter what the cause, you tend to attract lot of unwanted attention wherever you go.  People look down on you, though they don'necessarily hinder or harass you.  Add two to the difficulty of any Social rolls that involve people who know about your past
-Illiterate (-4) - Self explanatory but does not extend to the Hunter Code.+Lustful (-2) - you can't resist erotic advances of the appropriate gender(s).You are easily seduced and often exhibit very poor judgment when dealing with sexually attractive people.  the difficulty of any attempts to seduce you is reduced by two
-- Flaws  - Legal +Nosy Neighbors (-2) - Your neighborhood is rife with gossips and busy-bodies.  Your neighbors are always dropping by for unannounced visits, and they take an active interest in your comings and goings.  You might want to wash up before heading home if you've just killed rot and are covered with guts
-Political Extremist (-1) - You have connections to a political organization that most people view with suspicion or fear, such as the Nation of Islam, or the KKK.  You are an active member of the group and local law enforcement has an open dossier on you.  Although you do not necessarily have criminal record or engage in illegal activity, the local police view you as a trouble-maker and suspicious character.  At any given time, you might be the target of undercover observation prompted by the activities of your organization.+
-Revoked Driver's License (-1) - You have lost your driver's license due to a poor driving record.  If you are pulled over for any reason or are otherwise caught driving, you will be arrested immediately and your car will be impounded.+Poor Judge of Character (-2) - Your the type of person who always ends up hanging out with the wrong crowd.  Maybe you just like to date dangerous men or you're a sucker for women in trouble (or vice versa).  Whatever the reason you have a hard time figuring out whom to trust.  Increase the difficulty of all Awareness and Intuition rolls you attempt in social circumstances by two.  Also your friends and acquaintances tend to be sponges and other lowlifes.
-Sunday Driver (-1) - Whenever you go out with friends, no one wants you to drive.  You pay almost obsessive attention to traffic regulations and make a conscious effort to drive below the speed limit.  Alternatively, you have no patience for trafficright of way, signs, or you simply fail to pay attention to the road.  The difficulty of any Drive rolls you make during a chase or other high-speed situation is increased by 2.+Stalked (-2) - Someone has an unhealthy obsession with you.  Despite repeated calls to the police and several restraining orders, this person continues to harass you.  Any time you head out on a hunt, the ST can make a Perception roll diff 6 on your behalf.  If it fails or botches, your stalker has managed to tail you throughout the night and may put in an appearance.
-Criminal Record (-3 Those taking this flaw will automatically have at least two misdemeanor and one felony arrest on their record.  In addition, you will receive exceptionally poor treatment from law enforcement officials who know of your record.+Technophobe (-2) - You are severely intimidated by computers and other technology.  You never use an ATM if a teller is availableand you get nervous at the sight of a keyboard You must make an Intelligence roll, diff 6 to perform even the simplest of tasks on a computer, ATM, or similar device.  In addition all Computer or Technology rolls have their difficulty increased by 2
-Probation (-2) - You are currently on probation for some minor offense.  You have to meet with case officer on regular basis and are subject to random drug tests and searches of your home and person.  You must also commit - or seem to commit - yourself to becoming a good citizen: maintaining jobkeeping current with debt and other aspects of responsible life that the hunt makes challenging.+Moneygrubbing (-3) - You exist to make money.  Family, friends, and other concerns are trivial when compared to the almighty dollar.  If someone offers you bribe, you must make Willpower check diff 7 to resist.  If the bribe involves something that as far as you know won't directly result in injuries or lasting damage, increase the diff to 8.  You also tend to target monsters that have lot of material wealth.  Sometimesthe best part of the hunt is looting the bodies of fallen monsters.....or allies
-Illegal Immigrant (-3) - You lack proper lawful permission to be in the country in which you currently live.  You do not have legitimate ID and are likely to be deported to your nation of origin if you are placed under arrest.  You cannot hold a job unless it pays under the table.+Wavering Faith (-3) - You were once a strong adherent of a religion, but your faith has faded (or fades) in the face of the enemy.  If divine being exists, how could He let such creatures prey on humanity?  ghosts are concrete evidence that the afterlife is flawed.  Your confidence is severely shaken.  Add two to the difficulty of all Willpower tests.
-Wanted by Law Enforcement (-4) - You are the prime suspect in felony crime.  The police actively look for you, and you cannot move openly about your usual hangouts.  If you encounter cops they will radio for backup and try to bring you in.+Criminal Entanglements (-4) - You owe lot of money or a big favor to someone on the wrong side of the law, and you have refused or been unable to pay.  Although hitmen aren't being sent after you quite yetthe threat hangs over you constantly.  The exact nature of the debt and the individual(s) behind it are left to the ST, but they should suit your character concept.
-- Flaws  - Economic  +Unlucky (-4) - You've dealt with bad breaks all your life.  From that true love who had to move across the country to the struggling Internet company you quit two months before its billion-dollar IPO, you seem always to make the wrong moves at the wrong time.  Once per game session, teh ST may increase the difficulty of a critical roll you make by two.  If you fail the roll, its due to some random, hard-luck factor.  Your bad luck seems to crop up at the most inconvenient times.  You may not take this flaw and the Fool's Luck edge.  Acquiring that edge frees up points spent on Unlucky for other flaws.  Nor can you have the Lucky Merit.
-Audit (-1) - You currently undergo and audit by the IRS.  You cannot purchase illegal good totaling more than $500 without attracting the attention of the officers of your case.  Any money you wish to use for illegal purposes must be laundered first.  Increase the difficulty of any Resources rolls by 2.+
-Demanding Career (-2) - Your current job requires long hours and frequent travelmaking it challenging for you to both work and pursue the hunt.  You must always carry a pager ad keep in touch with the office, and you can be called back to work at almost any time.  If you should quit your job to free up time your Resources will be subject to change at the ST's discretion.+Pacifist (-5) - You utterly refuse to use violence against anything, even if your life or the lives of others are in immediate danger.  Furthermore, you work hard to prevent others from using violence, though you do not recklessly endanger yourself or expect others to do so.  You never carry weapons and refuse to procure them.  A Willpower roll, diff 6, may be required to resist the temptation to engage in violence when a gross offense is committed before or against you, such as a loved one being harmed.  If you defy your nature and succumb to violence at some point, you cannot regain Willpower each morning until you come to terms with your lapse or you change life philosophies altogether.
-Primary Breadwinner (-2) - You are the primary income earner in your family.  You pay the bills, from the heat and electricity to the weekly groceries.  You have to maintain a steady job, despite the demands of the Hunt.  At least 2 points of your resources score must be dedicated to supporting your family.  If your rating drops below that level, your family begins to suffer.  The difficulty of all Willpower rolls you attempt is increased by 2 thereafter, because of the deep shame and embarrassment you feel for not providing for your loved ones. +__**Banned Flaws**__
- +
-Uninsured (-2) - You either cannot afford insurance or simply have chosen to go without it.  You must pay for all medical expenses and any damage incurred from accidents out of pocket. +
- +
-Alimony Payments (-3) - You are financially responsible for your ex-spouse and perhaps children.  You must hold down a steady job and meet monthly payments or risk having your assets frozen, you possessions seized, or arrested.  You cannot have more than 3 dots in Resources because of the economic hardship of keeping up with the payments.+
 +Abusive Partner (2pt)
 +No, just no. Domestic abuse is a terrible and upsetting topic to go through and no ST in their right mind wants to RP such a scene.
 +The fact that this complex issue is reduced to a simple dice roll is also upsetting in its own right. This game is a safe space.
 +On top of that no PC or NPC in their right mind would stand for it, Hunters protect hunters and in this setting, the Balance of the Amenti would apply.
setting/hunter_flaws.txt · Last modified: 2022/Sep/04 13:49 by grandt0ast33