XP Log

Player: Soneca


Human Form

Height: 4'8“
Weight: 57kg
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Figure: Short Stack
Skin: Light with freckles
Apparent Age: 23
Face Claim: Cindy Aurum, Tristana

Fae Mein

Height: 4'8”
Weight: 57kg
Gender: Female
Kith: Nocker
Hair: White with red streaks
Eyes: Green
Figure: Short Stack
Skin: Pale White
Apparent Age: 24

Irene is quite the short woman, she is what most people would describe as “Kinda cute”. Nice figure, rosy cheeks but no perfect supermodel. She has a short curly blond hair and brown eyes. She is usually seen in her mechanic jumpsuit, which she patched with band logos or other designs, when working or in what people describe as “biker chick”. Leather or jeans jackets simple shirts, bandanas, jeans and boots. Despite her profession she is rarely seen dirty in grease, she care to how she presents herself and it must be as clean as possible.

Fae mein: A short creature with a wild white hair of neck length, having faint red streaks. On her mouth the sharp and pointy teeth show whenever she speaks. Skin pale as snow with reddish cheeks and nose, swilrs and similar patterns can be found painted on her cheeks. Her nails are pointy and black, if its paint or their natural color it is unknow. When angered her mouth seems to fumminate with steam, reeking through he clenched teeth.

When it comes to fashion she mixes her mortal's look with the amazing Nocker fashion. Her leather jackets have complex golden designs on it, googles with reflective shades hang on her head or neck, high leather boots and dark colored skirt(or sometimes rough jeans with a tool belt). When found at fancy parties at all she will be wearing fancy suits, top hats and canes encrusted with beautiful gems. She doesn't have much love for tight dresses or that furkin stuff. Her pointy ear have been pierce, often having about 3 earings.

Obvious Details

  • Banality Score: 3
  • Appearance: 3
  • Crossroads Membership: Basic

Less Than Obvious Details


  • Wheelman [CtD20 - Pg 177] Irene is an amazing driver, though prone to dangerous stunts
  • Master Craftsman [CtD20 - Pg 181] Reduce the difficulty to design, repair or build objects by 2. Additionally, extended rolls for large or complex projects require three fewer successes.


  • Foul Mouth [CtD 20 - Pg 185] Irene is cannot stop cursing and she is prone to go on rants, filled with “colorful” adjectives
  • Short [CtD 20 - Pg 179]Irene is too short for a woman her age, that causes some trouble. Probably why she is so angry too.
  • * Insubordinate [CtD 20 - Pg 185]A rebel by nature, there's a chance she will do exactly the opposite of what authority tells her to