
Character Name: Senovir
Concept: Legionary / hoplite
Race: Orc
Patron: Filgrin

Backstory: The huge imposing Urok are the largest and most powerful of their race some more akin to troll or ogre in appearance they are quick to anger and what they have been given in size they have lost in personality. The Gulrn being one of the few Grey Orcs exhibit many human characteristics their appearance made many believe them to be Half giants they’re their cold cruelty and savagery's make many distrusts them even the orcs seldom accept them into their company. Cousin of the chosen Hastor his fate was tied to his birth. Senovir for all he is, is not his cousin for where Hastor had an aptitude and desire for learning and showing humans the nobility of the orc being an example for all others Senovir has not. Senovir the Ancestors Brand let the fires of Filgrin run through his veins. Little is known of his past save he has been accused of great atrocities and Genocide more than once. Whatever is truth he has caught Filgrin’s eye and to her he was the fire of the orcs the primal pain they had felt before they had a God. He was the violence of existence personified. But he had much to learn and for Filgrin pain was always the best teacher for fire must burn away the weakness, then Steel must rain down its blows on steel before a weapon can ever hope to be tempered. \\

Personality: Life is war, to breath is to battle. The strong take from the weak and the strongest take from the strong. Nature was savage the orc follows the predator's of nature and its laws and its nice to be greater than the lion and the bear.

Description: Ugly and Huge do not do justice to the beasts appearance. Some say he is SOOO ugly because after one extremely brutal atrocity he committed Tagron vowed to tame him with the beauty of love and family and fearing it Filgrin placed him in situations that scared and distorted his appearance to keep anyone from ever loving such a monster . A hideously scared orc with a myostatin genetic mutation wears an ashy grey skin and cold black eyes, his Tusks are just coming in. Several tribal tattoos appear on his body and head mingled with the scars of a carelessness in battle and many many, many trips to the whipping post (scourging) . His long hair falls out from a helm that is seldom off.

Willpoints: 6


Racial Modifiers:
Urok Hybrid Orc: +1 Strength +1 Toughness, Max 5 wisdom and charisma

Physical Statistics:

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 1
Stamina: 3
Toughness: 5

Mental Statistics:

Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 1
Charisma: 1
Wits: 3

Combined Statistics Rolls(CSR):

Athletics(Str+Dex): 6
Constitution(Sta+Tuf): 8
Initiative(Int-OR-Wis+Dex): 4
Alertness(Int+Wis): 4
Spellcraft(Complexity+Casting Stat):

Physical Skillsets


Melee Skillset Ranks: 3


Spear Training
Tier 1 Melee Refinement
This refinement grants the user a +5 bonus to all rolls made with Spears.

Stomp and Push
Tier 1 Action Option Refinement
This refinement allows the user to utilize his Shield and Strength to advance or hold ground against an attempt to hold the line or advance the line in a shield wall. Make a strength + melee check, opposed by dex or strength + defender to push the opponent back 5 feet. (If the opponent attacks (breaking focus they loose the contested roll and must attempt to keep their balance)

Shield Slam
Tier 1 Specialized Knowledge Refinement
This refinement allows you to use a shield as a weapon. Bucklers are a base damage 1 weapon, kite shields a base damage of 2, and tower shields a base damage of 3, with matching AP costs to use them as weapons.


Ranged Skillset Ranks:


Defender 3

Defender Skillset Ranks:


Heavy Armor Training
Tier 1 Static Bonus Refinement
This refinement provides a +5 bonus to defender rolls when wearing heavy armor

Improved Heavy Armor Mobility
Tier 1 Efficiency Refinement
This refinement reduces the movement penalty of heavy armor by 1 meter.

Improved Tower Shield Mobility
Tier 1 Efficiency Refinement
This refinement reduces the movement penalty of a Tower Shield by 1 meter.


Stealth Skillset Ranks:


Magical Skillsets

Arcane Magic

Arcane Magic Skill Ranks:


Divine Magic

Divine Magic Skill Ranks: 1


Improved Healing
Tier 1 Efficiency Refinement
This refinement reduces the complexity cost of the Heal component by 1, to a minimum of 1.

Buffing Magic

Buffing Magic Skill Ranks: 1

Improved Toughening
Tier 1 Efficiency Refinement
This refinement reduces the complexity cost of the Oakskin component by 1, to a minimum of 1.

Debuffing Magic

Debuffing Magic Skill Ranks:


Complexity rating: 2
Spellcraft rating: 2

Known Components:

Basic Components:
Bolt - 1
Self - 0
Touch - 1

Untethered Components:

Internal Skillsets


Expert Skillset Ranks: 1

Fields of Study Battle Tactics
Improved Battle Tactics Tier 1 Static Bonus Refinement
This refinement provides a +5 bonus to any checks pertaining to the Strategic of Study


Bureaucrat Skillset Ranks:



Scholar Skillset Ranks:



Craft Skillset Ranks:

Craft Skillset Ranks: 1


Crafting Fields of Study

Field Repair
Tier 1 Specialized Knowledge Refinement
This refinement allows the user to repair armor without a full set of tools or even a forge. Such craft checks are made with a -5 to -15 penalty depending on the tools available to the crafter.




Long Spear (Boar-spear)
Base Damage:

Base Damage:

Base Damage: 2



Articulated Full Plate
Current Wounds: 15
Defensive Roll Bonus: +15


Tower Shield
Current Wounds:
Defensive Roll Bonus:

Casting Implements:









Flaw of Fate


Aspects of Will

Aspect of Inheritance
The Bulwark

When this aspect is manifest the character gains +1 die on all rolls pertaining to the Defender. Additionally the character may reroll ANY die that ands on a 1.

Aspect of Ascendance
The Warrior

When this aspect is manifest the character gains +1 die on any rolls pertaining to the Strength Statistic. Additionally the character may reroll ANY die that lands on a 1 or a 2.

Aspect of Divinity
The Chosen of Tagron, god of the orcs. (Strength and Wisdom, Defender and Buffing)

When this aspect is manifest the character gains +1 die on any rolls pertaining to the Strength or Wisdom Statistics or to the Defender and Buffing skillsets. This includes spellcasting rolls. Additionally the character may reroll ANY die that lands on a 1 a 2 or a 3.