
Animal Speech (3pt.) ====

Like Dr. Doolittle, you can talk to the animals. Unfortunately, this only extends to animals of your own affinity and any directly related. For each step away from you in the Animal Kingdom, communication becomes more difficult. For example, a tiger pooka can speak fluently with other tigers in the tiger language, however he feels like an American in Paris with only a forth grade understanding of the language when speaking to a bobcat. When attempting to converse with a housecat, the tiger pooka is reduced to a vague understanding of body language. Whenever a pooka attempts communication with a species other than his specific affinity, the player should roll Perception + Alertness versus a difficulty determined by her storyteller, based on how far removed the species is from the pooka's affinity.

Art Affinity (5pt.) ====

You are utilize one of the Arts with a greater degree of ease than other changelings. In a previous incarnation, you were extremely proficient in one of the Arts – so much so that you have managed to draw a small portion of that knowledge though into this lifetime. Select an Art; when spending experience points to gain levels in that Art, you pay three-quarters the normal cost. This Art must be declared during character conception. Of course, this Merit may be purchased once once.

Aura of Fear (2pt.) ====

Many Denizens threaten by their very presence, but you take this to a preternatural extreme. By spending a point of Glamour you exude and air of menace that may stop the boldest creatures in their tracks. Anyone who wishes to attack or even insult you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) before doing so.

Banality Resistance (3pt.) ====

Even though you have not undergone the Changeling Way Ritual, you are more resistant to gaining Banality in whatever form you take. You no longer automatically gain Banality while in Phantom Form or upon possessing a human. Your rate of Banality accrual is no faster than that of the average changeling.

Blessing of Atlas (5pt.) ====

All trolls are significantly stronger than their fellow fae, yet there are those who exceed even these comparisons. They are as to their fellow trolls what trolls are to other fae. In game terms, a character with the Blessing of Atlas will permanently raise her Strength by one, and will also raise the potential maximum Strength pool by one. Trolls with this Merit are only slightly larger than their kith, but even more defined. Should it become known that a character possesses this she will be expected to act all the more responsibly for it.

Blood of the Rivers (5pt.) ====

The rivers, said to be the lifeblood of trolls, are living things, and as such have a distinct lifespan. The passage of decades may change the course, or even the flow, yet it takes centuries or a cataclysm to destroy on. So, too, with Trolls who possess this Merit. They age much more slowly than other normal fae, without running the risk of Bedlam incurred from dwelling continuously in freeholds. In game terms, so long as a troll is aware of the Dreaming, he ages at a rate of one-tenth that of his brethren. Should he be overtaken by Banality, however, he grows old and dies just like other mortals. Should he be saved from the Mists, he begins to age again at his reduced rate. Note that this does include troll childlings, who pass through this stage as quickly, if not faster, an other fae.

Blood of the Wolf (4pt.) ====

It's said that House Gwydion's ties to the wolf-changer Prodigals are stronger than shared purpose. You are living proof of that connection – although you are a full-blooded changeling, you also have the blood of the werewolves in your veins, and the Garou call you kin. Although they may not think of you in glowing terms, the werewolf tribe whose blood you share may call on you to perform certain tasks for your Changing relatives. What's more, you may be expected to take a Garou spouse, the better to strengthen your bloodline. This can lead to some powerful connections, or some very intriguing plotlines; the Storyteller has perfect right to forbid this Merit if she doesn't want to deal with werewolf affairs as well as courtly intrigues.

Boon (1-3pt.) ====

A noble owes you a favor because of something either you or your mentor once did for them. The extent of the boon owed to you depends on how many points you spend. One point would indicate a relatively minor boon, while three points would indicate that the noble probably owes you his life.

Boon of Fate (1-5pt.) ====

Although you know you are not immortal, you have been given the knowledge that you will not die from one certain means or event. Perhaps an eshu grump read your fortune in the stars and prophesied that you would not die by the hand of commoner or noble. Perhaps you have a deep and abiding fearlessness of fire and the inherent knowledge that your death will not come from that element. Whatever your certainty, this knowledge gives you the freedom to risk your life in ways that others can not. Storytellers should keep in mind, however, that such beliefs can turn upon those who abuse this freedom. The individual who knows she will not die from fire can still perish from the collapse of a burning roof upon her head. Storytellers should determine the cost of this merit according to the type of 'death' it precludes.

Burning Gaze (3pt) ====

Beaumayn with this Merit are especially attuned to the presence of their ancient enemies, the Thallain, and can even detect members of the Unseelie Houses or minions of the Shadow Court with close enough scrutiny. The character must concentrate for a turn, then make a Perception + Gremayre roll (difficulty 6 for Thallain, 8 for Unseelie House or Shadow Court fae). Success means the Beaumayn sees such fae for who they truly are. This Merit may even detect those fae if they are hidden or disguised, although the character must score more successes than the hidden character and must succeed at a difficulty 1 point higher than normal. While this Merit is active, the character's eyes burn with the purple fire of the dark star, a sure giveaway for those who know the mark of this house.

Calming Presence (2pt.) ====

One advantage of your animal half is the ability to calm any animal with a quiet word or even a look. You may soothe children as well. Something in your scent, or your aura, conveys safety and security to the animal or child. A guard dog will rarely attack you, and when your arms, babies calm and gaze up at you in fascination and wonder. If you are a domestic pooka type (cat, dog, rabbit), you may use this in your animal form as well, by purring, licking, or lying quietly in someone's lap. (The difficulty of all Charisma rolls, except Intimidation, is reduced by 2 when dealing with children or animals.)

Call to Friends (3pt.) ====

Creatures of your affinity will come when you call and back you up in a fight. Every species of animal has a special call that they use to summon others of their own kind to aid them. You have an innate knowledge of what this call is and you can use it whenever you need. For some affinities, it's a howl. For others, it's a cluck. However it sounds, it calls any of these animals within a one-mile radius to your aid. Even if you cannot make your voice carry that distance, the animals spread the word for you. All you need to do is reach one of the creatures of your affinity, and unless restrained somehow, that animal calls others. Like that, the 'word' spreads quickly and your friends come running. The limitations of communication still apply. If the animals can't hear you, they don't know to come. If they can't figure out that you're tied to a chair and need them to gnaw through the knot, then they're just going to stare at you dumbly. They don't teleport, so travel time is a factor. However, if they see that an ogre is attacking you, they'll jump right in and help you. This Merit works especially well when used in conjunction with the Animal Speech Merit. The number of animals available varies depending on your affinity and where you're living. The Storyteller should assign a number of animals per success. For example, in New York, there may only be one alligator in the sewers within that mile, but there may be a hundred cats. Once this has been established, the player should roll Charisma + Performance to determine how successful her plea for help is.

Change Aria (3pt.) ====

Unlike most Denizens you have voluntary control over when you change your Aria. Changes of this nature still affect both your physical appearance and your emotional state. Use of this Merit requires one point of Willpower.

Chivalrous Heart (4pt.) ====

Maybe one of your previous incarnations was knightly, or perhaps you just have an overwhelming sense of duty to those in need, but when defending those who physically need your help, you are at –2 difficulty on all roles.

Dead Friends (4pt.) ====

Slaugh have always been able to see, and sometimes talk to, wraiths. However, you've gone beyond that sort of casual contact to the point where you've made friends with a few of those who've passed on. They bring you information, spy on your enemies, and generally keep you up to date on things that no living informant could ever possibly uncover. Having contacts who can walk through walls can be extremely useful sometimes. On the other hand, these friends will expect you do to them favors as well, and some of those requests can get pretty bizarre. Plus, you never know when your nice wraith friend is suddenly going to get nasty for no apparent reason, and he knows where you live…

Dexterous Toes (1pt.) ====

Hands tied? Too many things to hold? Not to worry – with Dexterous Toes you can work equally well with hands or feet. A slaugh with this Merits can do anything she can do with her hands (fire a gun, draw, play a musical, etc.) just as well with her feet. Of course a sluagh carting items with her toes will be unable to walk.

Evanescent (2-3pt.) ====

Most Dark-kin were locked out of the Autumn World for thousands of years; they know next to nothing about human affairs or the secret dangers which await in its Banality choked streets. Even most aonides and moirae spend more time in the Dreaming than in the waking realms. Some Denizens have lurked among humanity for years and are well versed in its ways.

Characters who take this Merit are familiar with the various forms of possession. They may buy any of the curtailed Abilities up to their maximum extent (though normal Changeling rules still apply to Abilities bought over three points at the beginning of the game) and are experienced in the most basic of human interactions (anything more requires the Autumn Lore Knowledge). Those adhene not included in the Silver Ban (aonides, keremet and moirae) pay only two points for this Merit, while any others pay three. Evanescents begin the game with two permanent points of Banality, and are, hence, able to pass through the Meridianus without hindrance.

Faerie Affinity (3 pt.) ====

Characters with the Merit: Faerie Affinity are not themselves kinain, but have some attributes that are similiar to the kinain. Faerie Affinity is the result of ancient pacts and oaths that were made between the fae of old and certain mortals and Prodigals. These should be taken into consideration and defined when assigning this Merit to a character.

The power of these oaths has carried down to many of their descendants, giving them special status among the Kithain. A successful Kenning roll (difficulty 6) reveals if a character has a Faerie Affinity.

Characters with Faerie Affinity are partially aware of the Dreaming, and have the ability to see the fae mien of Kithain and any chimera the changeling is carrying or directly interacting with, although they cannot see other chimera unless they are enchanted. This works much like a lesser version of the Kinain's An-de-Shealladh Fae Gift.

Characters with Faerie Affinity are treated as if they have 1 Banality lower than they normally would have on the Mists chart. A character with Faerie Affinity typically should not be enchanted against her will because of the ancient pacts that gave her the Faerie Affinity in the first place. A changeling who does so may become an oathbreaker, and will find issues in Kithain society because of it.

Understand that taking this Merit in Dusk requires a sufficient oath or pact to be placed on the family line. This must be defined on the character sheet, and it must have some conditions to be met on the character's end as well.

Faerie Eternity (5pt.) ====

After you went through your Chrysalis, you had a birthday, and then another, and then another. Something was strange, however – you didn't seen to be growing or getting older. You are touched with a vestige of the immortality that used to be the birthright of all fae. As long as your fae seeming is active, you will age at one-tenth that of a normal human or changeling. Should your fae seeming be permanently destroyed, or should you retreat into Banality, you will begin to age normally.

Faerie Godparent (3pt.) ====

Through ancient oaths, your faerie soul is bound to a particular family and has been for hundreds of years. Even when they left he Old Country, they carried along their beliefs in the Good People. Maybe you are the proverbial fairy godmother, or maybe you're the tinker that cleans and mends while everyone sleeps. In any case, their belief strengthens you and preserves you; you may make a Willpower rolls (difficulty equal to the character's permanent Banality) to avoid gaining a point of temporary Banality (this may be done once per story). If you have a Dreamer in the family, you may also reduce the difficulty by one to reach an Epiphany with that Dreamer. There are down sides. You are expected to help, protect, and guide the family (perhaps you are a literal godparent), and their expectations may exceed your abilities. Also, you have to renew the ties; if Grandma dies and the children grow up without her stories, you may find yourself forgotten. The family has at least one method of summoning you, whether it's saying your name three times or putting a saucer of milk on the back porch (You feel the summons and must make a Willpower roll, difficulty 6, to refuse). While it isn't unheard of for sidhe to have this merit, it is quite rare for two reasons. Besides the fact that the sidhe had less contact with or interest in mortals, even if they could wade through 600 years of genealogy to find their particular family, the family almost certainly wouldn't know their fae companion. It is interesting to note that a few sidhe have questtioned whether this practice violates the Escheat's Right of Ignorance, whereas no commoner has ever spoken out against this honorable practice. Unless the circumstances are quite unusual (Storyteller's discretion), characters should possess the Kinain Background to have this merit.

Famous Anchor (3-5pt.) ====

With this merit, your Anchor becomes a famous and cherished monument. Hundreds if not thousands will try to protect your Anchor from harm. The fame of your Anchor depends on the cost of the Merit you have bought.

Faster (1pt.) ====

This doesn't refer to the speed at which a redcap moves, or eats, or does anything else. Instead, a redcap with Faster can actually go 24 hours without eating. By spending a Willpower point, the player can then have the character go another 24 hours, and so on until he runs out of Willpower. The down side to being a Faster, unfortunately, is that once the fast ends, the redcap is compelled to eat enough to make up for all of the days he skipped. Furthermore, he'll feel the need to do so immediately.

Flexible Heart (2pt.) ====

Satyrs are the most tender-hearted of the Kithain. They bruise easily and bounce from one extreme of emotion to another. In such a dark world, people work too hard to hurt one another, and goats feel the blows most acutely. They do not benefit from the solid lack of emotion that bolsters the trolls, nor do they have the haughty self-confidence that allows the sidhe to believe it couldn't have been their fault. Satyrs bleed. You, on the other hand, have learned to let things roll off your back. You indeed feel the blows, but they don't knock you down. Supersonic emotional healing lets you avoid the moodiness that cripples other satyrs. You love just as deeply as they do, but when your love leaves you, you can tell yourself that there are plenty of other opportunities for devotion, and you believe it. If you have a Flexible Heart, you gain the use of one extra Willpower to control yourself in a situation, where another goat might over-react emotionally. Of course, even you realize that you may not be able to control your being forever if the situation continues, so you do all you can do extract yourself.

Fly Fingers (4pt.) ====

In your fae seeming, your fingers end in suction cups akin to those of a fly. You are capable of climbing sheer walls, hanging upside down from ceilings, and otherwise defying gravity as long as you have something to hold on to. (The player must make a Dexterity + Athletics roll). Note: The fingers in question cannot be gloved in order for Fly Fingers to work. The toes of a sluagh with this Merit are similarly affected, though the fingers alone are enough to support a changeling's weight.

Friend of Spirits (5 pt.) ====

The spirits smile upon you. Perhaps you're familiar (or related) to the Changing Breeds; perhaps you remember what other mortals have forgotten, and the spirits respect you for it. Perhaps you once performed a great act of service or devotion. In any case, the spirits may grant you favors.

This Merit allows the character to learn Changing Breed gifts from appropriate spirit teachers. These gifts, under most circumstances cannot exceed the first Rank. Non-shifters cannot master gifts that require the usage of Gnosis or Rage. The character must still bargain with the spirit and provide some sort of chiminage to gain the right to learn the gift.

Friend to Spiders (4pt.) ====

This Merit might be more properly called 'Friend to Arthropods,' but it was with spiders that the sluagh first spoke, and the name remains. Nor is the relationship implied in the Merit's name as much a friendship as it is a business transaction, but even the sluagh have their sacrosanct traditions. If you are a Friend to Spiders, you can speak to all manner of creeping, crawling creatures (when the player makes a Perception + Enigmas roll, difficulty 7). While the conversation isn't as much an exchange of pleasantries as it is a swap of images and impressions, a tremendous amount of information can be gained by speaking with spiders in this fashion. Recent passersby can be noted, changed in the wind (and what they bear) can be uncovered, and other bits of vital information that might otherwise have passed you by can be gleaned from taking the time to speak with eight-legged informants. The number of successes indicates the clarity of the information learned.

Gift of Babel (2pt.) ====

One of Eshu's original duties was to serve as Olorun's linguist, and as such he knew every language that ever was. Your character retains some of this flair and can potentially master an astonishing number of languages. You may learn twice the number of languages that a character with the same number of the Linguistics ability would normally be able to learn, and al training times with this ability are cut in half. Obviously, you must purchase some level of the Linguistics ability for this Merit to be useful; however, this Merit can be a godsend to diplomats and other characters who depend on the command of a wide variety of languages. This Merit can also be combined with the Natural Linguist Merit to make for a true master of language.

Good Listener (1pt.) ====

All pooka have the ability to get others to open up to then, however you are master confidant. A word here, a gesture there, you crack people open like clams and harvest their secrets like pearls. You say all the right things at all the right times. Your ability to listen makes others tell you their feelings, concerns, and hidden reams. They don't know why they're telling you, but they usually feel better afterwards. You walk away with another gem of information to add to your collection. Is it any wonder that sluagh secretly envy pooka? (All rolls related to your Birthright are made at -1 difficulty.)

Gifted Liar (3pt.) ====

You are so good at lying that you can sometimes convince yourself that you are telling the absolute truth. This makes it extremely difficult for anyone to catch you in a falsehood; in your own mind, you are not lying. In most cases, no rolls need to be made for you to stand up to questioning or interrogation. Success in a simple Willpower roll (difficulty 7) allows you to evade the truth-sensing ability of House Gwydion or negate the effects of magical attempts to detect deception.

Granite Skin (2pt.) ====

Some redcaps are tougher than others. Some, in fact, are a great deal tougher than others, in part because in fae mein, their skin is quite literally, stone. The stone is not more than skin deep, thankfully – it's quite literally an epidermal layer, and that's all. However, it does make a redcap a great deal tougher than she might be normally, as well as leaving small flakes and chips of stone behind every time she bends or flexes. A redcap with Granite Skin has the equivalent of two levels of armor at all times, with no area of her anatomy considered unarmored. On the down side, Granite Skin also provides a +1 difficulty to all rolls involving moving quietly. The constant flaking and chipping of stone makes it nearly impossible for the redcap to move without making some noise. And let's not even discuss the romantic implications.

Guardian Angel (6pt.) ====

Someone or something watches over you and protects you from harm. You have no idea who or what it is, but you have an idea that someone is looking out for you. In times of great need, you may be supernaturally protected. However, one can never count upon a guardian angel. The Storyteller must decide why you are being watched and what is watching you (not necessarily an angel, despite the name).

Gut Instincts (5pt.) ====

When you've got a direct line to the more primal of your instincts, you benefit from the ability to act without thinking first. In certain situations, this instinctiveness can be a very good thing. You may not always know why you are doing what you are, but once the dust has cleared, you realize it was the correct move. This Merit nullifies the effects of surprise and permits you to act normally, though you may not attack, only defend. In cases where you are not surprised, you may pre-empt your opponent's action. (The difficulty for all Wits + Alertness rolls are reduced by 1.)

Hidden Strength/Stamina (6pt.) ====

In days of old some boggans were able to perform great feats of strength or endurance despite their diminutive size. You have somehow retained a small portion of that ability. You may have an additional dot in either strength or stamina, even if this takes the trait above 5, although you don’t necessarily look as though you have the musculature to match.

Human Shell (4pt.) ====

You woke up on the other side of the Mists with a surprise. Your fae mien was clothed in a fully functional human for. This body is roughly the same size as your faerie mien and makes you look entirely human. It may have been a gift from the Norns, you may have stolen it, entered a pact with the former owner or maybe your great-great grandfather had it “on ice” since the Tessarakonta for just such an occasion.

Having more than five dots in any Attribute is still a violation of reality in the Autumn Realm. The body in question may not exceed your Physical Attributes in the Dreaming, though you may move the numbers around. You, of course, retain your own Mental Attrributes, Charisma and Manipulation. Also, you now share the Banality inherent in such a form. You have a beginning Banality rating of two.

Imperial Ambassador (2pt.) ====

You may travel into any homeland and get +1 to any reaction roll with an Inanimae official. You can also claim diplomatic immunity in any Kithain court. This may or may not work depending on any local treaties.

Increased Pain Threshold (3pt.) ====

Characters who possess this Merit still feel pain as much as others, it just doesn't affect them to the same degree. Legends are rife with tales of heroes who fight on, even while mortally wounded, only collapsing into death once the battle is won. In game terms, the dice penalty for each Health Level is reduced by one level. For example, a troll who is Hurt reacts as if Bruised, and is only incapable of action when killed. This does not add extra Health Levels or reduce the severity of the wounds, merely the reaction to the pain each level incurs.

Inspiration (4pt.) ====

The Gift of Pan lets all satyrs inspire lust in those who hear their music, which lowers inhibitions and strengthens resolve. When you play your instrument, however, you can inspire whatever emotion the song relays. A tender lullaby, when you play it, causes those listening to fall asleep. More rousing tunes get people's bodies moving and they feel the uncontrollable urge to dance. When you play a soulful dirge, your audience weeps. As with the Gift of Pan, only those who fail a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) feel the effects of your music.

Intimidating Stance (3pt.) ====

You talk a mean talk and walk a mean walk. And there is bite to match your bark. Whenever you enter a room, everyone turns around to look at you. For satyrs, this presence isn't so unusual, but when others look at you, they appear concerned. Those who know you understand that you're just a sheep in wolves' clothing, but even they don't want to irritate or anger you. Something about you screams, Dangerous! You can exaggerate this effect whenever you want, and thus, actively increase your chances of intimidating someone. With a look or a gesture, you intimidate what you wish to do with their bodies once you get a hold of them, and they actually believe that you would. (The player must make a Charisma + Intimidation roll, though the difficulty is reduced by 2.) Note: This ability only works on other changelings, since mortals cannot see all the subtle signals in the satyr's demeanor. Humans naturally avoid this goat, but they won't be intimidated by him any more than they normally would be.

Intimidation (3pt.) ====

Something in the way you move or the way your eyes shift over your environment worries people. You have a natural aura of danger that tickles the short-hairs on people's necks. You walk into a room and the crowd goes still. When passing you on the sidewalk, other pedestrians give you a wide berth, sometimes even crossing the street to avoid you. One look is all it takes. Only the bravest, most brash opponent will openly challenge you. This works in your favor, but it's a lonely way to go through life. Of course, this also draws the attention of those hard-asses looking for someone to knock down a few pegs. (You receive a -2 to your difficulty on all rolls related to intimidation.)

Iron Resistance (4pt.) ====

Cold iron has no physical effect on you. You may touch cold iron and feel no excruciating pain, not even a tingle. However, constant exposure to the metal will still cause you to suffer Banality. This is a double-edged sword, as you may not realize when you are sitting on a cold iron bench or leaning against a fence made of the foul metal. A Perception + Intelligence roll (difficulty 7) is required to avoid exposing yourself to the dangerous element in any new setting where it is present.

Know Kithain (3pt.) ====

You are aware of the signs a Faerie soul leaves on the host body of Kithain, and are able to recognize most of them on sight. You may automatically recognize any Kithain with Flaws such as Changeling Eyes, Slipped Seeming, or any other that leaves the tell-tale signs of the blood. However, if such conditions do not exist, you may still be able to pinpoint one of the Kithain through the use of a Perception + Kenning (or Awareness) roll. Difficulty is the Kithain's Banality + 3 (as those closer to Undoing do not “shine” as brightly.) Clearly, these perceptions will be altered by the amount of Changeling Lore the character possesses.

Living Legend (5pt.) ====

You are the living, breathing incarnation of some great hero or heroine; this does not have to be an actual; historical figure, but can be a character from mythology or even (with Storyteller permission) a figure from more contemporary fiction. Note that you are an incarnation, not areincarnation; you are not actually the reborn spirit of that individual, but the embodiment of thelegendof the individual. Your mortal form must at least vaguely resemble your true 'heritage,' but your fae mein matches it perfectly. Any Kithain with even the slightest knowledge of the original tale will recognize you immediately, and you are likely to attract a great deal of attention from in the cultures that give birth to the legend. You must purchase at least 3 points of the Remembrance Background to take this merit to reflect the tie you have to the original legend. All Remembrance rolls while interacting with or remembering things from your legendary 'past' are made at -2 difficulty (minimum difficulty of 3). What's more, you gain an additional two dice to all Social rolls with those who recognize you, Kithain or otherwise; being in the presence of such a famous figure is impressive, to say the least. At the Storyteller's discretion, this Merit may also allow you to have knowledge of, if not access to, certain chimera or Treasures related to your legend. A character who is the incarnation of Roland cannot be expect to be handed his famous horn, for example, but would be a storehouse for information about the idem and have vague ideas about where to look for it. Note that this Merit does not provide any access to the capabilities of your legendary 'ancestor' than this. Whether you are nothing more than a very convincing lookalike, or whether you can actually walk the walk, as they say, is a question of what traits you choose during character creation and beyond. Your appearance and your 'memories' may make it hard to get along unnoticed in ordinary society, and you may attract unhealthy attention from the ogun and worse. It can also be very hard to live up to what is expected of you. Storytellers are encouraged to constantly remind players with this merit just how exhausting and thankless it can be to live in the public eye.

Long-Winded (2pt.) ====

This Merit reflects a capacity, both instinctive and trained, for being able to run long distances without becoming tired. Many of the cultures of the Elegbara homelands have employed long-distance runners as a messengers and mail carriers or hundreds or thousands of years. A character with this Merit may run or jog at a steady (not sprinting) pace for up to 6 hours without feeling the least bit tired. After that, he must make only the normal Stamina checks to resist exhaustion once every half hour; he makes all such tests at a -2 difficulty. This allows the character to essentially walk at a normal pace almost indefinitely, provided he takes occasional breaks for food and water and a brief nap every 12 to 14 hours. He may do this for a number of days equal to his Stamina rating before he must begin checking for exhaustion. Note this Merit does not apply to sprinting or other short-term bursts of speed, nor in other situations besides traveling. It does allow a character on foot to cover a surprising amount of territory in a relatively short period of time, particularly compared to those on foot who lack this merit.

Loud Voice (1pt.) ====

Some animals have voices that carry farther than a normal human's. You have the ability to project your voice as far as a wolf can howl or to shout as loudly as an elephant can trumpet. This comes in handy, but unfortunately, it also draws attention to you. Not only does your target hear you, so does everyone within a certain radius. The physical landscape can hinder this ability; buildings muffle, hills echo. In open territory, however, your voice carries up to five miles, if you've conditioned to do so. (Roll Stamina + Performance, difficulty 6, minus any modifiers for landscape. The number of successes determines how many miles your voice carries. On a botch, you strain your voice and suffer laryngitis for a number of days equal to your dice pool.)

Loyal Heart (2pt.) ====

While all fae are conscious of the bonds of oaths, for you it is almost of a religious nature. Oaths are not something you take lightly, but are more than a matter of life and death. They are also a measure of your self worth, for they give your life a meaning beyond most. Whenever you are overwhelmed or dejected, the thought of your duties is enough to give you the strength to preserver. In game terms, you automatically succeed on all Willpower rolls, but only if they pertain to the fulfillment of your oaths. Similarly, the power of your sense of duty may be sufficient to allow temporary immunity to other supernatural effects (Storyteller's discretion). However, this is not a Merit to be chosen lightly, for those of Loyal Heart are unable to ignore the bonds of the given word. Specifically, no Willpower may be spent on any action having to do with the breaking of oaths. Consider whether or not your character would rather die than break her word, for it is that serious. Note: This is not cumulative with the effects of the Merit True Love, though it can be combined for the purposes of roleplaying.

Melody of Days to Come (2pt.) ====

A character with this Merit has an affinity for a particular type of vision and finds it easier to receive auguries related to such subjects. This affinity is typically a particular theme, emotion or event, although a certain person or persons close to the character are also possible with the Storyteller's permission. One sidhe might constantly see visions of future battles, another could dream of romances yet to come, and so on. All difficulties to consciously "bring on" such omens are at -2 difficulty (minimum 3), and in general they will occur more often than other types of visions. This Merit may be purchased only once without express Storyteller permission -- it is very rare to have such control over precognition, let alone specialization.

Natural Husk (3pt.) ====

Your Husk is extremely lifelike. Even if you only have one dot in the background, your Husk seems to pass for human. The benefit of this merit is that people are so certain that you are human they may actively deny some evidence to the contrary.

Nature Linked (3pt.) ====

Legends are full of incidents concerning the connection to nature and strength; this Merit represents the positive aspects of such tales. Possessors of this Merit have a near mystical link to nature and all living, growing things in their own environment. They are rarely lost, and can find food and shelter easily, almost as if nature itself is seeing to their needs. Characters who possess this Merit may subtract two from all difficulty numbers when in natural surroundings. Cities and asphalt are not considered natural, though a park within a city might qualify. As always, the Storyteller is the final arbiter.

Nightsight (3pt.) ====

Night blinds many eyes, but not yours. Regardles of the lighting conditions, your eyes adjust automatically, so that you can see equally well at high noon or midnight. The adjustment is instantaneous, so that if you are standing in a dark room and someone lights a candle, you are not blinded.

Night Worker (2pt.) ====

You have found that you prefer to work during the nighttime. Perhaps there are fewer distractions then. Whatever the reason, you have discovered that once you have set yourself to a task, you are capable of working all night long without ever growing weary. However, should you attempt this feat for more then two days in a row, you will fall into a stupor at daybreak and be unable to be woken until the following day.

Nimble Fingers (2pt.) ====

All boggans are sure of hand, but you're even more so. All difficulties involving fine motor skills are at –2 difficulty. This could involve anything from threading needles to picking locks.

Oath of the Honor Bound Allies (5pt.) ====

Where sidhe with Sovereign command obedience, Scathach with this ritual forge alliances. This oath is exchanged only when a member of the house has done a great favor for a commoner or vice versa. Each kithain involved in the transaction must exchanged blood and spend 1 point of temporary Glamour. Only Scathach's descendants may master this potent ritual, and the caster must have at least Fae 2 (Lofty Noble) and Gremayre 3 to learn its intriccacies. The cost for casting this rite is 1 point of Glamour; thus, if the caster is also party to the exchange, she must spend 2 points of Glamour (one to cast the spell and the other to seal her half of the oath).

Oracle (4pt.) ====

Except for the moirae and the sidhe of House Beaumayn, the seers of House Scathach are quite possibly the best in the Dremaing. This is a birthright handed down through the generations from the Morrigan herself, giving the character -2 difficulty on all rolls involving the Soothsay Art. This Merit is not exclusive to House Scathach, but is possessed by the most able prophets of other kith and houses. Because most others don't share Scathach's prophetic heritage, however, the cost is +1 freebie point for all other fae except for the moirae and House Beaumayn.

Passion (2pt.) ====

Over the centuries, satyrs have lost some of their original passion. The goat with the Passion Merit has retained it in full. You pursue your interests with the utmost intensity and usually succeed at them. Life holds many fascinating changes for you and you don't want to miss out on them. You grab them up greedily. Mundanities, such as money, mean nothing to you except when they result from the pursuit of your Passion. And, because you focus your attention so completely on experience and self-improvement, you do achieve greatness. The Living Time does not affect you because you have the innate ability to handle your Passion. Concentration in this one area permits you to advance more quickly. (The difficulty for all rolls related to your Passion are reduced by 2.)

Past Life (1-5 pt.) ====

You can remember one or more of your previous incarnations. This can be as simple as constant deja vu in places known to your past lives, or as complex as conscious, waking memories of being another person. In practical terms, this means that your character (and therefore you the player) knows slightly more about the whatever situations the dead memories contain. You might know your way around the past life's hometown, or back away from our murderer without knowing why. This is a good Background for beginning players; the Storyteller can tell them that something they are about to do is stupid, dangerous, or both, because even if the character wouldn't logically know that, one of her past lives might. However, this Background cannot be used to 'remember' abilities.

   * One point – Deja Vu memories of one life. 
   * Two points – Dreamy, vague memories of one life, with deja vu from several lives. 
   * Three points – Vague memories from several lives and one or two well-remembered impressions of one life. 
   * Four points – Several well-remembered impressions from many lives. 
   * Five points – A clear but broken thread of memories back to the Mythic Age and beyond...

Phantom Fate (5pt.) ====

Fate's tapestry records the life and destiny of every living being. Most lives are stitched in bright and vivid threads, easy for Fate's disciples to watch and record. Others, however, are recorded in threads invisible to all but the most discerning eye. Because House Scathach has taken up a contrarian relationship in Fate's design, some have become truly adept at camouflaging their patterns. Such 'ciphers' are all but invisible to the Soothsay cantrip Omen (the only way to track such a character is by deciphering the 'ripples' she causes when she interacts with others). Furthermore, all other Soothsay cantrips are at +3 difficulty when cast against her, though this additional difficulty pertains to beneficial and detrimental effects alike. The character is just as likely to deflect blessings as curses and may not purchase any Merits or Flaws pertaining to luck.

Scathach who attain the seventh level of mastery undergo a rite known as the Trial of Shadows and automatically exhibit this Merit – if they survive. This Merit is not exclusive to House Scathach (indeed, even some humans may unwittingly be ciphers) but is quite rare elsewhere. The cost is +2 freebie points for all other fae. Moirae may not purchase this Merit and are particularly apathetic toward those so endowed.

Physical Abnormality (1-5pt.) ====

Some aspect of your animal mein transfers into your faerie mein. This may mean that you have prehensile feet or tail, the ability to climb vertical surfaces, a sticky tongue, eyes that rotate 180 degrees, extra legs, a scorpion stinger, venomous bite, tough skin, skunk spray, or any of a huge variety of unique attributes that affinities can have. The Storyteller determines the cost of the particular physical abnormality you choose. Obviously, the more offensive the attribute, the more it costs. In a case where the pooka has a physical abnormality that allows him a special attack, he uses his own dice pool, rather than his animal dice pool. If the attack involves venom, then he injects no more venom than he would in his animal mein. Thus, a snakebite from the pooka in his faerie mein does no more cumulative damage than it would if he were in his animal mein. Such venomous attacks deliver (at least) one die of damage unless the character also takes the Venomous Attack Merit.

Poetic Heart (3pt.) ====

You have a truly inspired soul within you. You are destined to be a great hero or artist, and therefore Glamour shields you from the ravages of Banality. At times you may even be able to stave off the tide of Banality. You may make a Willpower roll (difficulty equal to the character's permanent Banality to avoid gaining a point of temporary Banality once per story).

Prehensile Tongue (3pt.) ====

One of the things that the earned the sluagh a far worse reputation than perhaps they deserve, the Prehensile Tongue is something that comes in handy when one has no free hands. Essentially, your tongue is another limb, able to reach up to two feet from your mouth in order to grasp and wield objects. While a Prehensile Tongue doesn't make for the best of weapons, it still can be used for a poke in the eye or a revolting slap. (Players must make a Stamina roll, difficulty 6, if their characters are touched with a Prehensile Tongue; failure leaves the characters overcome with sheer disgust for a turn.) Note: In order for a sluagh to use a Prehensile tongue to pick something up or something else along those lines, the player must roll Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). A success means that the sluagh is in full control of his extra limb and need not check again in this scene to see if he can use it. A failure indicates that the specific attempt fails; a botch leaves the protruding tongue hanging disgustingly limp down the character's front.

Prestigious Mentor (1pt.) ====

Your mentor had or has great Status among the Kithain, and this has accorded you a peculiar honor. Most treat you respectfully as a result, while some have contempt for you, believing you to be merely riding on mentor's coattails. This prestige could greatly aid you when dealing with elders acquainted with your mentor. Indeed, your mentor's contacts may actually approach you at some point offering aid. Although your mentor might no longer have contacts with you, the simple fact of your apprentice has marked you forever.

Puddle (5pt.) ====

As the centuries slithered past, the sluagh slowly lost their ability to assume any form they desired. Gradually they became more and more restricted in the shapes they could assume, eventually being locked in a more-or-less human guise. But not you. With the Puddle you can reduce your form to a flattened pool of goo on the ground, ooze through the smallest of cracks and crannies, and pour yourself into containers that shouldn't be able to hold you – and then assume your proper form, none the worse for wear. This trick is particularly useful for spies, couriers, and assassins. In order for a sluagh to Puddle, the player must make a Stamina + Athletics roll (difficulty 6). Moving while in Puddle form requires Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). A botch on either of the last two rolls renders the sluagh an inert quivering mass, easily caught and poured into a container for safekeeping. Failure simply means that the sluagh must try again.

Regeneration (7pt.) ====

Your faerie nature is very strong, and as a result you heal much faster than other Kithian. For every turn spent resting, you recover one Health Level of chimerical damage. Physical wounds can be regenerated at the rate of one Health Level per hour. While in a freehold, your wounds heal at twice this speed. Wounds inflicted by cold iron are not affected by this Merit.

Seeming's Blessing (5pt.) ====

All of your Birthrights affect your mortal seeming as well as your fae mein. They would even function normally in the presence of mortals. A sidhe would have her extra dots in Appearance, a satyr would get his extra stamina and speed, trolls would get their extra strength, etc.

Sex Appeal (3pt.) ====

The sway of your hips and the pout of your lips give you a natural sexiness and sensuality that attract lovers to you like flies to honey. Perhaps it's your pheromones. Whatever the cause, you are sex incarnate. You are irresistible. When you flirt, you find many willing minions. This characteristic makes you the center of attention at any gathering, since they all want to wholeheartedly please you. With a look, a word, or a wave of your hand, you can make or break hearts. Even the most cold-hearted are not immune to your power. Though this does draw unwanted attention sometimes, you always manage to extricate yourself from unwanted situations. (The player makes all rolls related to either Charisma or Appearance at -2 difficulty.)

Sexual Reverie (4pt.) ====

As a rule, Reverie requires the slow and careful cultivation of a Dreamer. The changeling inspires a mortal to achieve greatness by tapping into the Dreaming and creating a Glamour-filled work. Some satyrs, however, have the ability to bring mortals to such incredible heights of pleasure that the actual act of having sex provides Glamour that the goat can then harvest. This process takes more than one session, usually, though in certain cases, the intensity of a one-night stand is enough. For these epiphanies to work, it must be more than a literal bumping in the night: The satyr must establish a special connection between herself and the mortal, which could be a smoldering desire that has built up over time and finally come to fruition, or a fulfillment of the mortal's fantasies, or some similarly magical circumstance. Finding the right time and place generally makes a huge difference, and the satyr may prepare for months, trying to set up the perfect situation. For a satyr to achieve Epiphany through sex, the player must roll Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty 4). The number of successes rolls equates to the number of Glamour points gained by the changeling.

Speedy Hammer (3pt.) ====

You are a fast and talented worker, even for your kith. When building or repairing something, the difficulty of your craft roll is reduced by one. Additionally, you require one to three fewer successes on any extended rolls when working on any extended rolls when working on large or complex objects. This Merit also reduces the difficulties of all mining rolls by two.

Stone Skin (3pt.) ====

Trolls who possess this Merit are physically tougher than others. In particular, their skin is denser, hearkening back to the tales of rock giants and moving mountains. In game terms, this gives the character one extra soak die with which to resist damage, but does not add to any Stamina rolls. Trolls who possess this Merit are stockier and heavier than other trolls, and may have difficulty in even their moral seeming with a world made for smaller people.

Trusted (3pt.) ====

You have the absolute trust of the locals, be they noble or commoner. This means easy access to stores of treasures or dross and to balefires. You are also considered to have the benefits of the merit Reputation. Of course, if the trust is abused too much it will disappear.

Tunnel Vision (2pt.) ====

Most nockers are adept at working under low light and in poor visibility conditions, but you have inherited a gift from the original goblin miners. You can see in absolute darkness as though it was daylight; you suffer no vision penalties under such conditions. You can also see better than most in fog, mist, and other situations where visibility is obscured. The difficulties of your Perception rolls are never increased by more than one when vision is obscured by fog or mist.

Unforgettable Taste (5pt.) ====

In a sense, redcaps are the fae world's most sincere epicures. They've got a taste for everything, and they never forget a taste. However, some of them do it a bit better at it than others, especially when moving food is involved. A redcap with Unforgettable Taste has a remarkable knack for remembering the taste of everything she's ever eaten, and being able to identify it instantly if she tastes it again. Furthermore, the merit grants the ability to sense where the nearest supply of that taste might be. Under normal circumstances, that's fairly unremarkable. Being able to tell where the nearest batch of chocolate mousse or porterhouse stead is really doesn't do too much in the grand scheme of things. On the other hand, if the redcap has gotten a bite of someone, the merit serves as an excellent way to track that meal. Creative redcaps have found other uses for this power, including tracking down poisons.

Unstoppable Fury (3pt.) ====

You are a susceptible to House Gwydion's rages as any other – however, the fury of your house has settled more strongly within you, making you capable of mighty deeds when enraged. Whenever you fly into a berserk fury, you gain one dot of Strength and Stamina until the anger leaves you. (Note that this can be a drawback as well – it's painfully easy even to cripple your friends if they happen to cross your path while you're in this fury.)

Venomous Attack (5pt.) ====

Your bite, sting, or claw delivers venom of some sort into a victim when you choose to use it. This may cause considerable damage and perhaps death to those so attacked. You may only use such attacks when in your animal mein unless you also have the Physical Abnormality Merit. Whenever you use your venom, you gain 4 venom dice that you roll four times at half-hour intervals over the next two hours of game time, subtracting one die each subsequent time you roll. Each time damage is indicated, it is added to he damage already accrued. See the chart below. The difficulty to inflict damage is a 6, as is the soak roll needed to offset it. Victims of your venom may reduce damage through Stamina soak rolls just as with normal damage unless they are allergic to your specific type of poison (an allergy to bee stings, for example). Generally, the only type of pooka who may take this Merit are those with potentially fatal venom such as rattlesnakes, black widow or brown recluse spiders, scorpions and the like. Storyteller approval is required to take this Merit.

Example of Venom Dice: \\ - Immediate (Roll 1 Dice) \\ - ½ Hour (3 dice) \\ - 1 hour (2 dice) \\ - 1 ½ hours (1 die) \\ - 2 hours (no more damage accrued) \\

Voice of the Songbird (1pt.) ====

All satyrs sing, but not all of them have a voice that charms the apples from the trees. You do. The Gift of Pan carries through your voice and inspires passion without the use of a musical instrument. You have perfect pitch and can sing acapella without missing a single note or going off-key. Even when only speaking, your voice has a seductive quality that attracts people to you. This trait can be especially useful when trying to persuade others or when attempting to win over a potential lover. Whenever you make a Social roll that involves speaking or singing, add 1 to the dice pool.

Wayfarer's Feet (1pt.) ====

Your feet are especially durable and well suited to the long distances eshu typically cover. You are comfortable going barefoot year-round, regardless of local temperature or weather conditions, and need not worry about such natural walking hazards as splinters, city debris (including most broken glass), burning sands or jagged rock. For travel and traction purposes the character is considered to be wearing sturdy hiking boots at all times. This Merit does not protect outright attacks or weapons of any kind, nor does it cover crossing extreme surfaces such as fire or lava. It also doesn't make the characters kicks do any more damage than normal.

Winged (4pt.) ====

You have beautiful wings, be they feathered bird's wings or batwings or colored butterfly wings. They are chimerical, but they need to be free, or they will subtract one die from Dexterity rolls. You may have to explain why you have cut slits in all your coats. If you have taken this as a you may indeed fly for short periods of time. This power works as any other use of Glamour when only Kithain are present, but will not work in the presence of mortals.

Wholecloth (3pt.) ====

When pooka shapeshift into their animal form, they leave all non-chimerical items behind. This mean that the pooka's clothing, mundane items worn or carried and treasures cannot shift with the pooka, and must be left wherever the pooka changed or gathered up by a companion and brought along. It can be inconvenient and inefficent for the pooka to leave his 'cast-offs' behind. Imagine, for example, the pooka who assumes animal form to escape those chasing him only to discover the same people waiting for him when he gets home because his picture ID and address were in the wallet he left behind! This Merit allows you to avoid this annoying and potentially embarrassing occurrence. With a moment's concentration you can subsume non-chimerical objects and items into your new shape. Thus, you can always have your clothing and other personal items at hand. The Merit does not allow you to pick up and carry any other living thing along with you in this manner. Thus it cannot be used to help both the pooka and a companion escape.

Work with Iron (5pt.) ====

Most nockers cannot abide the touch of iron in any way, but your skin is resistant to its bite for some reason. This ability allows you to work in many real-world situations, and other nockers envy you, though they also consider your condition somewhat respect. This Merit is essentially the same a Iron Resistance; however, not only are you immune to iron, but your chimerical works are similarly resistant.