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Dreams of Rathess


Nature: Critic Demeanor: Bon Vivant
Character Type: Werewolf Concept: Urban(ish) Primitive
Player Name: Vil Breed: Suchid - Varna: Unktehi (gila monster)
Auspice: Shining - No Sun Tribe: (Stream) Mokole-Mbembe


Physical Social Mental
Strength 3 Charisma 2 Perception 3
Dexterity 3 Manipulation 2 Intelligence 2
Stamina 4 Appearance 2 Wits 3

Attribute Specialties:
Stamina: Resilient


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness 2 Animal Ken 0 Academics 0
Art 0 Crafts 0 Belief Systems 0
Athletics 3 Drive 0 Computers 0
Brawl 3 Etiquette 0 Enigmas 3
Empathy 1 Firearms 0 Finance 0
Expression 0 Larceny 0 Investigation 0
Intimidation 0 Martial Arts 0 Law 0
Intuition 1 Melee 1 Medicine 0
Leadership 0 Performance 0 Occult 2
Primal Urge 3 Stealth 2 Politics 0
Streetwise 0 Survival 2 Research 0
Subterfuge 0 Technology 0 Science 0
Secondary and Splat Specific Abilities
0 0 Rituals 1
0 0 Criminology 3
0 0 0
0 0 0
Lores Ratings
Awakened 0
Gallian 0
Reborn 0
Shapeshifter 0
Spirits 0
The Hunt 0
Undead 0

Ability Specialties:
@@Ability Specialties@@

Backgrounds Merits and Flaws


Kinfolk: 2
Mnesis: 2
Rituals: 1
Totem: 1 (unassigned: I plan to, via ST-run plot, build exp into this, eventually taking Dragon)
Umbral Maps: 3
Wallow: 2


Step Sideways (7)
Unlike normal members of her Breed, the character may step sideways in the manner of the Garou. While almost all members of her Breed can access the Umbra through Gifts or Rites, the character has an inherent connection to the spirit world. Perhaps this is a particular blessing from a powerful spirit, or perhaps it is as much a mystery to her as it is to everyone else.


Short (1)
You are well below average height — four and a half feet (1.5 meters) tall or less in Homid form. Your diminutive size causes you problems, making it difficult to see over obstacles, reach high shelves, or manipulate things built for average individuals. This lack of stature is mirrored in all of your forms. Your running speed is halved, and your Storyteller may choose to levy additional penalties as appropriate in any given situation, although occasionally, this Flaw can give you a concealment advantage.

Strict Carnivore (1)
“Vegetarian” is just another way of saying “lazy hunter.” Vegetables and grains give you no nutritional benefit; you can only subsist on meat — the closer to raw, the better. You have real problems in areas where meat is scarce.

Banned Transformation: During the Day (5)
Some circumstance, event, or situation inhibits your ability to change forms, except to return to your breed form. To overcome the restricting factor requires the expenditure of a Willpower point and a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 8).


Willpower: 4 / 4
Rage: 5 / 5
Gnosis: 5 / 5
Harano: 0 / 3


Glory: 3
Honor: 0
Wisdom: 0


By Rank:
• - Sight of the True Form (Common), Spirits of Laughter (Striking), Bellow (Rising Sun)

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Physical Description:
His race is a little hard to determine. His features would mostly make people think of a Native American, but he has cobalt blue eyes that stand out in stark contrast. His hair is a ratty mess that would make Robert Smith proud.

His clothing, which is a ratty, mismatched collection that he's haphazardly put together, makes him look like he could be a male Punky Brewster after a crystal meth bender. It's fortunate that he's toned enough and lacks childish features. Otherwise, he might even be mistaken for a child, given that he's barely a peep over 4 feet tall.

This diminutive dinosaur-thing walks upright, with grasping, menacing claws, thick, almost plate-like scales that have hints of almost-feathers poking out from them, and wings connecting across his forelimbs, much like those of a pterodactyl. This would be an impressive, and terrifying, find, were it not barely 6 inches tall (or 9 inches long, if on all 4s)!

He's a gila monster, with the typical black scales with a yellow-orange pattern. The only thing that differentiates him from other gila monsters (to human eyes) is that he's the runt of the clutch. Many might mistake him for a juvenile specimen of nearly 1/3 the normal size, making him a whopping 7 1/2 inches long.

Dreams-of-Rathess isn't a critic because of anything particularly dark. He's just analytical and always looking for ways to improve upon designs and plans. The sheer amusement that this can give him, as well as his flippant approach to many things, sees him coming across as more of a Bon Vivant, although he is, at heart, a critic. If someone was to label him correctly, he'd be seen as a happy cynic.

Deep, in the Californian desert, an egg hatched under a sunless, starless, midnight sky, from among a clutch of gila monster eggs. To anyone familiar enough with reptiles, there would be nothing special about this one. In fact, were it known that this was the runt of the clutch, it might be pitied, and had the hatchling that crawled out to the waiting sands been found by humans, it might have wound up in a terrarium. Of course, as luck would have it, it did fall into human hands - after a fashion.

His mother wasn't Mokolé, although she had the blood. It had been generations since any Mokolé had been born within their lineage, but a much older, homid Mokolé, one who had long-since reached the Rank of Grandfather, had strong ties to Mnesis such that he could even remember the future. He knew when Dreams of Rathess would hatch, where, that he would have a very strong connection to the Mnesis, and even much of who he would become and when he would Dream of his Archid form. He was spirited away to a Wallow, where he'd been looked after by kinfolk until the day finally came that he fell comatose and entered Mnesis for the first time.

In the Dream, the Mnesis, he glimpsed time from the time of the Kings to the present in staggering orders that he quickly found himself understanding, even following. Although the sights, sounds, the whole of these memories, all came to him with little regard for the order of progression, he understood them as if they were his own memories. He knew the order of progression.

He saw a vast city of the Dragon Kings, a bastion of his ancestors. This was a sight onto which he could not hold on for long, but the name stayed on his lips; Rathess. Its splendors were not the only that he witnessed.

What he couldn't see was what ended it all. Neither was he able to bring himself back to that place, despite his best efforts. He felt himself being dragged through the Stream of Memory. He witnessed the Egg-Smashers butchering clutches, smashing eggs, doing all that they could to put an end to the Memory.

When he awoke from the Dream, the old man was waiting for him. He said, “Tell me, Hatchling, of what did you Dream?” Although he would recount the whole tale, the first word that he said was, “Rathelss,” which sparked pleasant surprise in the elder Mokolé.

Patiently, the elderly Mokolé listened. At the end of the tale, he was told, “From today onward, you are Dreams of Rathess.” From there, he was taught the ways of his people.

It would also come to be discovered that he had the ability to Step Sideways into the Umbra. Normally, this is only seen among the Gumagan and those who have learned Gifts to get around their natural inability to cross the Gauntlet. The same elder, while Crowned, was also a bit of a prankster, and given the properties of Dreams of Rathess' Archid form, he taught him the Gift, Bellow, so that the diminutive trickster could bestow the Delerium upon enemies in a time of need.

Dreams of Rathess wanted to earn Dragon's acceptance, to have Him as his Totem. The elder, already connected to that very Totem, took him on an umbral quest that took the pair a few years. Before they eventually made it back home, Dragon made it known through visions that Dreams of Rathess would earn Dragon's patronage, but not out in the desert of his ancestry, and not in the nearby Wallow.

Instead, he would have to travel deep into Florida. There, a small Wallow was waiting for him. Dragon had sent visions so that the Kinfolk would be waiting for a small Gila Monster to arrive.

Unfortunately, *that* would take five years, because Dreams of Rathess kept getting lost. Through getting lost, however, he managed to gain great insight into the workings of the Umbra. In this time, he made maps, both mental and physical, to aid him, so that he would not get lost again.

Eventually, this brought him to Starke, or at least it brought him close enough. Five years, 4 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes, and 1 second after his departure, he *finally* made it. The Kinfolk were waiting. He was brought in, and it was here that the next chapter of his life began.

This new life would begin with him being assigned a couple of Kinfolk. This was so that they could aid him if he was to go venturing into populated places and felt the need for help (in other words, more often at first than later). Additionally, he was taught his first ritual, the Rite of Cleansing. Eventually, but not right away, he would make his way to Starke.

15 + 7 (Flaws) = 22
07 - Merit: Step Sideways
03 - Background: Umbral Maps
02 - Background: Wallow
07 - Rising Sun Auspice Gift: Bellow
02 - Gnosis (from 4 to 5)
01 - Background: Totem (1st dot being held over to eventually gain Dragon as his Personal Totem)
Total: 22

Auspice Bonus: When all is hopeless, a Midnight Sun shines with courage. When a Shining Mokolé brings humor or courage in the midst of a hopeless situation, the Storyteller may bestow an extra die to be used on any one dice pool. The Storyteller should not grant this benefit more than once per scene.
Varna Details and Suchid Traits: Unktehi (Gila monster): Str –1:2, Dex +0:3, Sta +1:5, Man–3:0, Rage 5
Note: Half human running speed, cannot swim.
Bite inflicts Strength –1 damage. Poison Sacs, per the Archid Characteristic above:
May inject poison once per day. On a successful bite attack, the victim must soak four additional dice of poison damage.
Archid Traits:
•• Strength +4:7, Dexterity –1:2, Stamina +4:8, Manipulation –3:0, Appearance 0;
Causes Delirium, may bite and claw for aggravated damage (both at Strength +2).
••• Armoured Scales: +2 Soak (stackable: x1): Soak = 10.
••• Grasping Hands: Normal Manual Dexterity in Archid Form.
••• Hallow Bones: Bones are hallow, but strong. +3 Dex for movement, can fly for hours with wings.
••• Upright Walking: Frees up forelimbs when walking.
••• Wings: Fly for 20mph per point of Stamina, then rest for 8 hours. Penalty offset by hollow bones.

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Dreams of Rathess

Player: Vil


Homid: \ His race is hard to determine. His features would mostly make people think of a Native American, but he has cobalt blue eyes. His hair is a ratty mess that would make Robert Smith proud. His clothing, which is a ratty, mismatched collection that he's haphazardly put together, makes him look like he could be a male Punky Brewster after a crystal meth bender. It's fortunate that he's toned enough and lacks childish features, or he might even be mistaken for a child, given that he's barely a peep over 4 feet tall.\ Archid: \ TREMBLE WITH FEAR!! This diminutive dinosaur-thing walks upright, with grasping, menacing claws, thick, almost plate-like scales, and wings connecting across his forelimbs much like those of a pterodactyl. This would be an impressive, and terrifying, find, were it not barely 6 inches tall (or 9 inches long, if on all 4s)!\ Suchid: \ He's a gila monster, with the typical black scales with a yellow-orange pattern. The only thing that differentiates him from other gila monsters (to human eyes) is that he's the runt of the clutch. Many might mistake him for a juvenile specimen of nearly 1/3 the normal size, making him a whopping 7 1/2 inches long.\


Dreams-of-Rathess isn't a critic because of anything particularly dark. He's just analytical and always looking for ways to improve upon designs and plans. The sheer amusement that this can give him, as well as his flippant approach to many things, sees him coming across as more of a Bon Vivant, although he is, at heart, a critic. If someone was to label him correctly, he'd be seen as a happy cynic.\

Obvious Details:

Less Than Obvious Details:

Banality Score:

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