Table of Contents

Altair Ogram Em Ashkabaken

AKA: The Lion of the Sands, The Butcher of Babylon, The Phoenix Shadow, The Great Wall of Starke, Altair the Thrice Reborn

Name: Altair The Thrice Reborn - - Player: Glyff
Nature: Analyst - - Demeanor: Cavalier
Hamartia: Timid - - Concept: Hunter
Inheritance: Soldier - - Dynasty: Sefekhi
Association The Unbound Scroll


Physical Social Mental
Strength 5(7) Charisma 3 Perception 2(3)
Dexterity 5(7) Manipulation 2 Intelligence 4
Stamina 5(7) Appearance 1 Wits 3

Strength: Brute Force
Dexterity: Feline Reflexes
Stamina: Tough as Nails
Intellect: Keen Mind


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 4 Animal Ken 0 Academics 2
Athletics 4 Crafts 3 Computers 0
Awareness 4 Drive 0 Cosmology 1
Brawl 0 Etiquette 0 Finance 0
Empathy 1 Firearms 2 Investigation 0
Expression 0 Melee 4 Law 0
Intimidation 5 Performance 0 Medicine 1
Leadership 0 Stealth 3 Occult 4
Streetwise 1 Survival 0 Research 0
Subterfuge 0 Technology 0 Science 0
Other Talents Other Skills Other Knowledges
Carousing 0 Divination 2 Thanatology 3
Intuition 0 Hypnosis 0 Lore: Reborn 2
Seduction 0 Meditation 0 Lore: Awakened 2
0 Riding 0 Lore: Shapeshifter 2
0 Traps 0 Lore: Undead 2
0 Martial Arts 5 Lore: Gallian 2
0 0 Lore: Spirit 2
0 0 Lore: The Hunt 2

Alertness: Keen Hearing
Awareness: Resonance
Athletics: Parkour
Intimidation: Pants Crapping Terror
Martial Arts: Silat and Hema
Melee: Altair's Phylactery
Crafts: Metal Working
Performance: Strings
Occult: Rituals


Arsenal 1
Ba 4
Ka 1
Khaibit 5
Certification 1
Resources 3
Memory 1
Mentor 1
Vessel 1
Arcane 1
Backup 1
Neteru 1
Standing(Starke Council) 6
Alchemy 4
Amulets 4
Celestial 1
Effigy 2
Necromancy 5
Nomeclature 3
Feng Tan 3
Balance 5
Willpower 7
Sekhem 5
Insensible to Pain 3
Language: Ancient Egyptian 1
Oasis 5

Health Levels
Bruised -0
Bruised -0
Hurt -0
Injured -0
Wounded -0
Mauled -0
Crippled -0
Incapacitated -
Broken/Scorched -
Crushed/Burned -
Dismembered/Cremated -
Pulverized/Cremated -
Dust/Ash -




Alchemy 1
Simple Elixir(Strength, Dex, Stam, Int, Perception, Wits)
Analyze Material
Mild Poison
Simple Philtre(Fear, Anger, Courage)

Alchemy 2
Cobra Spit
Tonic 2
Eyes of the Ka
Lesser Quiddity
Spark of Ra

Alchemy 3
Tonic 3
Dangerous Poison
Tears of Isis

Alchemy 4
Ashes to Ashes
Greater Quiddity

Amulets (3)

Amulets 1
Simple Ward(Ab, udjat, Ren)
Warding Sign
Eye of the Horizon

Amulets 2
Amulet of Cloud Walking
Lesser Talisman(Strength, dex, con)
Scarab of Life

Amulets 3
Veil of Amaunet
Sign of Luck

Amulets 4
Greater Talisman(Strength, Dex, Con)
Greater Ward(Ab, Udjat)

Celestial (1)

Celestial 1
Hanging the Stars
Simple Weather Magic
Hiding the Stars

Effigy (2)

Effigy 1
Command Simple Implement
Simple Creature
Simple Seritor

Effigy 2
Command Lesser Implement
False Door
Lesser Chattle
Lesser Creature

Necromancy (5)

Necromancy 1
Judge the Soul
Summon the Dead
Body Preservation
Ghost Lantern
Separate Ka

Necromancy 2
Bind the Dead
Storm Shield

Necromancy 3
Bind the Living
Death's Hand
Separate Ba
Shadow Portal

Necromancy 4
Khaibit's Embrace

Necromancy 5
Panoply of Shadow
Heart of Life
Scouring Oblivion

Nomenclature (4)

Nomenclature 1
Forgetting the Stone
Forgetting the Tree
Naming the Warning

Nomenclature 2
Becoming the Stone
Cloud the Name
Mend Flesh

Nomenclature 3
Become Animal
Command Thought
Name of Hekau

Nomenclature 4
Fortify Flesh
Naming the Body's Destruction

Known True Names:


Feng Tan(3)

Feng Tan 1
Body Mending Technique
Snake Fist Strike
See the Lands of the Spirit

Feng Tan 2
Stormwind Prana
Drunken Monkey Dance

Feng Tan 3
Flame Hand Strike






Armored Clothing(Enchanted):
Altair's armored clothing gives him an armor rating of 2, and an additional 2 vs aggravated damage only.

Shield Bracer:
Altair's shield bracer has 24 enchanted scales on it, whenever he rolls soak, he can choose to expend a scale, causing it to scorch black. Doing so adds 3 dice to his soak pools for that roll only. This effect does not take an action, but once all scales are scorched, the bracer falls apart.

Belt of Many things:
Altair's belt is enchanted with five runes. Each rune is a gateway to a small extradimensional space. By drawing the wielder's thumb across the rune the space is opened, allowing him to slip a hand within and retrieve one object from that space. He stores everything he might need in the belt, from alchemy to even weapons.

Altair's Phylactery: Retribution's Howl
Retribution's Howl is a phylactery, able to store life force for Altair. When not in his possession it takes the form of either a small crocodile figurine, a Small phoenix figurine, or a small bear figurine, seemingly at random. When in his possession it generally takes the form of a small knife, a karambit, that fits in a sheath built into Altair's belt. The power of the phylactery is two fold. Firstly, it stores Sekhem as a normal phylactery. Secondly it allows the blade to change. Becoming any melee weapon that Altair wishes it to be. Regardless of it's shape, the weapon's stats conform to one of three categories. As listed below. The blade is capable of changing shape with incredible speed, allowing him to make one attack with one weapon, and the each subsequent attack with another as the liquid blade becomes whatever his mind wishes it to be at the speed of thought. Lastly, the blade allows Altair to take on the form of a phoenix and fly.

Form Difficulty Damage Notes
Light Weapon Diff 4 Strength +1 In this form, the weapon is one handed and small, easily concealed
One Handed Diff 5 Strength +2 In this form, the weapon is one handed, but larger, and less easily concealed
Two Handed Diff 6 Strength +3 In this form the weapon is two handed, and impossible to conceal



Ashakbaken was a warrior, brave, fierce, and aggressive. He was exactly what his commanding officers wanted. A man who would charge into danger and slay those that stood in the way of victory. He thought of little else save battle, and of the protection of the high priests of osiris and the gods. He died violently, in agony, after being betrayed by his commanders. They sent him and his men into a no win situation to buy them time to escape from a poorly matched battle…


Altair Ogram was a timid child, and a bit of a nerd. He was constantly getting abused in school, which did nothing to protect him from the depredations of the other children. His father enrolled him in a karate class but Altair didn't seem interested. The teacher though, saw something in him. He told the father to take the boy to one of his masters, and from the old man he learned Tai Chi, and the gift of focus. Altair no longer fought back against the bullies, but stoically took their beatings. Even though he knew how to defend himself he did not have the heart to fight. But a fire had been lit in him. He learned multiple martial arts, even though he had not the will to use them in anger. He went to college and majored in history, becoming a lesser known historian of weapons, tactics, and martial arts with a focus on Hema, or Historical European Martial Arts.

One night, while working at the museum that had hired him, a group of burglars broke in, and even though he had the weapons to fight them off, and the skill to experience to kill them, Altair could not act. He had not the heart.


The melding of Ashakbaken and Altair has created a man driven by purpose, but with a keen mind and a uniquely predatory slant. He is like an old wolf. Aggressive, cunning, and experienced all while being coldly patient and implacable. A shadow that hunts other shadows. A monster that hunts other monsters. Even other Amenti are terrified of the man's burning gaze and utterly implacable nature.

Altair three souls

Altair's soul is compound like all Amenti, but he underwent a unique ritual that bound an additional entity to him, that of a Yang Spirit known as Yen Lo Wong. The combination of their three essences makes him unique among the Amenti, and singularly powerful.

Altair Ogram

The mortal Altair was timid, but brilliant and cunning. A creative individual able to think himself out of just about any situation. Despite his timid nature he was a willful individual and mentally tough. The product of years of abuse by his peers. He honed his body into a living weapon, a weapon he was unwilling to truly use. His lack of conviction lead to his death, when he was shot in the chest twice during a robbery at the museum he worked at.

Ashkabaken, the Lion of the Sands, the Butcher of Babylon

Ashkabaken, Altair's Tem'ahk, was a warrior. Brutal, cunning, merciless and vicious. He earned the title of Lion of the Sands after storming an enemy strong point during a sandstorm. Leaping atop his enemies from their fortifications, using the sandstorm to hide his movements and kill the majority of the defenders before they knew what was happening. Later on in his life his sanity began to erode due to his powerful Khaibit, and he became a serial killer, preying upon men in positions of power, believing them unworthy. Eventually his murders came back to him as his commander discovered that he was the one slaying fellow soldiers and enemies alike, and sent him on a suicide mission. He died covered in burning pitch assaulting a fortification outside of Babylon.

Yen Lo Wong, the flame of retribution

Yen Lo Wong was born for a singular purpose. To be bound to an outsider. Many other Yang Spirits would look down upon him for this. They are fools for not respecting the power he was given. He is not the weakest of their kind, but the strongest, chosen to be bound to a powerful compound soul that would give him the capacity to be more than any of them ever could be. He was tasked with harnessing the darkness within Altair, a searing flame to forge that darkness into a weapon to use against darkness itself. A task he was uniquely qualified for.

Altair Ogram Em Ashkabaken, The Thrice Reborn

The combination of three souls has created something greater than the sum of it's parts. Altair is a powerhouse. With a wide skillset and incredible durability, physical, mental, and spiritual. His triple compound soul gives him a vast array of abilities and powers. Even if there are three voices in his head telling him what to do…