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XP Log

Karaya Leroux

Player: Shalassa


Height: 5'3“
Weight: 128lbs
Hair: black
Eyes: dark brown
Figure: slender
Skin: ebony
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Banalty Score: 5
Crossroads: basic


Her character can be descripted as outgoing, friendly and she has faint hints of a hopeless romantic. She likes to laugh, is slightly idealistic and a little dreamer of her own, and some would even call her altruistic. Karaya is polite and emphatic but can be quite the opposite if forced to.

Obvious Details

Flaws: Distinguishing Characteristic (Scars)

Less Than Obvious Details

Flaws: Blood Magick
Merits: Poison Resistance, Green Thumb

Crossroads Membership: basic