
Name: Grind
Role: Solo
Handle: W.H.K

Role Ability: CA

Rank: 5

Role Ability Notes:

10 out of 10

Hit Points
44 Out Of 50

Seriously Wounded:

Death Save: 8

Critical Injuries:




Int Ref Dex Tech Cool Will Luck Move Body Emp
5 8 8 3 6 8 0 of 6 6 8 0 of 1

Skills 1


Awareness Skills LVL STAT BASE
Concentration(Will) 2 8 10
Conceal/Reveal Object(Int) 4 5 9
Lip Reading(Int) 0 5 5
Perception(Int) 0 5 5
Tracking(Int) 2 5 7
Athletics(Dex) 2 8 10
Contortionist(Dex) 0 8 8
Dance(Dex) 0 8 8
Endurance(Will) 2 8 10
Resist Torture/Drugs(Will) 4 8 12
Stealth(Dex) 4 8 12
Control Skills LVL STAT BASE
Drive Land Vehicle(Ref) 0 3 3
Pilot Air Vehicle(Ref) 0 3 3
Pilot Sea Vehicle(Ref) 0 3 3
Riding(Ref) 0 3 3
Education Skills LVL STAT BASE
Accounting(Int) 0 5 5
Animal Handling(Int) 0 5 5
Bureaucracy(Int) 0 5 5
Business(Int) 0 5 5
Composition(Int) 0 5 5
Criminology(Int) 0 5 5
Cryptography(Int) 2 5 7
Deduction(Int) 0 5 5
Education(Int) 2 5 7
Gamble(Int) 0 5 5
Library Search(Int) 0 5 5
Tacics(Int) 0 5 5
Wilderness Survival(Int) 0 5 5
Local Expert(Int)
Your Area 2 5 7
Streetslang 2 5 7
English 4 5 9

Skills 2

Fighting Skills LVL STAT BASE
Brawling(Dex) 2 8 10
Evasion(Dex) 6 8 14
Martial Arts(x2)(Dex) 2 8 10
Melee Weapon(Dex) 2 8 10
Performance Skills LVL STAT BASE
Acting(Cool) 0 6 6
Play Instrument(Tech)
Ranged Weapon Skills LVL STAT BASE
Archery(Ref) 0 8 8
Autofire(x2)(Ref) 6 8 14
Handgun(Ref) 4 8 12
Heavy Weapons(x2)(Ref) 2 8 10
Shoulder Arms(Ref) 4 8 10
Social Skills LVL STAT BASE
Bribery(Cool) 0 6 6
Conversation(Emp) 2 0 2
Human Perception(Emp) 2 0 2
Interrogation(Cool) 0 6 6
Persuasion(Cool) 2 6 8
Personal Grooming(Cool) 0 6 6
Streetwise(Cool) 0 6 6
Trading(Cool) 0 6 6
Wardrobe & Style(Cool) 0 6 6
Technique Skills LVL STAT BASE
Air Vehicle Tech(Tech) 0 3 3
Basic(Tech) 0 3 3
Cybertech(Tech) 0 3 3
Demolitions(x2)(Tech) 0 3 3
Electronics/Security(x2)(Tech) 0 3 3
First Aid(Tech) 2 3 5
Forgery(Tech) 0 3 3
Land Vehicle Tech(Tech) 0 3 3
Paint/Draw/Sculpt(Tech) 0 3 3
Paramedic(x2)(Tech) 0 3 3
Photography/Film(Tech) 0 3 3
Pick Lock(Tech) 0 3 3
Sea Vehicle Tech(Tech) 0 3 3
Weaponstech(Tech) 2 3 5


Weapons and Armor

Armor SP Penalty
Head 11 0
Body 11 0
Shield 0 0
Weapon DMG Ammo ROF Notes
Assault Rifle 5d6 25 1 auto fire (4) : suppressive Fire
Heavy Pistol 3d6 8 2
Gear Notes
Radio Communicator Earpiece 1 mile range
Mirror Shades Carbon Prime Style
Clothing 2 sets
Carry all
Militech “Ronin” Assault Rifle with IR Scope
Mustang Arms “Mark III” Heavy Pistol
Ammo Notes
100 Rifle
10 Rifle Armor Piercing
100 Handgun
Cash Notes

Fashion Military Operator Functional.
Housing: Shipping container
Rent: 1000EB
Lifestyle: Poor. Kebbles


Life Path Corporate or Freelance Black Ops Agent Will occasionally slip and do unethical or bad things, but it's rare. A boostergang you may have tackled earlier Wherever the money takes you

  Hare Psychopathy checklist, elements:
  Lack of remorse or guilt;
  Callousness and lack of empathy; 
  Failure to accept responsibility  

Cultural Origins: North American
Personality: Antisocial and Violent
Clothing Style: Leisurewear
What do you Value Most: Power
Feelings about People?: People are Tools
Most Valued Person: Jas
Most Valued Possession: Hand Gun
Family Background: Combat Zoners
Childhood Environment: In the heart of the Combat Zone
Family Crisis: Family was killd and Grind was only survivor
Life Goals: Goals

Hades (Mike) - long time friend who served together Jasmin - A sub / lover (Striper) Serpo - Associate from Mike with Rockland Arms

Tragic Love Affairs:

Slade a Booster ganger - Character caused him to lose Face - themselves and a few (ad10/2 friends) - Main or Murder



Cyberaudio Data
Right Cybereye Data
Low Light/Infrared/UV Darkness and smoke penalty to 0 2 slots
Left Cybereye Data
Low Light/Infrared/UV Darkness and smoke penalty to 0 2 slots
Chyron Hud
Neural Link Data


Left Cyberarm Data
Right Cyberarm Data


Left Cyberleg Data
Right Cyberleg Data


Internal Cyberware Data
Nasal Filters User immune to effects of toxic gases, fumes, and similar dangers
External Cyberware Data
Subdermal Armor 11 SP
Fashionware Data
Borgware Data
Biomonitor readout of vitals
Skin watch Subdermal implanted LED watch.


Background history Born in 2013 to a Texas farmer in Knox County, Texas I had a simple hard-working upbringing my father had ben apart of the Army during when Texas became a Free state and left to keep a conflict of loyalty from happening, he never spoke of his time in or his experiences. I can’t say I had a bad life or even a hard one, we were mostly sheltered from the effects of the world in an ignorance is bliss kind of way. We went to church we were homeschooled by mom and we worked the fields with Dad and our nearby relatives. We were patriots for God and Country just how we were raised. I can’t say that I am not that now but I have learned hard lessons though time that has I guess corrupted me from such perfect idealization but it is in my conscious and how I like to see myself or at least how I see my death. Hell I don’t want to even get into all that got me from there to here. But
lesson 1 good people suffer at the hands of Bad people.
Lesson 2 The strong take from the weak because they can.
Lesson 3 nothing is free and everything has a price.
Lesson 4 everything in life is a test to prepare you for the next test always to see if your strong enough to move forward.
Lesson 5 “Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”
Lesson 6 For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy. There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted.
Lesson 7 There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain. The sort of pain that’s only suffering.
Lesson 8 sometimes you must weather a storm other times you must be the storm.
Lesson 9 all things have a weakness, and a price sometimes you just see it to late to use it.
Lesson 10 death come its how you lived that makes you who you are and how you face that death that you will be remembered.
So those 10 lessons of life I learned the hard way, my family killed in front of me by a damn bosster gang traveling the area. I guess they needed food or just did it because they could, it was a brutal experience I was left for dead. I should have been but for some reason my body took to the pain better than it did to dyeing and that’s how I got found by Rocklin Augmentics or as I came to know him Mike. He pulled me from the edge of death and kept me alive against my own will. Heck he even later was the one that introduced me to Jasmin. He became a friend and I became a freelance employee, I learned a lot took to shooting and reading like I knew what I was doing and Mike was a constant and consistent teacher.

Not long after the nuke Rocklin Augmentics sent us out to Night City to help keep it a Free and to heck I didn’t ask I just went not like I had anything holding me back. It was here I met Jasmin Mike aka Hades introduced me to her she was a small thing working at a striping club. No I didn’t meet her there she was brought to me for protection. We cut a deal and everything seemed cool I mean it was a good deal her being mine and me taking care of my most valued property. For a long while this worked out well. I got to break idiots and she was always safe. I admit against my own judgement I feel for her, but when Slade sent his boys around Slade the one whom killed my very family was in the badlands and had took a job from one of her ghost to teach her a lesson I had to act. I killed the ones he sent but in my leaving to hunt him down I left her exposed Mike managed to keep her safe and I never found Slade. If I ever do I will spill his guts on the ground and watch him suffer. Anyway here I am Night City picking up Jobs here and there either for Rocklin Augmentics or some other Corp. Still offering a this for that service to the women, when they are in need still holding on to Jasmin.

Sold out to Rocklin Augmentics Mike is my boss, but he is so busy nowadays that my day-to-day contact is Serpo. Serpo will always answer my call ASAP and he is a good source to find out Night City Corp. scuttlebutt and rumors. I can still reach Mike, but it might take 1-3 days before he gets to meu. Basically Mike would say, “No offense kid, but business is business.”


Character Notes