Table of Contents


Hunter Backgrounds and their changes

In Shadows over the south, lots of home brewing has had to be done to make Hunters work. They lack a clean 20th edition, and they are a very background heavy faction. Which doesn't always work when the backgrounds are more for RP and don't have a clear mechanical goal that can't be fixed by simply asking the council for help. As such, many of the backgrounds have had to be changed or home-brewed to work better in this setting. Most, however, have had to be banned due to a multitude of reason. Most of which should be listed on the side of the ban.

Any creed can take the another creed's backgrounds provided you have justification and reasons for having it.

Main book backgrounds


Archives represents a rich tapestry of knowledge regarding local events and papers. When needing to call upon and research local stories, an intelligence + archives roll is needed.


Levels Anything above level 3 and without proper licensing (See Certificate background) is considered illegal. Level 5 is outright illegal and may result in raids on your home.

  1. Dot: Knives, bats and other homemade weapons
  2. Dot: Pistols and long arms that can be bought from any Florida gun store.
  3. Dot: NFA Items (Suppressors, SBRS/SBSs, etc.)
  4. Dot: Machine Guns (This requires even more paperwork and is a complete pain to obtain. Takes up to or over a year after paying for the gun which is already tens of thousands of dollars)
  5. Dot: Grenades and explosive ordinance, any other weapon not listed.




Exposure functions like the lore system, needing a roll of intelligence/wits + exposure dots. HOWEVER, with this system, you will get unreliable data and information based on your own experiences of the hunt and talks with other hunters. It will never be as good as lores, but allows players to properly reflect an experienced hunter in their knowledge and RP.


Creed Backgrounds



Banned, too similar to the berserk merit, which is already banned. If you want to be an angry warrior of God take the Hatred flaw or the Vengeful flaw.
Banned, what the Cult can do background wise is the same as contacts and allies. It's just a re-flavoured Bystander, to be honest.
Banned, if you want to have someone who benefits or support your hunt represent it in resources and contact dots. Really, it's also unworkable in this setting.


See Pawn

Iron willed
Replaced with Increased Pain Threshold (3pt. Merit) and Insensible to pain (5pt. Merit) and requires a lot of justification to take either.

Nothing changed, but you will need to justify dots in Safehouse going forward with dots in Craft, Finance or allies who are craftsman. All hunters may take this background too.


Allowed, but does not function the same as contacts. In fact, both maybe required to have the former be effective.

Grace under pressure
Banned, Incompatible with the current Init system, but maybe revisited in the future.

Banned, Replaced by the “True Love” merit



Continued Exposure

While functionally similar to Arcane or anonymity; Everyman represents the ability to blend into your social environment. You're the Peter Parker among the school jocks and bullies. Able to slip by without being noticed. However, like Arcane certain backgrounds may require extra justification with this background active. These include:

Must be rolled when called for and your group must be specified in your sheet/backstory.



Animal Companion
Animals maybe played by PCs but to be played in scenes should show up on your sheet and have their own dedicated sheets.