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setting:changeling_merits [2022/Jan/17 16:03]
flowercrystals [Changeling Merits]
setting:changeling_merits [2022/Jan/17 16:34]
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 ====== Changeling Merits ====== ====== Changeling Merits ======
 \\ \\
-__**Physical Merits**__+======Physical Merits======
 Acute Sense (1pt. Merit)\\ Acute Sense (1pt. Merit)\\
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 ----- -----
 Common Sense (1pt. Merit)\\ Common Sense (1pt. Merit)\\
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 Because I Think I Can (6 pt. Merit)\\ Because I Think I Can (6 pt. Merit)\\
 //When you declare you are using a point of Willpower and roll for successes, your self-confidence may allow you to gain the benefit of that expenditure without losing the Willpower point. You do not lose the point of Willpower unless you fail your roll. This also prevents you from botching. This Merit may only be used when the difficulty of your roll is 6 or higher.//  //When you declare you are using a point of Willpower and roll for successes, your self-confidence may allow you to gain the benefit of that expenditure without losing the Willpower point. You do not lose the point of Willpower unless you fail your roll. This also prevents you from botching. This Merit may only be used when the difficulty of your roll is 6 or higher.// 
 +Benevolent Patron (1pt. Merit)\\
 +//You intrigue a changeling ranked more highly than yourself. So long as the reason for this intrigue remains — whether it be looks, a field of expertise, or the way you composed yourself in the freehold — you hold the other changeling’s attention and he has a vested interest in keeping you around. This Merit should be played like a 1-dot Mentor with a specific interest. However, unlike a Mentor, Benevolent Patron does not imply a permanent relationship.//
 +Boon (1-6pt. Merit)\\
 +//Someone is in your debt. It could be a lowly fledge or the count of a freehold; it all depends on how many points the Merit costs. You only have that single favor owed you (unless you take the Merit multiple times,) so using it properly is of paramount importance. Depending on status and other factors, the being who owes you a favor may well go out of his way to “settle” it early — even going so far as to create situations from which he must “rescue” you and thus clean the slate.//
 +Calming Presence (1pt. Merit)\\
 +//Common among the pooka is the ability to calm any animal or child with a quiet word or even a look. Something in your aura conveys safety and security to the animal or child. Guard dogs and wild animals never attack you, and babies in your presence calm and gaze up at you in fascination and wonder.//
 +Good Listener (1pt. Merit)\\
 +//Pooka excel at the ability to get others to open up to them; however, you are a master confidant. A word here, a gesture there, you crack people open like oysters and harvest their secrets like pearls. Your ability to listen makes others tell you their feelings, concerns, and hidden dreams. They don’t know why they’re telling you, but they usually feel better afterwards. All rolls related to obtaining information from others are at a –2 difficulty.//
 +I Know You (1pt. Merit)\\
 +//You have one of those faces, or a way of acting, that makes others just assume you are someone they already know. Perhaps you resemble someone from their childhood, or their favorite television show. When introducing yourself at social gatherings, you always succeed in grabbing someone’s attention. You cannot be immediately dismissed without at least a few curious questions first.//
 +Natural Leader (1pt. Merit)\\
 +//You’re gifted with a certain magnetism to which others naturally defer. Difficulties of all attempts to rally people with your words are reduced by two. You must have a Charisma rating of 3 or greater to purchase this Merit.//
 +Protégé (1pt. Merit)\\
 +//An important changeling once mentored you, and spoke glowingly of you to acquaintances. Others may be inclined to look favorably on you by dint of the recommendation; you are at –2 difficulty on Social rolls with all those who’ve heard good things about you.// 
 +Your Best Advocate (1pt. Merit)\\
 +//You are especially convincing when telling tall tales about your exploits. You receive a –2 to your difficulty on Social rolls related to recounting your deeds, whether true or not.//
 +Nature’s Child (2pt. Merit)\\
 +//You are one with nature and beasts. You receive a –2 to your difficulty on rolls when dealing with nonpatient animals in their natural environment, whether training them, tracking them, or simply petting them. Changelings should take care relying on this Merit when dealing with chimera, however; some of them are much more intelligent than they appear.//
 +Reputation (2pt. Merit)\\
 +//You have a good reputation among the changelings of your Court. This may be your own reputation, or it may be derived from your mentor. Reduce the difficulty of all social dealings with others of your Court by two. However, those who desire to bring down the hierarchy will seek to besmirch your fine standing.//
 +Scholar of Others (2pt. Merit)\\
 +//You have taken the time to learn about and specialize in one particular group outside your kith or Court. You are aware of at least some of the group’s customs, strategies, and long-term goals, and can put that knowledge to good use. This Merit is worth a –2 difficulty for all non-combat rolls pertaining specifically to the subject of your specialization. On the other hand, you are at a +1 difficulty when it comes to dealing with other groups, simply because you are so thoroughly focused on your field. This Merit can be taken multiple times for multiple groups.//
 +Voice of a Songbird (2pt. Merit)\\
 +//The satyrs say your voice could charm apples from the trees. You have perfect pitch and can sing a cappella without missing a single note or going off key. Even when only speaking, your voice has a seductive quality that attracts people to you. Whenever you make a roll that involves inspirational speaking or singing, you are at a –2 difficulty.//
 +Sage (2pt. Merit)\\
 +//Other changelings come to you for counsel. Maybe they believe in your wisdom, age, or experience. Perhaps they think you are touched, or capable of seeing the bigger picture. The trust others place in you means, in most cases, you are approached first in matters requiring discussion, and may either use this advantage to provide wise counsel, or to influence others to consider your own agenda.//
 +Heir to the Throne (3pt. Merit)\\
 +//You can produce a convincing claim to ownership or title over land, people, or inventory. This rank allows you to influence your peers and lessers with ease, as when invoking your title the difficulty of Social rolls is reduced by two. Nobles likely treat you with respect and most other changelings defer to you. A contingent — possibly comprising rival heirs — will however see you as a ripe target for kidnapping or assassination.//
 +Fake It (3pt. Merit)\\
 +//You talk a convincing game. Sometimes you are even convincing enough to be right. Maybe you claim you can “make that jump,” “ace that test,” or “hit that target.” You may be criminally lucky or possess hidden talents. When you successfully lie about your proficiency in a task with a Subterfuge + Manipulation roll and then attempt to prove your claims, the difficulty of the roll to carry out your ambition is reduced by two.//
 +Rising Star (3pt. Merit)\\
 +//You are one of the up-and-comers in the freehold. Everyone wants to know you and be your friend, even as those in power groom you for positions of greater responsibility. You are at a –3 difficulty on all social rolls against any changelings who aren’t actively opposing your ascent.//
 +Soul of the Muse (4pt. Merit)\\
 +//You are an inspiration to creators of all types. Whether you are artistically gifted or not, other artists find it far easier to create masterworks when you are around. If you are in the presence of any creator — whether you are acting as a model, providing counsel, or singing a song — that creator reduces the difficulty to create his work by three. This creative stimulation applies to works of wonder and destruction alike, as you inspire all.//
 +Trusty Companion (4pt. Merit)\\
 +//You have a reputation as trustworthy, stalwart, and unfaltering in your dedication to your companions. Your very presence in a motley or circle bolsters the Willpower of companions, allowing them each one additional temporary Willpower point per chapter. You will always be relied upon to risk your life for them, as only a trusted companion might. Should you ever complain about your lot, the Willpower bonus you provide disappears until you once again risk physical or reputational peril for your friends.//
setting/changeling_merits.txt · Last modified: 2022/Jan/17 16:34 by flowercrystals