
Player: (place name here)'

Description: Five foot five, with stout limbs and the wide shoulders of a swimmer, Victor doesn't have raw good looks but his smile was a real heart melter. Short black hair tops a wide face with eyes set just a bit too far apart, eyes that are dark brown and sad as a selkie's. Hook nosed and freckle splashed over an almost burnt brown tan, his face was lively and inviting in spite of not being model perfect. If he opens his mouth, a deep and mellifluous voice pours forth honey into the ears of all within hearing. Fame: Mermaid Trainer (2) Victor's mermaids made him particularly known in Miami, but his videography and photos had a web presence that insure he's known by some for his art.

Obvious Details: (list here)

Less Than Obvious Details: As long as Victor carries the stone, everyone who has Awareness/Primal Urge can Roll with diff 7, and on 2 successes see he has an aura to him that is slightly dark.