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Player: Coyote's-Trap


He has grayish/silver colored hair, worn short and spiky hair, and has yellow eyes with green tints to them. He is rather muscular and lean build, which can be deceitful to how he actually how strong or fast he is. He has some stubble, though he keeps shaving it daily since he grows a beard rather fast. His clothing varies based on how he is feeling and what he is doing though his more casual clothing consists of black jeans with a small chain connected to his belt, to his wallet. He wears vivid colors that seem pleasurable to the eyes, such as a deep red, sky blue, or even violet as colors. He usually has a look of confidence even when it is not a matter of fact for the confidence he holds his abilities or skills.


He is generally a sarcastic individual who genuinely cares about helping people if they are good, though he is generally annoyed by good people because they can forgive people who hurt them and are undeserving of forgiveness. He has a passion for making his dream come true of Reality 2.0. He tends to take his mistakes seriously though, and can be quick to anger involving violent families or his definition of “bad people” taunting him or indulging in one-sided violence in front of him. Though when his anger is directed to the enforcement or lack of enforcement of a rule, his rage reaches a higher level. Action has to be taken to follow your dreams and beliefs, someone has to take the first step and he's decided he would.

Obvious Details: Mark of Favor: His hair will always be a Greyish/Silver hair color and will have spiky hair unless hair dye or Life: 2 effect is used. And is only temporary in changing his hair color.

Less Than Obvious Details: Strangeness: His rage or stress causes the electricity to go out around him, especially when his Divine Wrath disadvantage roll has been failed.

Banality Score: 6

pc/muninn.txt · Last modified: 2022/Jun/25 20:06 by set