The Society of Etheric Engineering is the most prestigious organization of the Society of Ether and like-minded Mages and Acolytes. Even getting accepted as member requires years of hard and studious work. Each lodge is independent and regionally bound, so moving around means moving between lodges. The Exception is the Grand Lodge. Physically located in London, it serves as the headquarters and coordinator of the organization, sanctioning new lodges, and accepting as members the most prestigious of the various Lodges. Traditionally lodged were opened only in capital cities, but they tend to move to the centers of economic and academic life. Members are ranked by two measures: Circle and Metal. the 1st through 5th circles represent mastery level of Etheric Chemistry and Engineering, and the metals represent prestige garnered through publications, inventions, mastery of other Etheric sciences. Iron, Tin, Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold. Those who attain membership in the Grand Lodge are said to have attained the AEther.

List of current lodges:

  • The Grand Lodge of London
  1. London
  2. Athens
  3. Alexandria
  4. Jerusalem
  5. Vienna
  6. Milan
  7. Genoa
  8. Venice
  9. Bolonga
  10. Madrid
  11. Lisbon
  12. Amsterdam
  13. Shanghai
  14. Honk-Kong
  15. Mumbai
  16. Singapore
  17. Tokyo
  18. Barcelona
  19. Istanbul
  20. New York City
  21. Mexico City
  22. Los Angeles
  23. Sydney
  24. Moscow
  25. Zurich
  26. Stockholm
  27. Dubai
  28. Miami
  29. San Francisco
  30. Johannesburg
  31. Seol
  32. Jakarta
  33. Dublin
  34. New Delhi
  35. Riyadh