XP Log

Player: The Practitioner



Eye Colour: Deep Brown.
Hair Colour: Brown, slightly reddish cast.
Skin Colour: Tan.

Height: 5'9".
Weight: 185lbs.

Apparent Age: 18.

Style: Cherokee.



X: X



Appearance 3/Pure Breed 3: As a wolf, his coat represents the breeding of his bloodline. Warm, rich brown and reds comingling into
one coat, with warm amber eyes and a hard brow. As a man, though rarely seen in such a form, Follows-Starlight is no different, with
warm brown skin and eyes, representing well the typical hereditary traits of one who might be seen amongst the Cherokee people.

Rage 2: Though a Theurge, and a creature of the Wyld more than most, Follows-Starlight is no less a champion of the Great Mother than
any other member of the Garou Nation, and so, his Rage at what has been done to the world, and what is still being done, burns like a fire
in his chest.

Animal Musk: Given his...rather natural upbringing, Follows-Starlight always smells of the earth. Perhaps this could attribute to some
degree of 'unwash' or similar effect amongst the normal population - some inkling of a bath more often taken in the occasional river
than under the warm deluge of a showerhead.



Offline: No matter how hard you try, you won't find this man online. The reason? Likely because he, born a wolf,
has absolutely no idea about the culture of online profiles, social media and so on - and further, maintains a healthy
distance from any content that assists in the formation of the Pattern Web. After all, the world has quite enough naive
followers of the Weaver, without his help.


Status: X.
Veil Rating: X.
Banality Score: X.
Faith Potential: X.
