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Ace Adler Adams

Player: Coyote's-Trap



Apparent Age 27
Height 6'1“
Weight 180
Gender/Pronouns He, His, Him
Ethnicity Caucasian


He has dark brown hair, that he wears short and styled. He shaves, though he typically leaves enough for a short beard, typically a 5 0'Clock shadow as the default facial hair style to have. He has the color of blue eyes, though when he shifts, the color seems more like a sky blue color. He doesn't seem to have any scars on his body. He generally wears some form or fashion of suits. He dresses to impress, regardless of the situation. He has to hold his clothing and looks to his standard of what a penultimate Silver Fang is or exactly what his father is like in his eyes.


He only gains a few more pounds and a couple of inches in height, but rather ultimately looks the same given that he has the Fair Glabro merit.


It becomes even more apparent of his bloodline, as his shining and glistening silver fur with blue eyes that stand out further due to his fur. He grows an incredible amount and even when he is frightening in this form, there is a sense of majesty with every step he takes to slay his enemies.


He becomes a rather large wolf, overgrown with the same silver fur and blue eyes. His teeth are shiny white.


He is a silver wolf with blue eyes, almost always smiling and humor floating about in his eyes.


He comes off as a bit pretentious or arrogant at times, but he genuinely means for the best. He does his best to uphold his family's honor or to please his father. He does seek a pack who he can trust with his life. He holds his family in high-esteem. Though he is willing to sacrifice for the greater good if he thinks it is needed.

Extra Details

Less Than Obvious Details may contain spoilers. View at your own risk.

Obvious Details

Obvious Details

Appearance Score: 4
Rage Score: 3
Public Effects:

Less Than Obvious Details

Less Than Obvious Details

Rank: Cliath
Crossroads Membership: None
Banality Score: (Please contact the Changeling STs for a Banality Score)


Common Sense: 1\ Fair Glabro: 2\ Calm Heart: 3\


Slips Sideways: 1\ Banned Transformation: 2 (In vicinity of wolfsbane)\ Addiction: 1 (Sweets)\

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