Agent Mikkelsen

Nature: Guardian Demeanor: Crusader
Character Type: Mage Concept: Former BCD Marine turned MiB
Player Name: Mickadin Convention: Void Engineers



Physical Social Mental
Strength 3 Charisma 3Perception 3
Dexterity (Precise) 4 Manipulation 2 Intelligence 3
Stamina 3 Appearance 2 Wits 2


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 1 Animal Ken 0 Academics 1
Athletics 2 Crafts 0 Computers 3
Awareness 1 Drive 2 Finance 1
Brawl 0 Etiquette 0 Investigation (Crime Scene) 4
Empathy 1 Firearms 3 Law 1
Expression 0 Melee 0 Medicine 2
Intimidation 1 Performance 0 Occult 0
Leadership 0 Stealth 2 Politics 0
Streetwise 0 Survival 0 Science (Hypermathematics) 2
Subterfuge 2 Technology 2 Subdimensions 2
Other Talents Other Skills Other Knowledges
Blatancy 0 Assessment Analysis 2 Enigmas 1
Intuition 0 Biotech 3 Esoterica (Transhumanism) 1
0 Hypertech 2 Helmsman 1
0 Martial Arts 3 Lore: Awakened 1
0 Meditation 2 RD Data 2
0 Micro-Gravity Operations 1 Research 2


Alternate Identity 3 Special Agent Hugh Mikkelsen
Invention 3 Nanotech Bodysuit
Enhancement 1 Skeletal Enhancement
Genius 2 Manic Pixie Dream Girl
Rank 2 Newly Appointed Special Agent
Requisitions 4 Assured Loyalty (6)
Status 1


Data 3
Dimensional Science 2
Entropy 2
Forces 2
Life 2
Matter 1
Mind 2
Primal Utility 1
Time 3

Bold denotes mastered spheres

Paradigm: As every Engineer knows, only Tech Holds All Answers in A World of Gods and Monsters.
Practices: Hypertech, cosmic reality hacking, and a formalized type of weird science are the core of Mikkelsen's practices, combined with martial arts due to his combat background.
1 Devices and Machines
2 Computers and IT Equipment (Personalised Laptop, Data)
3 Formulae and Equations
4 Nanotechnology
5 Cybernetics (Unique Mind/Machine Interface, Time)
6 Vehicles
7 Hypereconomics
8 Martial Arts
9 Weapons

Enlightenment: 3
Willpower: 6
Primal Energy: 2
Paradox: 1 (1 Permanent from Enhancement)

Merits and Flaws
Merits (5):
Inner Knight 5

Flaws (7):
Curiosity 2
PTSD 2 (Qlippothic EDEs, mild reactions to talking about the war)
Demented Eidolon 3

Character Bio:
“Sir, Gunnery Sergeant Haleran, Michael. Border Corps Division, Delta-two. On secondment to Neutralization Specialist Corps, Interface Defence. Mandatory deprocessing with local Descartes Institute of Mental Health. Cover identity; FBI Special Agent Mikkelsen, Hugh. Mission assignment; security and investigation specialist, Sir.”

Short back and sides, good posture, Caucasian. Nothing really stands out about Mikkelsen. His fine suit, mirrorshades and government ID speak more than the man himself. He appears to be the stereotypical government agent.

A lot of colleagues say I should have been a Man in Black. That's patently ridiculous. Being a government agent doesn't mean I've got no soul. The universe is full of wonder. I don't want to control that. It's a horrible thought. In my dreams I used to travel through other dimensions, I saw and experienced amazing things. I wanted to be an astronaut, to walk in a field of stars. I joined the military, studied aeronautics, I kept dreaming, and eventually my dream came true. But it was so much more.

Border Corps Division, Void Engineers. I did a tour on the edges of human experience. Front line against the worst scum of the multiverse. A shining Knight defending humanity. Shield of all that was good and pure. But it wasn't a dream, it turned into a nightmare. Twisted monstrosities born from beyond time and space tormented my dreams after slaughtering my comrades. My mind snapped and I was taken out of rotation, sent back to Earth for deprocessing.

My body was torn up by the enemy. Advanced biotech procedures to rebuild my skeletal system and mind/machine interface to hold my consciousness together. Iteration X to thank for the good news; I would eventually recover with rehab and training in my new implants.

Reassignment to Neutralisation Specialist Corps, cover job in the FBI. Weekly meetings with my Descartes Institute of Mental Health therapist. My experience is valuable, so they say. They can't afford to take me completely off the line. So now I'm in some Nowheresville town in Florida, investigating potential EDE breeches.

There's plenty of local RDs. But they're not my problem. I'm not here to enforce the Pogrom or fight the Ascension War. In fact, in a lot of ways we're on the same side. Not that I can ever let the higher ups know that. Still, they're kind of fascinating… So, now I wear a fancy suit and drink coffee while waiting for something interesting to come my way, or to get