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pc:angelica_rodriguez [2021/Jan/31 21:11]
pc:angelica_rodriguez [2021/Jun/26 17:52]
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-Character Name: Angelica Rodriguez +[[angelica rodriguez Sheet|Sheet]]\\ 
-Player Namesanityleak +[[pc:sc:angelica rodriguez XP Log|XP Log]]\\ +
-Nature: Celebrant +
-Demeanor: Caregiver +
-Essence: Questing +
-Affiliation: Tradition +
-Tradition\Craft: Ethanatos +
-Concept: Amnesiac ER Doc Savior+
-Physical (5+1FB): 
-Strength: 3 
-Dexterity: 3 (4 : Hand-Eye coordination) 
-Stamina: 3 
-Social (3+1FB): +**Description:**\\ 
-Charisma: 2 (3) +Angelica stands 5'6, and bears a perpetual look of being pissed off at life. Despite her actual feelings on the situation, she always comes across on the surface as less than approachable. She keeps a clean, meticulous look of bangs and ponytail. Her accent betrays her Latino heritage. She doesn't stand out terribly in either regardstriking ormemorable. She tends to dress casually or in scrubs depending on where she's at.\\ 
-Appearance: 2 (*3) +**Obvious Details:**\\ 
- +Angelica'expression often gives the false impression of being aloof or difficult to readcoming off as 
-Mental (7): +(Poker Face- Reduce dif of intim/subterfuge/resist-intim by -2+2 for others to aĴempts against her to read,seduce,torture,etc)  She has taken to a wild hair stylecolors and shaven despite her official position as an ER doctor.  Her entire style choice either ranges from BRIGHT to dull greys and whites these days.\\ 
-Perception: 3 +\\ 
-Wits: 4 +(Fae Affinity- -2 to all social rolls with Changelings, and -2 to aĴempts for them to gain glamour from you)\\ 
- +\\ 
-Speciality: Wits (Instinctive) +Less Than Obvious Details:\\ 
- +Recently given and carries:\\ 
-*Add secondary anilities at the end of each list as needed +Stilleto\\ 
-For Art, Crafts and Performance choose specialty from the first dot. For Academics and Science from the second. +Karambit\\ 
- +Short sword +2L/dif 4\\ 
-Talents (14+1FB): +Magical Engagement Ring\\ 
-Alertness: 1 (3) +Desert Eagle (Less often)\\ 
-Art: +\\ 
-Athletics:  2 (3) +(Randoms)\\ 
-Awareness:  1 (3) +\\ 
-Brawl: 2 (3) +Works at the Starke Regional Medical Center\\ 
-Empathy: 2 (3) +Subs an ER Doctor at Jacksonville\\ 
-Expression: (1) +Current Awaken Throne Proxy Council Member (Status 2)\\ 
-Intimidation:+Credentialed ER Doctor \\ 
-Leadership: (2) +\\ 
-Streetwise: +(Updates)\\ 
-Subterfuge:  2 (3) +\\ 
- +Was in a Coma and returned without any memories\\ 
-Skills (5): +Member of the Awakened\\ 
-Crafts:  +Makes delicious tacos\\ 
-Drive:  1 (2) +\\ 
-Etiquette: (1) +Banality Score5\\ 
-Firearms: 1 (3) +**Crossroads Membership:** Veteran\\
-Martial Arts:  +
-Meditation:  +
-Melee: 1 (4:Swords) +
-Performance: 1 (2) +
-Stealth: 1 (3) +
-Survival: (1) +
-Technology:  +
-Cooking: (4 : Hispanic Food) +
-Animal Ken: (2) +
-Larceny: (*1) +
-Knowledges (10): +
-Academics: 2 (3) +
-Computer: (1) +
-Cosmology:  +
-Enigmas:  +
-Esoterica:  +
-Investigation: 2 (3) +
-Law: 1 (2) +
-Medicine: 3 (4 : Emergency Care) +
-Occult:  +
-Science: 1 +
-Research:  +
-Politics: (1) +
- +
-Backgrounds: (7 +1 Auto Avatar) +
-Arsenal: 2 +
-Avatar: 2 +
-Familiar: 1  (Adopted Cat from Hunter/Animal Companion BG) +
-Resources: 3 +
- +
- +
-SPHERES: Affinity (Life) +
-Entropy: 1 +
-Forces: 0  +
-Life: 1 +
-Matter: 0 +
-Mind: 1 +
-Prime: 1 +
-Spirit: 0 +
-Time: 1 +
- +
-Focus: Pulling on these threads, magically, or physically allows one to manifest the change that they wish to see in life.  Magic is the truth that reveals the world that others refuse to see, the path before them, the options available to them.  They(it) simply need to be shown/nudged to the truth. +
-Paradigm: Everything is an Illusion, Prison, or Mistake +
-Practice: Medicene Work- Karmic Balance +
- Everything runs smooth and operates in harmony with its surroundings and those around it if balanced.  A middle ground allows the acceptance and process of entropic distress and hardship, while complimenting the positive to be cherished when it comes.  As such fate is made by the decisions and the odds presented.  When things are imbalanced it is because a greater truth has been denied either by the self, other, or world.  Unravelling this veil or acting to balance it frees the knot that denial creates from accepting one's purpose and their place in the universe.  These veils can be painful and crippling, requiring one to excise them forcibly to free the truth. +
- +
-Instruments: +
-1. Blades +
-2. Blood and fluids +
-3. Drugs/poison +
-4. Weapons +
-5. Yoga +
-6. Henna/tatoo +
-7. Music +
-8. Incense +
-9. Fire +
- +
-Arete: 1 +
-Willpower: 5 +
-Paradox: 0 +
- +
-Merits (7): +
-Language: Spanish (1) +
-Light Sleeper (1) +
-Concentration (1) +
-Poker Face (2) +
-Fae Affinity (2) +
-Too Tough to Die (5pt -10xp)* +
-True Love: Irene (4pt -8xp)* +
- +
-Flaws (6): +
-Easily Intoxicates (2) +
-Amnesiac (2) +
-Vulnerability: Conviction (2) +
- +
-Character Creation Notes:  +
-Freebies (15):  +
-14 - Merits (7) - Flaws (6) +
-04 - -10 for x2 Attributes +
-00 - -4 For +2 Abilities +
-Total: 00 +
- +
-Character Bio: (Short-hand version of Character History. Think: what would she tell about herself in a dinner party?) +
- +
-Angelica grew up in Houston with her Sister and Mother, their father abandonning them and putting the burden on her to pick up the load in the house and become a caretaker.  Though somewhere in that period, something happened and she forgot..  only to come to the surface recently to find her Mother dead, her sister refusing to speak to her calling her a 'monster' Thankfully, she has an anchor, a love she held on to: Irene.  There's a fog between the before and the now... vague dreams, whispers like the darkness behind the storm, flickers of lightening, pain, and horror...  but she can't see into the storm, to know what it holds.  She's apparently an ER Doctor now, a cook, a warrior...  thankfully her hands know things she doesn't even realize and she can answer questions (medically, cooking, etc) she doesn't even remember. +
- +
-Description:  +
- +
-Angelica stands 5'6, and bears a perpetual look of disenchanted with life.  Despite her actual feelings on the situation, she always comes across on the surface as less than approachable.  She keeps a clean, meticulous look of bangs and ponytail.  Her accent betrays her Latino heritage.  She stands out due to time taken with her appearance, nice clothing and regular exercise. +
- +
-============== +
-          Use this section to give a history of your character's life up to the first session of game.  Mage is a personal narrative game, so it requires a good history write-up. +
- +
-Angelica Rodriguez was born in HoustonTexas on September 1, 1992 She's a first generation american who grew up between two worlds, drawn by language, culture, and status.  To her it was normal walking that divide, surrounded by the poverty and discrimination that rolled through with it.  She watched her mother sacrifice to keep the house together, even when her father's days ended in beer, isolation, and eventually infidelity.  It was easier in some ways when he left.  In other ways it was harder. +
- +
-Her mother worked at least two jobs the entire time to keep Angelica and her sister Rosario (May 7, 1997) fed and clothed.  Angelica watched her mother pick up that burden, working herself tirelessly and always with a brave face on for the family.  Angel, her name and one of the sins of the street, became her namesake and her curse.  Addiction is a terrible and beautiful thing while it holds you.  It also breaks everyone around you. +
- +
-During her overdose, Angel saw a halo of light, voices spoke to her.  Turns out, when she woke, it was just harsh world of the hospital and her sobbing mother in the corner.  She'd graduated high school and half heartedly enrolled in college, aimlessly between class and addiction.  It was no wonder her grades were trash and she was on the verge of washing out.  Her mother had supported her as long as she could.  It was taking everything she had to keep the family together.  +
- +
-When her mother got sick it fell apart.  No jobs, no income, and worst..  the hospitals would only see her or help when it got really bad.  There was nothing to save her.  +
- +
-Angelica realized her sister Rosario was following in her path, starting to stay out too late with the wrong crowd.  Her mother hanging on by tenacity alone, her life littered with waste and addiction.  Her mother made her promise to fix it, to be better.  So she did. +
- +
-She returned to school and took on a job.  Not just to support the household, but to try and find a way to help her mother and her sister.  She took the most obvious approach, something that would pay and fix them all: medicene.  Nursing was the obvious entry, and the local program provided access to the hospital and medication.  It was slow, and the months dragged on, but she managed to keep the three of them together.  Her mother no longer able to work always tried to keep them together and cooked food, kept the house for them. +
- +
-Mother never did see her graduate.  Rosario did, but she'd seen something else by then.  It was about that time when Rosario'addiction brought her into circles of things that many spoke of only in passing and jokes.  Trades of flesh and blood.  She'd become a doll, a puppet to something more than hera low level leech who had delusions of grandeur and a few goons to back it up+
- +
-Imbuing:  (Forgotten Amnesiac) +
- +
-Midshift, something drew her.  Something made her set down her pen, abandon her shift and walk out into the night.  She felt the dry heat of Houstonthe pain inside her.  She knew the source, her sister.  It didn't take long to find her, to cut through the swath of scum and desperation.  She wasn't quite prepared for what she saw however.  Her sister used as a puppet to entertain others, for pleasure, drugs, and blood.  A caged dancer. +
-Anger, yes.  But most of all guilt.  She'd known but hadn't pulled her sister out early enough.  She'd shown her the path, but never pulled her away from it.  She knew her sister was suffering, torn down, manipulated, addicted.  She could see it.  That regret hit her in the stomach.  She had to stop her, she had to save her.  Her sister, her blood, was walking a path to her own demise. +
-The bouncer couldn't keep her out.  The leech's guard couldn't stop her from VIP.  They pummelled her, but she hardly felt it.  It didn't matter what it took, the cries in the crowd.  When the music cut off and she bent pole against the guard's ribs.  Cracking was her reward.  She didn't stop.  Bloodied she marched up those stairs.  The leech, that monster.  Half man, half.. something else.  It asked her what it would take for her to stop.  She simply pointed at her sister still dancing in the cage unaware.  +
-The monster looked between them.  The deal was struck.  Her sister undone and cast asideno more of his flock.  Angelica took her sister and left that placepulling her family with her until she collapsed in their ride home.  Their ride to safety.  Her secret was outbut the cost didn't matter.  Her sister was safe. +
- +
-Aftermath: (Forgotten, Amnesiac) +
- +
-She'd been lucky, coming out with more injuries than not, her sister, and a new power.  She didn't consider it that.  Her mother said she'd been chosen by God to save them.  Angelica had long since abandonned those thoughts.  Now though, that voice that had whispered in her ear, that vision of her sister bleeding, dead on table..  It gave her pause.  Of course, her mother didn't live to see or hear those thoughts.  She died a week later, taken by pneumonia with the season's change. +
-Angelica made her end as comfortable as she could, though the antibiotics were too late to take hold. +
-She graduated a nurse, certified LPN.  Her sister didn't even show.  Her sister and her weren't on talking terms much anymore, between stripping her from something she denied and still cried for, and their mother's death Angelica took the blame.  She understood.  She'd seen addiction before and recognized it.  She took the abuse, her sister's moods and anger.  Months later, her sister packed her things to leave and Angelica didn't stop her Her sister called her the Angel of Death on her way out, but weeks later a single text- "Thank you.  But I can't forgive you." +
-Sometimes that's enough.  Angelica wasn't without her own troubles.  The hospital had started whispering about supplies that had gone missing.  It wasn't long before an investigation would open.  She'd also seen 'them' The leeches goons, one or two here and there.  Perhaps keeping tabs on her?  How much did they know?  She couldn't afford to wait around and find out. +
-Angelica looked for jobs, taking the first she could find Some medical center out in the pan handle of Florida, a place she'd never heard of or even researched It wasn't Houston, and that's all that mattered really.  She took up a new name on  Ironic and dangerous perhaps..  combining the Geocoordinates of Starke Florida as part of the new handle, she drove out and got a small apartment below her means.  She was starting over.  +
-This time, she knew what she was suffering for. +
- +
-========================================================================= +
- +
-Or so she thought. +
- +
-Her allies that she built her world around were the pillars of her life.  And just like pillars in real life, she lost them one by one to time and the madness, blood of her path.  It was a slow thing, and one she surely would have found herself caught in as well…  if it wasn’t for Irene. +
- +
-That single moment, a chance meeting, a dare for Tacos and the two became inseparable, even before they knew one another’s secret.  It is ironic that the Hunt revealed Irene to her, but it’s also what drove her to Irene.  While her companions found solace in religious fervor, the arms of the undead and the madness of her own history, and then blood lust and terror of corruption and destruction… Angelica found herself in Irene’s arms.   +
- +
-Irene bought her bouncy castle for their date, and proclaimed her the Queen of Bouncy House.  Irene her noble warrior princess.  The pair spent time at the beach, camping on the shore away from every thing when things hit too close to home or were too hard for Angelica.  The pair sheltering one another from the storm of madness and blood as much as nurturing one another.   +
- +
-Her temper, her Hunt, made it difficult but that oddly was something they bonded over.  The crass fury of the Hunter and her many injuries over time, fear, anger, frustration.  The simple inability to fix or save her friends as they fell…  one … by… one… +
- +
-It's hard to be the Martyr when you can’t sacrifice enough to save everyone, and they all end up vanishing, dying, or becoming your enemy anyhow.  Maybe she should have done more?  But what, she was not sure, it had shaken something at the very root of the Messenger’s purpose.  That purpose that she mattered, that they did, and seeing hunter after hunter turn against them.  The final straw, Hand of Dawn turning on them and calling them traitors.  Her team in tatters, destroyed, she still carried on but it was a hollow fight.  She longed for a different life, one in the arms of the woman she’d seen and known for all her flaws and all her magic.  She wanted another hot air balloon, another dress, a night in those arms with music.   +
- +
-And so, when they moved down to clear the bunker, tripping an explosive device it all hit home.  She should have been able to shrug off that hit, but something in her didn’t want the fight anymore.  And she collapsed into that water…  the darkness where she was going to find who and what she was and confront what she really wanted. +
- +
-The price was everything she’d become.  A Hunter.  The Powers, the memories that tormented her.  All those that she had been close to and watched fall.  The imbuing, the moment she became what her sister could not forgive.  Gone.  Things remained.  People, fuzzy memories.  Irene.   +
- +
-She’d wrote down all those words, those letters.  Every moment they were together.  Love letters from herself, to herself, to remind her of what Irene was to her and her memories in case she lost herself..  to madness, or she had nothing more to leave behind.  Thankfully, she had that.  Her hope.  Her love.  Maybe without the pain, without the suffering she’d endured, without the mind of hate and blood, the dreams and cries of her friends…   Maybe she could truly become whole. +
- +
-Though she did not know it, her path had already been lain before her.  This rebirth.  This death of her Hunter self, this loss of the Hunt, and the rebirth to something else..  it was the cornerstone of a belief system she did not even know.  It was the hand of Ethanatos, the wheel, represented and whole welcoming her home, and a resolution of a faith that had been shaken and broken she could not even remember. +
- +
- +
- +
-equipment: +
-*Late 2000's dark blue Toyota Civic with Texas bumpersticker. +
-*Medical Go Bag (ER Doc+
-*Cell phone +
-*Laptop +
-*Crowbar +
-*Dif 4 +2 Short Sword (Sting)  +
-*Daggers +
-*Shotgun +
-*Fully Auto Rifle +
-*Pistols +
-*Bullet Proof Vest +
-(Arsenal 2 from Hunter) +
- +
-{+Future Notes:+} +
-Easily IntoxicatedDrug soak rolls at +3 dif +
-Amnesia: Forgotten all Hunter Lores/Powers/Background events from Imbuing to Awakening +
- +
-Acarya (Teacher) +
-Chatra (Student) +
-Vrata ("Life-Oath")+
pc/angelica_rodriguez.txt · Last modified: 2021/Jun/26 17:52 by feathers