Changeling House Rules
The Mists and You: A guide to Changeling Crossover:
The mists are an ever-present factor in the life of those who interact with, but are not, changeling. Supernaturals and mortals both seem to suffer the effects of rationalization. The battle involving trolls and the living tree become more plausible over time: she was just really big and strong, not blue, and the tree wasn’t actually alive it was just in danger of falling apart or damaged from the storm. Fantastic beasts and their destructive paths become events of weather, drunk drivers, gas explosions… once an explanation takes hold, all will eventually reconcile it as truth. Writing and pictures become items of fiction, lost, replaced, or simply disregarded in time. The Mists spare none.
System Updates:
For the purposes of determining Mists effect on Supernaturals, all will use the Mists chart at HALF their value, rounded down. This means the Banality 7 Vampire will have the memory of a Banality 3 according to the chart below. There are a few exceptions to this:
Demons: Due to the inability to be mentally influenced or tricked, Demons simply can not see or acknowledge the chimerical. Unless a Changeling Unleashes or calls on the Wyrd to make their chimerical self/magic reality, a demon can not see or interact with it what so ever. Once Unleashed/Wyrd, they can see them and remember them without any effect of the Mist.
Hunter: Without Conviction, Hunters are more susceptible than the rest of the ‘Supernatural’ community. Without active second sight or an appropriate edge, the Mists impact a hunter’s recollection at their FULL Banality rating. With edges that allow them to see the unseen (Witness) or Second Sight, they are immune to the Mists for any events that happen while activated. Edges like Discern that merely augment reality allow them to recall everything as normal, but they are still subject to the Mists (Hearing a woman’s steps as hooves, but they never see it). Defer to your ST for questions.
All others: See below table
Perfect Recall: The hypothetical mortal wholly free from Banality would remember everything with the burning clarity imparted by Glamor, forgetting nothing of what she has seen months or even years later. Enchanted mortals effectively function at this level for the duration of their Enchantment.
Clarity: The mortal remembers everything as it happened, but without the vivacity natural to Glamour. Details may slip from her, as they do from normal memories, but she is unlikely to wholly forget the incident.
Partial Memory: Bits and bobs of the event the mortal witnessed are missing, details just beyond reach like a word on the tip of her tongue. Otherwise, she remembers things well.
Disorientation: The memory is jarring, strange, and may even set the mortal’s head spinning — but something happened to her, and she knows it. She won’t forget that it has happened, but she’d be hard pressed to say just what exactly.
Uncertain Memory: The mortal remembers flashes, moments, and little more. She may doubt that what she’s remembering happened to her, but these memories had to come from somewhere.
Hazy Memory: The mortal can only grasp fleeting images from the incident she witnessed — the smell of autumn leaves, a brilliant blue flame, or the sound of strange laughter and music. Those sensory impressions stay with her, but she has no context for them whatsoever. Without physical evidence, she is likely to put it off as a strange reaction to food or drug, or perhaps a memory of a very strange and vivid dream.
Vivid Flashbacks: Memories of the event mostly fade from the mortal’s mind, but every so often they may surge to the surface, prompted by something in her environment. For example, she may go to a renaissance faire and, hearing someone play the panpipes, remember the strange woman she met in a bar — though surely the horns were part of a costume. Must have been one Halloween or another, she’ll tell herself.
Dreamlike Memory: The event is barely remembered, and is put down to a dream when it’s remembered at all. The mortal is unlikely to believe she ever experienced the event, though physical evidence may be jarring to her for reasons she cannot explain.
Distant Dream: The memory is no more than a whisper of a dream at this point. Physical evidence that she took part in whatever she experienced will be written off, either as a psychosomatic reaction to a dream she can’t quite remember or as some kind of hoax.
Denial: What little the mortal recalls of the experience, she actively denies. None of this happened to her. It can’t have happened, because none of it makes any sense. She will discount and even ignore physical evidence, and if anyone expresses a clearer memory of what happened, she’ll likely tell them off for making it up.
Complete Blank: The mortal remembers absolutely nothing of the experience.