XP Log
Primal Energy Site

Player: J

Appearance: 2
Status: 4
Veil Rating: 3

Obvious Details

Jim's outfit just screams 'Technocrat,' dressing in the standard issue attire of the Neutralization Specialist Corps of the Void Engineers, who often work hand-in-hand with the New World Order; or as they're often called, the 'Black Suits.'

Less Than Obvious Details

Rank: 3: Jim is a decorated Voidcraft pilot, having run multiple tours of duty beyond the Horizon. Considered an up-and-coming ace by the Border Corps Division, his former superiors speak highly of him, after he was reassigned by the ETD to the NSC. Unfortunately, ace Voidcraft pilots don't see much action on the Mudball, so this doesn't mean as much on the Front Lines as it would beyond Conventional Space. He is, however, a full-fledged Enlightened Agent, with all of the rights and responsibilities that come with it. In light of his exemplary service, he was awarded a Gold Badge in July of 2020, but as of right now it’s only on a probationary basis. He is the superior officer of Agent Mikkelsen.

Status (Technocratic Union): 4:

Veil Rating: 3: In the opinion of the Starke Council, if there's one thing the Technocracy is good for, it's this: Their zealous enforcement of the Consensus means the Veil is almost a non-issue for them. Only the Camarilla has their number when it comes to Veil enforcement.



Banality Score: 9