Known Rituals

Baptism of Faith
Primary Lore: Celestials 2
Secondary Lore: Longing 2
Restrictions: Subject of the ritual must be a willing participant, who must not be the Thrall of any other Demon. Sigil is carved onto a plaque of clay placed around the subject's neck.
Minimum Casting Time: 16 Minutes
System: Roll Charisma + Empathy. Effects last for 5 years times the number of successes. When the recipient invokes the Celestial Name of the Ankida, it is a guaranteed success and a link is automatically formed. Further, the Ankida is made aware if the recipient is Baptized or Enthralled by a different demon, but not if the effects of the ritual lapse. Recipient of the ritual’s effects gains +1 difficulty to any attempt to resist the Ankida in any way, except for physical combat.
Torment: High-Torment form of this ritual also infuses Torment into the recipient. Recipient gains one point of Permanent Torment, just as if they had become a Thrall. Under situations of extreme stress, the recipient must roll Willpower, difficulty 7. If this roll fails, they fly into a Frenzy-like rage.
Variations: None

Ghostly Inferno:
Primary Lore: Flame 3
Secondary Lore: Realms 2
Restrictions: A burnt offering of flesh must be placed in the center of the sigil.
Minimum Casting Time: 25 Minutes
System: Roll Manipulation plus Survival. Flames fill an area in the Spirit Realm with a radius equal to the number of successes in yards. The flames' intensity is equal to the number of successes rolled, and the fire burns for a number of minutes equal to the Ankida's Faith. The flames are invisible to the naked eye, but the Ankida can perceive a shimmering haze where the flames lie. The Ankida can attempt to control the flames while the ritual persists. Make a Faith roll for the Ankida during the ritual to attempt to control the flames. Each success increases or decreases the size of the flames by a square yard, or causes the fire to move one yard in any chosen direction. Within the area of the blaze, mortals and demons alike (and other supernaturals) take one level of lethal damage each round for each level of the flames' intensity. This damage can be soaked, but because it is a spiritual flame and not a physical flame, soak rolls are made using Wits instead of Stamina. Physical armor does not add any dice to this soak roll. Characters who are immune to fire are also immune to this flame. Vampires take aggravated damage instead of lethal damage, as is the case with any other flame. If the intensity of the flame is enough to ignite objects, they lose one structural level each round until it is either destroyed or the fire dies out. Wraiths or anyone in the spirit world that are trapped in the flames may soak using stamina and armor as normal.
Torment: The high-Torment version of this ritual sets the very substance of the spirit world aflame, feeding on both the souls of the dead and the malevolent energies of the realm. The flames of this ritual cannot be controlled, but they are more intense and cover a wider area. Add half the number of successes (rounded down) to both the radius and the intensity of the flames. While the flames remain visible, ghastly moans and screams can be heard from the affected region. Make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) for each mortal in the affected area. If the roll fails, the mortal loses one point of Willpower. If the roll botches, that mortal also gains a temporary derangement.
Variations: A powerful variation of this ritual allows the cretion of flames far from the sigil and performers- the ghostly blaze erupting around a chosen victim anywhere in the world. Add Lore of the Firmament 2 as a Secondary Lore, and add either a personal belonging of the chosen victim, or a piece of the victim's body to the center of the sigil. The Ankida cannot control the flames of this version of the ritual.