Name: Wolf - - Player: Val - - Title: Ancillae
Nature: Deviant - - Demeanor: Sadist - - Generation: 13th
Sect: Camarilla - - Predator Type: Alleycat - - Sire: Her Uncle
Clan: Gangrel - - Predator Type: Alleycat - - Concept: Criminal (enforcer)


! Physical ! Social ! Mental
Strength:Vicious 4 Charisma 2 Perception 2
Dexterity 2 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 2
Stamina:High Pain Threshold 4 Appearance 3 Wits 2



Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness:2 Animal Ken:3 Academics:1
Art:0 Crafts:0 Computer:0
Athletics::0 Drive:0 Cosmology:0
Awareness:1 Etiquette:0 Enigmas:0
Brawl [gratuitous violence]:4 Firearms:1 Esoterica:0
Carousing:0 Larceny:2 Investigation:1
Empathy:1 Martial Arts:0 Law:2
Expression:1 Meditation:0 Medicine:1
Intimidation:2 Melee [disarms]:4 Occult:1
Intuition:0 Performance:0 Research:0
Leadership:0 Stealth:1 Science:1
Streetwise:2 Survival:1 Finance:0
Subterfuge:2 Technology:0 Politics:0
Other Talents Other Skills Other Knowledges
X:0 X:0 X:0



Conscience 3
Self-Control 5
Courage 2
Humanity 7
Willpower (P/T) 2 2
Blood Pool (P/T) 10 10
Contacts (underworld) 2
Resources 3
Animalism 2
Protean: Wolf and Bat 4
Fortitude 2

Deceptive Aura '1'
Eat Food '1'
Inoffensive to Animals '1'
Blush of Health '2'
Magic Resistance '2'
New Arrival '1'
New Kid '1'
Sires Resentment '1'
Incomplete training '1'
Enemy: Conrad/sabbat '4'


! 'Health Levels'
Bruised -0
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Crippled -5
Incapacitated -




!!!Backgrounds: {+space:+}


!!!List of know associates


{+Deceased associations:+}

{+Living associations:+}