XP Log

Player: Memeasaurus


A 27-year-old man with pale skin, striking emerald green eyes, and jet black shoulder-length hair. Stands at 6'4, weight distribution makes him seem thin although he is not underweight.

Appearance:: 3

Obvious Details:
(list here)

Less Than Obvious Details:

  • Direction Sense:: Carter rarely ever seems to get lost, and so long as he knows where he's going, almost never seems to need a GPS.
  • Too Tough To Die: Despite his seemingly thin frame, all but the most serious of injuries barely even seem to slow him down.
  • Great Liar: If Carter told a room full of people that the sky outside was green, at least one person in the room would look out the window.


  • Low Alcohol Tolerance: Please don't let this man have anything to drink.
  • Demon-Hounded: To the unitiated, Carter seems to have almost supernaturally bad luck. For characters able to perceive the supernatural... someone, or something manifestly evil is causing it. For those who can actually see the unseen, such as with the Auspex Discipline, one might catch a flash of horns and a psychotic grin, for just a split second.
  • PTSD: Carter reacts strongly to even the mere mention of domestic abuse or child abuse. Somebody hurt him when he was younger...
  • Phobia: Carter is claustrophobic.

Banality Score: 8